Music theory 1

  1. define Staff
    a five line extention of the clef that shows where particular notes are
  2. define clef sign
    used to detonate the general range of notes and a refrence pitch
  3. in alto clef what pitch is on the third line
    middl c
  4. in tenor cleff what pitch is on the third line
  5. in bass clef what note is on the third line
    d one octive below middle c
  6. in treble clef what note is on the third line
    g a fifth above middle c
  7. define ledger line
    short horisontal lines that are an upward or downward extention of the staff
  8. define grand staff
    a bass clef and a treble clef together on the same instrument
  9. define octive
    pitches of the same letter name but in different registers
  10. define ottava sign
    8va or played one octive either higher or lower based on the placement of the sign
  11. define interval
    a difference in pitch
  12. define half step
    the difference in pitch between ( on a piano ) any key and the key most adjesant to it. or c and c#
  13. define whole step
    the difference in pitch between any ( on piano ) two adjacent white keys Eg c d
  14. define cromatic alteration
    a symbol added to a note to change its pitch
  15. sharp # indicates what
    that a note is to be played higher by a half step
  16. flat b sign indicates what
    that a note is to be played lower by a half step
  17. doubble flat bb idicates what
    that a note should be played one whole step lower than written
  18. double sharp x indicates what
    a note is to be played a whole step higher than written
  19. natural indicates what
    that a previous sharp or flat is to be negated
  20. define Enharmonic pitch
    two notes that soud the same but have different names
  21. define accidentals
    flats naturals and sharps ocurring before a pitch to detonate a tempory change
  22. when is an accidental canceled
    by a natural or a bar line
  23. define diatonic half step
    a half step ocurring between two adjacent notes eg c# d
  24. define cromatic half step
    a half step when it is the same pitch name eg c c#
Card Set
Music theory 1
chapter 1 from the elements of music by ralph turek