Operating systems - Important questions

  1. Define the two main categories of processor registers, and list the names of those registers
    • User visible registers
    •   - Data registers.
    •   - Address registers.
    • Control status registers
    •   - Program counter.
    •   - Instruction register.
    •   - Program status word.
  2. What is an interrupt
    • Interrupts a used to improve the performance of the computer. The processor can execute other instructions if there is an IO module for the device.
    • The processor can suspend operation of the current process and go to an interrupt handler routine. After the interrupt, the previous process can continue to run. This stops the CPU from idling while waiting for an I\O operation.
  3. Consider a 32-bit microprocessor with 32-bit external data bus, driven by an 8-MHz input clock. Assume that this microprocessor has a bus cycle whose duration equal 8 clock cycles. That is, in order to transmit 32-bit through the bus, it requires 8 clock cycles. What is the maximum data transfer rate across the bus that this microprocessor can sustain in bytes/s?
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  4. Give the definition of process.
    A process is an instance of a program running on a computer.
  5. Draw the figure of five state process model.
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  6. List the four control tables in OS.
    • - Memory tables.
    • - File tables.
    • - IO tables.
    • - Process tables.
  7. What kind of process information does an OS must know in order to manage and control a process?
    • Process location.
    • Process attributes.
  8. Why we should keep the processor state information in the PCB?
    Used for interrupt, when a process is interrupted all of the reigster information must be saved so that it can be restored when the process resumes.
  9. List the four major achievements in OS.
    • - Processes.
    • - Memory management.
    • - Information protection and security.
    • - Scheduling and resource management.
  10. List and draw three figures to illustrate the three approaches for the execution of the Operating System.
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  11. Draw the figure of a process image where the operating system executes within the process.
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  12. List four events which will create a new process?
    • New batch job.
    • Interactive logon.
    • Created by OS to provide a service.
    • Spawned by existing process.
  13. List the five steps inside OS when a new process is generated.
    • Assign a unique process ID.
    • Allocate space for the process.
    • Initialize PCB.
    • Setup appropriate linkages.
    • Create or expand other data structures.
  14. Describe the seven steps involved in a process switch.
    • Save context of processor.
    • Update PCB.
    • Move the PCB to the appropriate queue.
    • Select another process for execution.
    • Update PCB of the selected process.
    • Update memory management data structures.
    • Restore context of the previous process.
  15. List four benefits of threads
    • Thread is a small process, so it takes less time to create.
    • Less time to terminate.
    • Less time to switch.
    • Enhances efficiency and communication, better sharing of memory and files.
  16. Briefly explain the two major approaches for the thread implementation.
    • User Level Threads (ULT)
    •     - Work done by application.
    • Kernel Level Threads (KLT)
    •     - Work done by the kernel.
  17. Draw the figures of Single Threaded model and Multithreaded Process model
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Operating systems - Important questions