Retirement and Welfare Benefit Programs

  1. Does ERISA require ers to provide benefits?
    no they just have to say that they do , meet certain minimum standards on vesting, accrual payments, or else they cannot deduct payments on taxes
  2. If you divorce does you spouse have rights to your pension benefits?
    Yes, half
  3. EE takes the risk of investment
    defined contribution plan
  4. employer promises to pay a “defined benefit” to the employee for life, after retirement at a certain age, according to a formula based on years of service and average monthly salary.
    Defined Benefit Plan
  5. the employer promises to make a “defined contribution” to an individual account for each employee with every paycheck
    defined contribution plan
  6. contracts that allow EE's to combine DB and DC plans if they want
    hybrid plan/ cash balance plan
  7. EE and ER share the risk of investment
    hybrid plan/ cash balance plan
  8. Any person who is a ____, shall be personally liable to make good to such plan any losses to the plan resulting from each such breach
  9. Under ERISA fiduciary duty if (1) named fiduciary in plan documents or (2) assume fiduciary responsibilities  professionals advising them are not fiduciaries but
    can be held liable for equitable relief under ERISA
  10. An involuntary termination occurs when the PBGC takes over the plan due to
    • 1. Failure to meet minimum funding requirements and
    • 2. Inability to pay benefits due
  11. Risk on ER
    defined benefit plan
Card Set
Retirement and Welfare Benefit Programs
Basic Legal Requirements