Cells, Tissues & Cancer Word Root.csv

  1. chrom (color) chromosome (KROH moh sohm)
    an X-shaped structure in a cell's nucles that bears DNA; all human cells contain 46 chromosones
  2. cyt (cell) cyptoplasm (SIGN to plazm)
    a thick fluid that contains organelles and forms the main substance of the cell
  3. neur (nerve) neuroglial cells (noo ROH glee all)
    a specialized cell of nervous tissue
  4. nucl
    nucle (kernel
  5. organ (tool) organ (OR gahn)
    a structure
  6. organ (tool) organelle (OR gan ell)
    small structures within the cyptoplasm that perform most cell functions
  7. organ (tool) organism (OR gahm izm)
    the complete body that is capable of survival
  8. thel (nipple) epithelial tissue
    tissue that consists of closely arranged cells that are flat
  9. thel (nipple) epithelium
    tissue that consists of closely arranged cells that are flat
Card Set
Cells, Tissues & Cancer Word Root.csv
ch 3 p 64- 85