Scientific Method

  1. What is the term scientific method?
    The step by step process which leads to knowledge.
  2. What are the steps of the scientific method?
    • Observation
    • Hypothesis
    • Experiment
    • Result
    • Conclusion
  3. What happens if a hypothesis is supported?
    Formation of theory or principle
  4. What happens if a hypothesis is not supported?
    A new hypothesis needs to be found and tested.
  5. What is the term hypothesis?
    An educated guess based on observations.
  6. What is the term theory?
    Formed when the hypothesis has been proved by different experiments.
  7. What is the term principle?
    Formed when a theory stands the test of time and is shown to be valid under all conditions.
  8. What can happen a hypothesis based on results of an experiment?
    Based on the results of an experiment a hypothesis can be supported, rejected, or changes and retested.
  9. Where can details of an experiment and results be published?
    Details of an experiment and the results can be published in a Journal to inform the scientific community and allow further research.
  10. Why are details of an experiment and the details published in a journal?
    Details of an experiment and the results are published in a journal to inform the scientific community and allow further research.
  11. If a hypothesis is continually supported by many experiments what does it become known as?
    A theory
  12. What makes an experiment fair?
    • Sample size
    • Random selection
    • Replication
    • Double blind testing
    • Placebo
  13. What is qualitative data?
    Observations based without measurements, descriptive data, describes how something looks,smells , sounds or feels.
  14. What is quantitative data?
    Observations based on measurements, numerical data, deals with specific quantities, usually in the form of a graph or chart.
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Scientific Method