
  1. limited Government
    one that is subject to strict limits on it lawful uses of power and it requires that majority rule stop at the point where it infringes on the legitimate rights and interest of the minority
  2. self government
    a government based on the people and subject to thier control, it require that the majority through its representatives have the power to rule.
  3. inalienable rights (natural rights)
    also known as natural rights, which include those of life, liberty and property and can rebel against a ruler who tramples on these rights.
  4. the virginia plan
    also known as the large-state plan called a two chamber congress that would have supreme authority in all areas "in which the seperate states are incompetant" particulary defense and interstate trade. It also provided representation in both chambers would be based on size.
  5. new jersey plan
    Also called the small state plan called for a stronger national government with the power to tax and to regulate commerece amoung the states: in most other respects, however, the articles would remain in effect and congress would have one single chamber in which wach state large or small would have single vote
  6. Great compromise
    it provided for a (two chamber ) congress. one chamber, the house of representitatives would be appotioned amoung the states on the basis of population. The other chamber, the senate would be apportioned on the basis of an equal number of votes (two) for each state.
  7. the anti federalist
  8. the anti federalist(opponents of the consistution)
    raised arguments that still echo in America, they claimed that the national government would be to powerful and would threaten self government in the seperate states and the liberty of people.
  9. federalism
    the division of political authority between national government and the states, enabling the people to appeal to one authority if thier rights and interest are not respected by the other authority.
  10. constitution
    is the findamental law that defines how a goverment will legitimatley operate the method for chossing its leaders the instituions theough which these leadrs will work the procedures they must follow in making policy and the powers they can lawfully excercise.
  11. grants of power
    powers granted to the national gov: acordingly, powers not granted it are denied it unless they are necessary and proper to the carrying out of the granted powers.
  12. denials of power
    powers experssivley denied to the national and state governmnets by the constitution
  13. separated institutions
    the division of the national governments power amoung three power-sharing branches, powers of the other two
  14. bill of rights
    the first ten amendments to the con, which specify rights to citizens that the national gov must respect.
  15. judicial review
    the power of the courts to declare governemental action bull and void when it it found to violate the con.
  16. elections
    the power of the voters to remove officials from office
  17. trustees
    rep are obliged to serve the interest of those who elect them, but the nature of this interest is for the rep not the voters to decide.
  18. electoral votes
    each state would have the same number of ev as it had members in congress and could select its elcetors by a method of its choosing
  19. methods of choosing national leaders
    • prez:ev 4 years
    • us sen: state legislature 6 years ( one third of senators terms expire every 2 years)
    • us representative pop election 2 years
    • federal judge nomintated by prez approved by senate (indefintie subject to good behavior )
  20. delegates
    office holders who are obligated to respond directly to the expressed opinions of the people they represent
  21. primery election
    which gives rank and file voters the power to select party nominees
  22. consistitutional democracy
    it is democratic in its provisions for majority influence through elections and consistitutional in its requirements that power gained through elections be excercised in accordance with law and with due respect for individual rights.
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political scence