Computers process code in binary because the transistors in its CPU and memory components also have two states (off and on).
Wireless radio-based technology, working at up to 10m (30 feet) at up to 1 Mbps
Latest generation of optical drive technology, with disc capacity of 25 GB per layer.
Bytes in a kilobyte
1024 bytes
Data type supporting 1–bit storage, representing TRUE and FALSE.
Boot Partition
In Microsoft terminology, the partition that contains the operating system.
Web Browser
A software application that allows users view and retrieve the contents of the World Wide Web.
Buses are the connections between components on the motherboard and peripheral devices attached to the computer.
A business continuity plan. Designed to ensure that critical business functions demonstrate high availability and fault tolerance.
Computer Aided Design. Software that makes technical drawings and schematics easier to produce and revise.
Captive Portal
A web page or website to which a client is redirected before being granted full network access.
Compact Disc—Read Only Memory). An optical storage technology. The discs can normally hold 700 MB of data.
Optical Drive
A type of computer hardware that reads and writes data from and to optical media, such as CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs.
SSL Certificate
Secure Sockets Layer Certificate, also known as Web Page Certificate. A public key that has been certified by some agency, validating that the owner of the key is really who he or she says he or she is and ultimately, secures the connection by using encryption.
Data type supporting storage of a single character.
The chipset provides communications between different components by implementing various controllers (for memory, graphics, I/O, and so on).
Chrome OS
Google's cloud-based OS derived from Linux, via an open source OS called Chromium.
CIA Triad
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability—the goals for providing a secure information management system.
Cloud Computing
A model of computing in which users can access and use shared computing resources, such as servers, storage, and applications, over the internet.