Latin Vocab Sec.1A

  1. aula, ae - noun, 1f
  2. pot
    aula, ae - noun, 1f
  3. aula (decline)
    • aula
    • aulam
    • aulae
    • aulae
    • aula

    • aulae
    • aulas
    • aularum
    • aulis
    • aulis
  4. aurum, i - noun, 2n
  5. gold
    aurum, i - noun, 2n
  6. aurum (decline)
    • aurum
    • aurum
    • auri
    • auro
    • auro

    • aura
    • aura
    • aurorum
    • auris
    • auris
  7. coquus, um - noun, 2m
  8. cook
    coquus, um - noun, 2m
  9. coquus (decline)
    • coquus
    • coquum
    • coqui
    • coquo
    • coquo

    • coqui
    • coquos
    • coquorum
    • coquis
    • coquis
  10. corona, ae - noun, 1f
  11. garland
    corona, ae - noun, 1f
  12. corona (decline)
    • corona
    • coronam
    • coronae
    • coronae
    • corona

    • coronae
    • coronas
    • coronarum
    • coronis
    • coronis
  13. I
  14. ego
  15. Lar
    household god
  16. household god
  17. me
  18. scaena, ae - noun, 1f
  19. stage
    scaena, ae - noun, 1f
  20. seruus, i - noun, 2m
  21. male-slave
    seruus, um - noun, 2m
  22. seruus (decline)
    • seruus
    • seruum
    • serui
    • seruo
    • seruo

    • serui
    • seruos
    • seruorum
    • seruis
    • seruis
  23. te
    you (s)
  24. you (s)
  25. tu
    you (s)
  26. you (s)
  27. plenus, a, um (+ gen) - adj, all decl.
    full (of) (+gen)
  28. full (of) (+gen)
    plenus, a, um (+ gen) - adj, all decl.
  29. plenus (m. declension)
    • plenus
    • plenum
    • pleni
    • pleno
    • pleno

    • pleni
    • plenos
    • plenorum
    • plenis
    • plenis
  30. plena (f. declension)
    • plena
    • plenam
    • plenae
    • plenae
    • plena

    • plenae
    • plenas
    • plenarum
    • plenis
    • plenis
  31. plenum (n. declension)
    • plenum
    • plenum
    • pleni
    • pleno
    • pleno

    • plena
    • plena
    • plenorum
    • plenis
    • plenis
  32. celo - verb, 1conj
    i hide/ am hiding/ do hide
  33. i hide/ am hiding/ do hide
    celo - verb, 1conj
  34. celo (conjugate)
    • celo - i hide
    • celas - you (s) hide
    • celat - he/she/it hides

    • celamus - we hide
    • celatis - you (pl) hide
    • celant - they hide
  35. clamo - verb, 1conj
    i shout/ am shouting/ do shout
  36. i shout/ am shouting/ do shout
    clamo - verb, 1conj
  37. clamo (conjugate)
    • clamo - i shout
    • clamas - you (s) shout
    • clamat - he/she/it shouts

    • clamamus - we shout
    • clamatis - you (pl) shout
    • clamant - they shout
  38. intro - verb, 1conj
    i enter/ am entering/ do enter
  39. i enter/ am entering/ do enter
    intro - verb, 1conj
  40. intro (conjugate)
    • intro - i enter
    • intras - you (s) enter
    • intrat - he/she/it enters

    • intramus - we enter
    • intratis - you (pl) enter
    • intrant - they enter
  41. porto - verb, 1conj
    i carry/ am carrying/ do carry
  42. i carry/ am carrying/ do carry
    porto - verb, 1conj
  43. porto (conjugate)
    • porto - i carry
    • portas - you (s) carry
    • portat - he/she/it carries

    • portamus - we carry
    • portatis - you (pl) carry
    • portant - they carry
  44. uoco - verb, 1conj
    i call/ am calling/ do call
  45. i call/ am calling/ do call
  46. uoco (conjugate)
    • uoco - i call
    • uocas - you (s) call
    • uocat - he/she/it calls

    • uocamus - we call
    • uocatis - you (pl) call
    • uocant - they call
  47. habeo - verb, 2conj
    i have, hold/ am having, holding/ do have, hold
  48. i have, hold/ am having, holding/ do have, hold
    habeo - verb, 2conj
  49. habeo (conjugate)
    • habeo - i have/hold
    • habes - you (s) have/hold
    • habet - he/she/it has/holds

    • habemus - we have/hold
    • habetis - you (pl) have/hold
    • habent - they have/hold
  50. timeo - verb, 2conj
    i fear, am afraid (of)/ am fearing/ do fear
  51. i fear, am afraid (of)/ am fearing/ do fear
    timeo - verb, 2conj
  52. timeo (conjugate)
    • timeo - i fear/ am afraid (of)
    • times - you (s) fear/ are afraid (of)
    • timet - he/she/it fears/ is afraid (of)

    • timemus - we fear/ are afraid (of)
    • timetis - you (pl) fear/ are afraid (of)
    • timent - they fear/ are afraid (of)
  53. ad (+acc)
    to(wards); at
  54. to(wards); at
    ad (+acc)
  55. autem
    but (2nd position in sentence)
  56. but
  57. cur
  58. why
  59. deinde
  60. next
  61. enim
    for, because (2nd position in sentence)
  62. for, because
  63. igitur
    therefore (usually second position in sentence)
  64. therefore
  65. nam
    for, because (1st position in sentence)
  66. for, because
  67. non
  68. no(t)
  69. nunc
  70. now
  71. quoque
  72. also
  73. sed
  74. but
  75. semper
  76. always
  77. si
  78. if
  79. sub (+abl)
    under, beneath
  80. under, beneath
    sub (+abl)
  81. amo - verb, 1conj
    i love/ am loving/ do love
  82. i love/ am loving/ do love
    amo - verb, 1conj
  83. amo (conjugate)
    • amo - i love
    • amas - you (s) love
    • amat - he/she/it loves

    • amamus - we love
    • amatis - you (pl) love
    • amant - they love
  84. sum seruus.
    i am a slave-man.
  85. aulam porto.
    i am carrying the pot.
  86. coronas habent.
    they have the garlands.
  87. serua timet seruum.
    the slave-woman is afraid of the slave-man.
  88. seruas uocatis.
    you are calling the slave-women.
  89. seruae aulas portant.
    the slave-women are carrying the pots.
  90. celamus aulas.
    we are carrying the pots.
  91. seruas celant coqui.
    the cooks call the slave-women.
  92. familia coronam habet.
    the household has the garland.
  93. uocat seruus seruam.
    the slave-man calls the slave-woman.
  94. in + acc
    into, onto
  95. into, onto
    in + acc
  96. ad + acc
  97. to(wards)
    ad + acc
  98. in + abl
    in, on
  99. in, on
    in + abl
  100. seruus in scaenam intrat. coronas portat.
    the slave-man enters onto the stage. he is carrying the garlands.
  101. coqui in aedibus sunt. seruas uocant.
    the cooks are in the house. they are calling the slave-women.
  102. est in familia Euclionis serua. Staphyla est.
    there is a slave-woman in the household of Euclio. She is Staphyla.
  103. in scaenam intrat Demaenetus. aulam auri plenam habet.
    Damaenetus enters onto the stage. he has a pot full of gold.
  104. coquus et serua clamant. seruus enim timent.
    the cook and the slave-woman are shouting. because they are afraid of the slave-man.
  105. coquus aulam Demaeneti portat.
    the cook is carrying the pot of Demaenetus.
  106. The slave has the cooks garlands.
    seruus coronas coqui habet.
  107. tu clamas, ego autem aulas porto.
    you are shouting, but i am carrying the pots.
  108. the slave girl is afraid. therfore i am calling the cook.
    serua timet. ego igitur coquum uoco.
  109. cur scaena plena seruorum?
    why is the stage full of slave-men?
  110. why is the household full of cooks?
    cur familia plena coquorum est?
  111. ego lar te uoco. cur me times?
    I, the household god, am calling you. why do you fear me?
  112. (it is) i, Phaedra (who) enter. why are you (pl) hiding the pot?
    ego, Phaedra, intro. cur aulam celas?
  113. si aurum habet, Demaenetus timet.
    if he has gold, Demaenetus is afraid.
  114. if they hide the pot, the slaves are afraid.
    si aulam celant, serui timent.
  115. coronas et aulas portant serui.
    the slave-men are carrying the garlands and the pots.
  116. (it is) a cook and a slave-girl Demaenetus is summoning.
    coquum et seruam Demaenetus uocat.
Card Set
Latin Vocab Sec.1A
vocabulary and exercizes for sec.1a