
  1. opposite, palmate, pubescent leaves with entire sinuses (no serrations)
    one edge of bark ridge turns outwards with age
    • Acer floridanum (of Florida)
    • Aceraceae (Maple); southern sugar maple
    • *Fruit: samara (fall)
    • wood used in furn, floor, baseball bats, bowling alleys/pins
    • songbirds eat fruit
    • landscaping
  2. similar to umbrella tree, but leaves more alternate; no big bud at tip
    • Asimina triloba (3-lobed flower)
    • Annonaceae; pawpaw
    • Fruit: berry
    • fruit skin can cause rash in some people
    • fruits eaten by turkey, small mammals, humans
  3. x's and y's on bark, but smoother9 or more leaflets per leaf
    • Carya cordiformis (heart-shaped)
    • Juglandaceae; bitternut hickory
    • Fruit: nut similar to red hickory
    • wood use same as other hickories (pecan)
    • squirrels eat fruit
  4. Alt, compound
    5 large leaflets per leaf
    very shaggy bark on mature trees
    • Carya ovata (egg-shaped)
    • Juglandaceae; shagbark hickory
    • member of true hickory section (not pecan)
    • *Fruit: nut w/ THICK husk
    • squirrels eat nut, sometimes humans
  5. smooth, gray bark w/ warty outgrowths above 8ft
    alt. simple, 3x longer than wide
    asymmetric leaf base
    • Celtis laevigata (smooth)
    • Ulmaceae (Elm); sugarberry
    • Fruit: drupe
    • wood used for steam-bent furn.
    • songbirds eat fruit
  6. alt. simple, serrated
    skinny thorns!
    • Crataegus sp.
    • Rosaceae; hawthorn
    • fruit: pome
    • difficult/unstable genus
    • songbirds eat fruit
  7. smooth, silvery, thin bark
    alt. simple, pinnate, may be pubescent;
    long brown bud
    • Fagus grandifolia (large-leaved)
    • Fagaceae (Beech); beech
    • *Fruit: nut
    • raw nuts toxic to humans
    • squirrels eat fruit
    • porcupines eat inner bark
    • wood used for bowls, cutting boards
    • beech bark disease killing beech trees in NY and PA
  8. small tree, often crooked, smooth gray bark
    abundant short shoots, crenulate
    • Ilex decidua (deciduous)
    • Aquifoliaceae; possumhaw
    • fruie: drupe
    • eaten by songbirds - NOT humans
    • dioecious
  9. thin, entire, fragrant leaves
    tiny rounded flower buds at nodes
    • Lindera benzoin
    • Lauraceae (Laurel); spicebush
    • fruit: drupe
    • eaten by songbirds
    • dioecious
  10. 6+ lobes per side
    • Quercus x beadlei
    • Fagaceae (beech); hybrid white oak
    • hybrids cannot form between red and white sections
  11. shaggy bark (false-shagbarky)
    coarsely crenate leaf, obovate/elliptical
    cap scales free (not fused), hemispherical cap
    • Quercus michauxii (named for french botanist)
    • Fagaceae (beech); swamp chestnut oak
    • *Fruit: nut (hemispherical cap, scales not fused)
    • a white oak
    • wetland restoration tree
  12. scaly flaky bark - no ski trails, no deep furrows/ridges,
    upside down pagoda leaf
    • Quercus pagoda (like a pagoda)
    • Fagaceae; cherrybark oak, swam red oak
    • *fruit: nut
    • highest lumber value in red oaks
  13. ski trails
    deeply lobed leaves w/ flat base
    lobes get wider away from base, some overlap!
    • Quercus shumardii (named for TX geologist)
    • Fagaceae; Shumard oak
    • *Fruit: nut
    • wood and wildlife similar to other red oaks
    • landscape plant
  14. alt., linnear, serrate, glabrous leaves
    • Salix nigra (black)
    • Salicaceae (Willow); black willow
    • Fruit: capsule
    • lightweight wood
    • formerly used for wooden limbs, black powder
    • salicylic acid (aspirin)
  15. vine w/ sharp prickles
    • Smilax sp.
    • Smilacaceae; smilax, greenbrier
    • Fruit: berry
    • woody monocot
    • songbirds eat fruit
    • whitetail and humans eat young foliage
    • potato-like rhizomes formerly chopped into flour or jelly
    • tendrils are modified stipules
  16. opposite, trifoliate, turnate?
    • Staphylea trifolia (3-leaved)
    • Staphyleaceae (Bladdernut); bladdernut
    • *Fruit: capsule
  17. opp. simple, serrate, dull leaves with acute-accuminate tips
    • Viburnum prunifolium (leaves like Prunus)
    • Adoxaceae; blackhaw
    • Fruit: drupe
    • eaten by songbirds
    • deer browse foliage
    • 2nd largest viburnum
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Swift Creek I: Piedmont stream bottom: high productivity, well drained to imperfectly-drained soils with localized wet depressions and long history of shifting agriculture