Cells, Tissues & Cancer Treatments, Procedures and Development.csv

  1. chemotherapy (KEE moh THAIR ah pee)
    treatment that uses drugs; abbreviated chemo
  2. cytologist (sigh TALL oh jist)
    a scientist or technician who studies cell structure and function
  3. cytology (sigh TALL oh jee)
    the field of study concerned with the structure and function of cells
  4. histologist (hiss TALL oh jist)
    a scientist or technician who studies or identifies tissues
  5. histology (hiss TALL oh jee)
    the study of tissue)
  6. oncologist (ong KALL oh jist)
    a physician who specializes in the treatment of cancer
  7. oncology (ong KALL oh jee)
    the study of tumors
  8. palliative therapy (PAL ee ah tive * THAIR ah pee)
    treatment to reduce th intensity of painful symptoms without producing a cure
  9. radiotherapy (ray dee oh THAIR ah pee)
    treatment of caner that uses radioactive materials
Card Set
Cells, Tissues & Cancer Treatments, Procedures and Development.csv
ch 3 p 64-85