Ice Detection and Prevention

  1. What sources are used for aircraft anti icing and deicing?
    Bleed air heat and electric heat
  2. What uses bleed air for ice protection?
    Engine cowls, 3 outboard slats (inner slats are not heated)
  3. What part of the engine is heated?
    Engine cowl
  4. What control surfaces are heated by the wing anti ice system?
    3 outboard slats on each wing
  5. Which panels on the wing do not have ice protection?
    Slats inboard of the pylon
  6. What uses electric heat for ice protection?
    • Pitot static system (ADSP and TAT probes)
    • Windshields
    • Water lines
    • Static port
  7. What is heated at engine start?
    ADSP, TAT probes, water lines windshield and static port
  8. If an engine fails, does the opposite wing and engine receive ice protection?
    • The crossbleed opens and the opposite wing receives protection
    • The opposite engine cowl does not receive protection
  9. How long will the engine and wing anti ice system remain on after icing is no longer detected?
    2 to 5 minutes ( epic load dependent)
  10. What is the definition of icing conditions?
    SAT on ground / TO or TAT in flight is 10C or below and visible moisture is present in any form. (Clouds, fog or mist of one mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, and ice crystals). Or when operating on the ramp, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on the engines, nacelles or engine sensor probe.

    SAT and TAT are only valid above 60KIAS
  11. Can the APU be used to provide bleed air for deicing?
  12. Is the ice protection system automatic?
    Yes, under normal conditions
  13. Can the pilot override the automatic ice protection system? How?
    Yes, turn the ICE PROTECTION selector knob to ON
  14. How many ice detectors does the aircraft have?
  15. If any ice accumulation is detected or suspected and the ice detection system is not activating the ice protection, what should the pilot do?
    Manually activate the system
  16. How can you tell if you are picking up ice?
    Look at the windshield wipers and windshield
  17. What happens if there is a single bleed source failure?
    The crossbleed automatically opens and uses opposite side bleed air
  18. What happens to the engine anti ice valve with the loss of electrical power?
    The engine anti ice valve fails open
  19. Where do we set engine anti ice?
  20. If ICING on the MCDC is set to off and the mode selector is set to AUTO, ON TO roll icing conditions are encountered, will the deicing system turn on?
    Not until 1700 ft AGL or 2 min after TO ( whichever happens first)
  21. During taxi out and TO, the MCDU DATASET MENU must be set to ALL when?
    SAT is 10C or below and icing conditions exist or are anticipated
  22. When does selecting ALL on the MCDU provide and how long does protection last if no ice is detected with the ice mode selector in AUTO?
    • Engine anti ice
    • On when engines are running. 1700 AGL or 2 mins
    • On when wheelspeed reaches 40 kias. 1700 AGL or 2 mins
  23. When would you use each MCDU DATASET MENU anti ice option? (All, Eng, off)
    • All / when icing exists or is anticipated
    • Eng / never
    • Off / when no icing conditions are present
  24. Are wings heated on the ground? At what speed do they activate?
    • Yes. Only when ALL is selected
    • When wheelspeed is greater than 40 kts
  25. With the ice detector mode selector knob set to ON, When will the engine A/I ice system operate?
    Whenever the engines are running
  26. How should the engine anti ice be set for taxi out and in? When does the engine anti ice turn on?
    • Departure/ MCDU set to ALL and the respective engine is running
    • Arrival /. Mode selector knob set to ON
  27. What is the maximum speed to operate the windshield wipers?
    250 KIAS
  28. What is the maximum airspeed if the windshield wiper is failed unparked?
    Vmo / MMO
  29. What happens if the windshield wiper is operated on a dry windshield?
    • Will not operate
    • Wiper will remain inoperative until the selector is set to one of 3 available speeds.
  30. When there is only 1 AC source in flight how does it affect the windshield heating system?
    Left side is heated ( Right side if left side fails)
  31. Is there a test for the anti ice system?
    Yes, but mx performs this test
  32. Passing through 10000 ft after TO you see the EICAS AI WING VLV OPEN, why?
    The system is testing itself.
Card Set
Ice Detection and Prevention