How many sxs for adults and children, duration?
- >3 for adults and 1 for children
- 6 months
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Tension in muscles
- Concentration difficulty
- Hyperarousal (irritability)
- Energy loss
- Restlessness, keyed up
- Sleep disturbances
Criteria for panic attack
- abrupt
- 4+ physcial
- 1+ psychological
- Peaks within 10 minutes
Criteria for panic disorder with or w/o agoraphobia
- recurrent and unexpected anxiety attacks
- one or more of:
- concern for another attack
- worry about consquences
- sig behavior
- with or without agraphobia
Criteria for agoraphobia
- marked fear of 2+
- public transportation
- open spaces
- enclosed places
- standing in crowd
- being outside home alone
- -avoid activities
Which NT are involved in GAD/panic disorder
First and 2nd line for panic disorder and caution with what med
- SSRI (fluoxetine d/t initial agitation)
- Effexor
- TCAs
Which benzo has the longest half life?
Diazepam with 20-80 hours
What onset do all benzos have
15-30 minutes
What is withdrawal benzo similar to and why
ETOH due to GABA
How do we taper ativan
no faster than 0.25mg per week due to delirium and sz
How do we taper diazepam
reduce 10-20% every 1-2 weeks as tolerated
Criteria for social phobia
1+ social situations where person exposed to unfamiliar people or possible embarrassment
First line meds for social phobia
- SSRIs--> SNRIs
- + Buspirone, benzos
First line meds for specific social phobia
- performance anxiety
- BB (propan or atenolol 1 hr prior to med)
- or maybe short term Benzo
Criteria for OCD
obsessions or compulsions that are 1+ hour a day
First & second line tx and med for OCD
- CBT with MI
- SSRIs (often need higher doses)
- TCA (clomipramine)
- other meds: Venlafaxine, buspar, clonazepam, risperidone
Augment with valproate, lithium, carbamazepine
What age can PTSD occur?
after 6 yo
Criteria for PTSD
- actual or threatened death, serious injury, sexual violence
- direct exposure or of family member
Which NT are involved in PTSD
- Noradrenergic (increased BP, sweating)
- Opiod (naloxone reversible analgesic for combat stimuli)
- Corticotropin
First line meds for PTSD and others
- Buspirone, TCAs, MAOIs, nefazodone
- Prazosin
When does acute stress response happen (time)
0-4 days after traumtic event