Chapter 10

  1. Agency Theory
    Suggests that public corporations can function effectively even though their managers are self-interested and don't automatically bare the full consequences of their managerial actions.
  2. Coalition Power
    Is the ability to control another behavior indirectly because the individual owes an obligation to you or another as part of a larger collective interest.
  3. Coercive Power
    Is the extent to which a manager can deny desired rewards or administer punishment to control other people.
  4. Empowerment
    Is the process by which managers help others acquire and use the power needed to make decisions affecting themselves and their work.
  5. Expert Power
    Is the ability to control another's behavior because of the possession of knowledge, experience, or judgment that the other person does not have but needs.
  6. Influence
    Is a behavioral response to the exercise of power.
  7. Information Power
    Is the access to and/or the control of information.
  8. Legitimate Power
    Formal authority is the extent to which a manager can use the "Right Of Command" to control other people.
  9. Organizational Governments
    Is the pattern of authority, influence, and acceptable managerial behavior established at the top of the organization.
  10. Organizational Politics
    Is the management of influence to obtain ends not sanctioned to the organization or to obtain sanction ends through non sanction means: it is also the art of creative compromise among competing interests.
  11. Power
    Is the ability to get someone else to do something you want done, or the ability to make things happen or get things done the way you want.
  12. Process Power
    Is the control over methods of production and analysis.
  13. Rational Persuasion
    Is the ability to control anothers behavior because, though the individuals efforts, the person accepts the desirability of an offered goal and a reasonable way of achieving it.
  14. Referent Power
    Is the ability control anothers behavior because of the individuals desire to identify with the power source.
  15. Representative Power
    Is the formal right conferred by the firm to speak for and to a potentially important group.
  16. Resource Dependencies
    Is the firms needs for resources that are controlled by others.
  17. Reward Power
    Is the extent to which a manager can use extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to control other people.
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Chapter 10
Exam 2