doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ Thursday
_ the morning
_ five o´clock
- ON Thursday
- IN the morning
- AT five o´clock
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ the spring
_ the garden
_ home
- IN the spring
- IN the garden
- AT home
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ 1970
_ my birthday
_ December
- IN 1970
- ON my birthday
- IN December
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ Christmas
_ Christmas Day
_ London
- AT Christmas
- ON Christmas Day
- IN London
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ the station
_ Moravia
_ the evening
- AT the station
- IN Moravia
- IN the evening
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ a quarter to twelve
_ Monday evening
_ the weekend
- AT a quarter to twelve
- ON Monday evening
- AT the weekend
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ school
_ Thursdays
_ the 1970s
- AT school
- ON Thursdays
- IN the 1970s
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ midnight
_ Easter
_ 7th March
- AT midnight
- AT Easter
- ON 7th March
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ the 17th century
_ work
_ the airport
- IN the 17th century
- AT work
- AT the airport
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ New Year´s Day
_ the dentist´s
_ the beach
- ON New Year´s Day
- AT the dentist´s
- ON the beach
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ the tram stop
_ the hairdresser´s
_ the New Year
- AT the tram stop
- AT the hairdresser´s
- ON the New Year
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ the afternoon
_ this page
_ this sentence
- IN the afternoon
- ON this page
- IN this sentence
doplňte předložky in,on,at:
_ university
_ my aunt´s
- AT university
- AT my aunt´s
Někdo je u dveří.
There is someone at the door.
na straně 7
k plotu
- on page 7
- towards the fence /(up) to the fence
před tabulí
před hodinou angličtiny
- in front of the blackboard
- before the English lesson
nad postelí
pod vodou
- above/ over the bed
- under/ below the water
podél břehu řeky
za rohem
- along the river bank
- (a)round the corner
mezi námi
mezi přáteli
- between/ among us
- among friends
kvůli jeho rodičům
cesta pěšky
- because of/ on account of his parents
- a journey on foot
- the day after tomorrow
- the day before yesterday
doplňte in, on, nebo at
_ the third floor
_ five minutes
_ the world
- ON the third floor
- IN five minutes
- IN the world
doplňte in, on, nebo at
_ the concert
_ the sky
_ the rain
- AT the concert
- IN the sky
- IN the rain
doplňte in, on, nebo at
_ night
_ the night
_ holiday
_ the holidays
- AT night
- IN (ON) the night
- ON holiday
- IN the holidays
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the west
_ the wedding
_ the picture
- IN the west
- AT the wedding
- IN the picture
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the mountains
_ a farm
_ a housing estate
- IN the mountains
- ON a farm
- ON a housing estate
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the car park
_ the traffic lights
_ a business trip
- IN the car park
- AT the traffic lights
- ON a business trip
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the photograph
_ a car (jako pasažér)
_ a bus (jako pasažér)
- IN the photograph
- IN a car
- ON a bus
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ a football match (jako fanoušek)
_ a football match (jako hráč)
_ the playground
- AT a football match (jako fanoušek)
- IN a football match (jako hráč)
- IN the playground
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the countryside
_ the menu
_ time
- IN the countryside
- ON the menu
- IN/ON time
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ sale
_ once
_ the moment
- doplňte in, on, nebo at:
- ON sale
- AT once
- AT the moment
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ a while
_ first
_ last
- IN a while
- AT first
- AT last
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the end (nakonec)
_ the end of the week
_ the end of the story
_ the end of a piece of string
- IN the end (nakonec)
- AT the end of the week
- AT the end of the story
- ON the end of a piece of string
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the start of the meeting
_ the beginning of the article
_ the beginning God created...
- AT the start of the meeting
- AT the beginning of the article
- IN the beginning God created
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the edge of town
_ the town centre
_ the middle of the room
- AT/ON the edge of town
- IN the town centre
- IN the middle of the room
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the front of the blackboard
_ the front page
- IN the front of the blackboard
- ON the front page
doplňte in, on, nebo at:
_ the top of the page
_ top of the mountain
- AT the top of the page
- ON top of the mountain