2023 02 Feb

  1. Dela Tekpor
    Logistics Mgr in Jabal Ali

    Image Upload 2
  2. Logistics Mgr in Jabal Ali

    Image Upload 4
    Dela Tekpor
  3. GM of SIML
    Ben Bianchi
  4. SRP plant #
  5. What do we need from OSC to import?
    A shipping invoice.  Not fiscal.
  6. why do we have to watch the re-import of LH parts so closely.
    • 1. So we don't create false demand to other suppliers.
    • 2. So other locations can't order the parts put into stock.
  7. 3 things about EZ type Liner Hanger
    • 1.  Welded.
    • 2.  No FAT.
    • 3.  Mayank suggests not to disassemble.
  8. PML
    Parametric Material Library (3MT's one stop shop)

    Emrah runs
  9. Web page that Emrah runs for 3MT
  10. Who is Nishalie?

    Image Upload 6
    Materials Manager (peer to Mona and Dela)
  11. Image Upload 8
    EZ Hanger (no seals)
  12. Image Upload 10
    Cone pads (welded on)
  13. lower cage
  14. Mandrel (welded cones)
  15. Stop ring
  16. Upper cage
  17. Deviation vs Concession
    • Deviation = planned
    • Concession = unplanned
  18. 8Ds
    • 1. Team
    • 2. Document
    • 3. Contain
    • 4. Root Cause
    • 5. Corrective actions (Identify)
    • 6. Corrective actions (Implement)
    • 7. Recurrence
    • 8. Recognize team
Card Set
2023 02 Feb