Abnormal Psyc - Chapter 3

  1. Correlate
    A factor that co-varies with, or associated with, some outcome of interest
  2. Risk factor
    A correlate that occurs before some outcome of interest (e.g depression is a risk factor for suicide)
  3. Variable risk factor
    A risk factor that can change within a person (e.g level of depression can vary within a person)
  4. Fixed marker
    A risk factor that cannot change within a person (e.g race cannot vary within a person, and white race is a marker of increased risk of suicide death)
  5. Variable marker
    A variable risk factor that, when changed, doesn’t influence the outcome of interest (I.e it can vary, but it is still a marker of increased risk for the outcome of interest.
  6. Casual risk factor
    A variable risk factor that changed, changes the likelihood of the outcome of interest (e.g if effectively treating depression decreased the risk of suicide, we would call it a casual risk factor).
  7. Etiology
    Factors that are related to the development (or cause) of a particular disorder
  8. Necessary cause
    A condition that must exist for a disorder to occur
  9. Sufficient cause
    A condition that guarantees the occurrence of a disorder
  10. Contributory cause
    A condition that increases the probability of developing a disorder but not that is neither necessary nor sufficient for it to occur
  11. Diathesis stress models
    View of abnormal behavior as the result of stress operating on an individual who has biological. Psychosocial, or sociocultural predisposition to developing a specific disorder
  12. Diathesis
    Predisposition or vulnerability to developing a given disorder
  13. Stress
    Effects created within an organism by the application of a stressor
  14. Protective factors
    Influences that modify a persons response to an environmental stressor, making it less likely that the person will experience that adverse effects of the stressor
  15. Resilience
    The ability to adapt successfully to even very difficult circumstances
  16. Developmental psychopathology
    Field of psychology that focuses on determining what is abnormal at any point in the developmental process by comparing and contrasting it with normal and expected changes that occur
  17. Biopsychosocial viewpoint
    A viewpoint that acknowledges the interacting roles of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors in the origins of psychopathology
  18. Genes
    Long molecules of DNA that are present at various locations on chromosomes and that are responsible for the transmission of hereditary traits
  19. Chromosomes
    The Chain like structures within a cell nucleus that contain the genes
  20. Polygenic
    Caused by the action of many genes together in an additive or interactive fashion
  21. Genotype
    A persons total genetic endowment
  22. Phenotype
    The observed structural and functional characteristics of a person that result from the interaction between the genotype and the environment
  23. Genotype environment interaction
    Differential sensitivity susceptibility to their environments by people who have different genotypes
  24. Genotype environment correlation
    Genotypic vulnerability that can shape a child’s environmental experiences
  25. Behavior genetics
    Field that studies the heritability of mental disorders and other aspects of psychological functioning such as personality and intelligence
  26. Twin method
    The use of identical and non identical twins to study genetic influences on abnormal behavior
  27. Concordance rate
    The percentage of twins sharing a disorder or trait
  28. Linkage analysis
    Studies of mental disorders capitalize on several currently known locations on chromosomes of genes for other inherited physical characteristics or biological processes (such as eye color or blood group)
  29. Association studies
    Genetic research strategy comparing frequency of certain genetic markers known to be located on particular chromosomes in People with and without a particular disorder
  30. Synapse
    Site of communication from the axon of one neuron to the dendrites or cell body of another neuron - a tiny filled space between neurons
  31. Neurotransmitters
    Chemical substances that are release into a synapse by a presynaptic neuron and that transmit nerve impulsive from one neuron to another
  32. Hormones
    Chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands that regulate development of and activity in various parts of the body
  33. Pituitary gland
    Endocrine gland associated with many regulatory functions
  34. Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis/system
    The HPA axis is a hormonal feedback system that becomes activated by stress and results in the production of cortisol
  35. Cortisol
    Human stress hormone released by the cortex of the adrenal glands
  36. Temperament
    A child’s reactivity and characteristic ways of self regulation, which is believed to be biologically programmed
  37. Id
    In psychoanalytic theory, the reservoir of instinctual drives and the first structure to appear in infancy
  38. Libido
    I’m psychoanalytic theory a term used to describe the instinctual drives of the id, the basic constructive energy of life, primarily sexual in nature
  39. Pleasure principle
    Demand that an instinctual need be immediately gratified regardless of reality or moral consideration
  40. Primary process thinking
    Gratification of id demands by means of imagery or fantasy without the ability to undertake the realistic actions needed to meet those instinctual demands
  41. Ego
    The rational part of the personality that mediates between the demand of the id, the constraints of the superego, and the realities of the external world
  42. Secondary process thinking
    Reality oriented rational processes of the ego for dealing with external world and the exercise of control over id demands
  43. Reality principle
    Awareness of the demand of the environment and the adjustment of behavior to meet these demands
  44. Superego
    Conscience, ethical or moral dimensions (attitudes) of personality
  45. Intrapsychic conflict
    Inner mental struggles resulting from the interplay of the id, ego, and superego when the three subsystems are striving for different goals
  46. Psychosexual stages of development
    5 stages of psychosexual development, each characterized by a dominant mode of achieving sexual pleasure: the oral stage, the anal stage, the Phallic stage, the latency stage, and the genital stage
  47. Ego psychology
    Psychodynamic theory emphasizing the importance of the ego-the “executive branch of the personality” in organizing normal personality development
  48. Object relations theory
    The viewpoint focuses on an infant or young child’s interactions with “objects” (I.e real or imagined people) as well as how they make symbolic representations of important people in their lives
  49. Interpersonal perspective
    Approach to understanding abnormal behavior that views much of psychopathology as rooted in the unfortunate tendencies we develop while dealing with our interpersonal environments, thus focuses on our relationships, past and present, with Other people
  50. Attachment theory
    Contemporary developmental and psychodynamic theory emphasizing the importance of early experiments with attachment relationships in laying the foundation for later functioning throughout life
  51. Learning
    Modification of behavior as a consequence of experience
  52. Classical conditioning
    A basic form of learning in which a neutral stimulus is paired repeatedly with an unconditioned stimulus that naturally elicits an unconditioned response, after repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus becomes conditioned that elicits a conditioned response
  53. Extinction
    Gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when it is no long we reinforced
  54. Spontaneous recovery
    The return of a learned response at some time after extinction has occurred
  55. Operant conditioning
    Form of learning in which if a particular response is reinforced, it becomes more likely to be repeated on similar occasions
  56. Reinforcement
    The process of rewarding desired response
  57. Generalization
    Tendency of a response that has been conditioned to one stimulus to be elicited by other, similar stimuli
  58. Discrimination
    Ability to interpret and respond differently to two or more similar stimuli
  59. Observational learning
    Learning through observation alone without directly experiencing an unconditioned stimulus (for classical conditioning) or a reinforcement (for instrumental conditioning)
  60. Cognitive behavioral perspective
    A theory of abnormal behavior that focuses on how thoughts and information processing can become distorted and lead to maladaptive emotions and behavior
  61. Schema
    An underlying representation of knowledge that guides current processing of information and often leads to distortions in attention, memory, and comprehension
  62. Attribution
    Is simply the process of assigning cause to things that happen
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Abnormal Psyc - Chapter 3