1. Personal Security means
    • protecting yourself online
    • Defeating Social Engineering
    • Think before you click
    • Trust your gut – Be a little skeptical
    • When in doubt, ASK

    • Passwords
    • Long - at least 12 characters
    • Complex - Use numbers and special symbols
    • Passphrases are better
    • Not anything about you
    • Not the same from previous passwords
    • Use a password manager

    • Multifactor Authentication (MFA)- Using at least two of the following, something you
    • Know (password)
    • Are (fingerprint, face, voice)
    • Have (smartphone, card)
  2. Device Security means
    • protecting your computers (PCs, laptops, tablets, etc.)
    • AntiVirus (AV) applications
    • Patching and Updates
  3. Device
    • Device Security means protecting your computers (PCs, laptops, tablets, etc.)
    • AntiVirus (AV) applications
    • Patching and Updates
  4. Network Security
    • means protecting how you connect
    • Wireless (WiFi) Security - Home and Remote
  5. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
    Authentication using two or more factors to achieve authentication.
  6. AntiVirus (AV) applications
    A program or tool specifically designed to detect many forms of malware and prevent them from infecting computers, as well as cleaning computers that have already been infected.
  7. Patching
    A software component that, when installed, directly modifies files or device settings related to a different software component without changing the version number or release details for the related software component.
  8. Updating
    An authorized increase in the level of protection to be provided to specified information, e.g., from a Low impact-level to a Moderate impact-level.
  9. List the characteristics of strong passwords?
    • At least 12 characters long
    • Uses a mix of letters, numbers and special symbols

    • Long - at least 12 characters
    • Complex - Use numbers and special symbols
    • Passphrases are better
    • Not anything about you
    • Not the same from previous passwords
    • Use a password manager
  10. the best ways to help secure your device
    such as computers?
    1-Install anti-virus softwares

    2-Keep your software and operating system up-to-date
  11. Why did Microsoft establish Patch Tuesday as the second Tuesday of the month in 2003?
    To reduce costs associated with patch deployment
  12. Password Managers
    Passwords are a poor way to prove a user's identity.

    They are easily shared, written down, and leaked.

    there are so many to remember! Password managers are encrypted vaults that hold your passwords so you don't need to memorize them or write them down. Besides keeping your identity, credentials, and sensitive data safe, a password manager can generate strong, unique passwords to ensure you aren't reusing them across your devices and services. This way, you can use a much longer, complex, and ultimately more secure password. An additional benefit with many password managers is that you can use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with them. Common password management applications include:
  13. Common password management applications include?
    • -LastPass
    • -KeePass
    • -1Password
    • -Dashlane
  14. Virustotal.com
    • inspects uploaded files and website URLs with over 70
    • antivirus scanners and URL/domain blacklisting services.
  15. Glossary Phishing;Malware;Ransomware ;Business Email Compromise;Internet of things;Multi factor authentication;Antivirus;Patching;Updating
    Phishing: A technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data, such as bank account numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation in email or on a web site, in which the perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate business or reputable person.

    Malware: Software or firmware intended to perform an unauthorized process that will have an adverse impact on the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an information system.

    A virus, worm, Trojan horse, or other code-based entity that infects a host. Spyware and some forms of adware are also examples of malicious code

    Ransomware: A type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

    Business Email Compromise: An exploit in which an attacker obtains access to a business email account and imitates the owner's identity, in order to defraud the company and its employees, customers or partners

    Internet of Things: The interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data

    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Authentication using two or more factors to achieve authentication.

    AntiVirus (AV) applications: A program or tool specifically designed to detect many forms of malware and prevent them from infecting computers, as well as cleaning computers that have already been infected.

    Patching: A software component that, when installed, directly modifies files or device settings related to a different software component without changing the version number or release details for the related software component.

    Updating: An authorized increase in the level of protection to be provided to specified information, e.g., from a Low impact-level to a Moderate impact-level.
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