Religion Study Guide

  1. What are the 6 dimensions of religion?
    • mythical --> stories;
    • ritual --> dramatized myths;
    • ethical --> values, rights or wrongs-- prophets, provasive-ness of the dimension;
    • experiential --> experiences (like Moses)
    • doctrinal --> beliefs over time get turned into a legal system
    • social --> institutions; carry out the message [methodist or baptist church;]
  2. What does the Hebrew Bible Canon consist of?
    • Torah
    • a
    • Nevi'im
    • a
    • Kethuvim
  3. Torah?
    • does not mean the law; it means 'instruction'
    • completed ca.536 BCE
  4. Nevi'im?
    • consists of 'the prophets'
    • subdivision --> former prophets and latter prophets;
    • completed: ca.200 BCE
  5. Kethuvim?
    • known as: 'writings'
    • completed: uncertain?
  6. Hebrew Biblical Canon was...
    • manuscripts --> Dead Sea Scrolls (150 BCE)
    • ..some may be biblical texts;
  7. Septuagint was...
    • language: koine (Greek)
    • contained: OT and Apocryphal books
    • scriptures of the early church
  8. Early Christian Canon consist of...
    A difference in order (Gospels, Acts, Pauline epistles, Catholic epistles & the Apocalypse)

    Process of Canonization: Historical context (Tense relations between Jews)
  9. Stage 1 was...
    Sources // oral && written sources
  10. Stage 2 was...
    • Documents // language : koine (Greek)
    • letters of Paul: 49-67 CE
    • 4 Gospels: 60-90 CE

    everyone accepted by the end of the 2nd century
  11. Stage 3 was...
    • Canon // Marcion's canon: surfaced in mid 2nd century
    • First to create (people didn't like it)
    • No trace of NT and Apocryphal
  12. Who was Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria?
    • 367 CE
    • listed texts, which became our NT
  13. What was the "vulgate canon?"
    • "common" canon
    • St.Jerome: 383 CE
    • language: latin
    • contents: OT, NT, and select Apocryphal books
  14. What does the "deuterocanon" consist of?
    ..the additional texts that were removed.
  15. "in illo tempore"
    ..myths help us to connect with
  16. "Cosmogony" is . . .
    beliefs concerning the origin of the universe
  17. "Cosmology" . . .
    doesn't have to deal with origin, but rather how a culture believes it was constructed.
  18. The enuma elish was...
    • the Babylonian Creation Myth
    • Marduk - hero (if wins, he was chief)
    • Ti'amut - evil
    • chaos kampf was present (battle)
    • Polytheistic
  19. What is "chaos kampf"?
    battle or struggle
  20. What represents chaos in creation myths?
  21. Genesis 1 and 2 consists of...
    • the Israelite Creation Myth
    • no chaos kampf
    • Monotheistic
  22. What were some differences between Gen.1&2 and Enuma Elish?
    • Marduk had help in creation || God was monotheistic
    • the creation of humankind was not of importance to the Gods in Enuma Elish (slaves)

    e.g. (the blood of the traitor was used to create)
  23. What happened in 586?
    Babylon destroyed Judah
  24. What is "theogony"?
    Origin of the God;
  25. In Gen.1&2, there was no political/national goal, however...
    in Enuma Elish, authority was given to Babylon.
  26. What are the functions Gen.1&2 serve to the reader?
    • Religious
    • Social
    • Psychological
    • Ideological
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Religion Study Guide
Religion study guide exam one