Cells, Tissues & Cancer Diseases and Disorders

  1. adenocarcinoma (ADD eh noh kar sih NOH mah)
    a malignant tumor of glandular epithlial tissue; abbrebiated Adeno-Ca
  2. adenoma (add eh NOH mah)
    a benign tumor of glandular epithelial tissue
  3. benign (bee NINE)
    "adjective that describes a noninvasive
  4. cancer (KANN ser)
    "a disease characterized by the aggressive
  5. caner in situ (KANN ser * in * SIH tyoo)
    cancer in the early stages prior to metastasis (in situ generally means confined to a place of origin)
  6. carcinogen (kar sih NOH mah)
    a substance that causes cancer
  7. epithelioma (ep ih THEE lee OH mah)
    "a tumor that originates from epithelium
  8. fibroma (fye BROH mah)
    a benign tumor of fibrous connective tissue
  9. fibrosarcoma (FYW broh sahr KOH mah)
    a malignant tumor that originates from fibrous connective tissue
  10. leiomyoma (LYE oh my OH mah)
    a benign tumor of smooth muscle
  11. leiomyosarcoma LYE oh my OH sahr KOH mah)
    a malignant tumor that originates from smooth muscle
  12. lipoma (lip OH mah)
    a benign tumor of fat tissue
  13. lymphoma (limm FOH mah)
    a malignant solid tumor of lymphoid tissue
  14. malignant (mah LIG nant)
    "an adjective that describes an aggessive life-threatening
  15. melanoma (mell ah NOH mah)
    "a cancer that bears a dark pigment
  16. myoma (my OH mah)
    a benign tumor of muscle tissue
  17. neoplasm (NEE oh plazm)
    a new growth of abnormal cells; a tumor
  18. neuroma (noo ROH mah)
    a tumor that originates that from nervous tissue
  19. oncogenic (ong koh JENN ik)
    adjective that means causing tumors
  20. osteosarcoma (OSS tee oh sahr KOH mah)
    a malignant cancer of the bone
  21. rhabdomyoma (RABB doh my OH mah)
    a benign tumor that originates from skeletal muscle and consists of rod-shaped cells
  22. rhabdomyosarcoma (RABB doh my OH sahr KOH mah)
    a malignant tumor that originates from skeletal muscle
Card Set
Cells, Tissues & Cancer Diseases and Disorders
Ch. 3 p 64-85