Which theory did Freud do and what are the key aspects?
- Psychoanalytic
- Theory of personality
- Conscious vs unconscious mind
Conflict model
- ID: birth, pleasure
- Ego: reality, keeps Id in line
- Superego: right vs wrong
- keeps people from acting on impulse
What theory did Adler do?
key aspects of psychodynamic
- reco inferiority as driving force
- striving for superiority
- (birth order, intrapersonal conflicts)
Frankl, May and Yalom
Existential theory
Existential theory aspects
- human existence
- choice and freedom with responsibility
Carl Rogers and personality theory
Person-Centered aspects
- positive regard, relationships,
- genuineness, self-actualization
- -motivational interviewing
Humanistic aspects
hierarchy of needs
Skinner, Bandura, Lazarus
Behavioral theory aspects
- -operant conditioning (behaviors-->consequences)
- -person can change
- -3C's
- -behavioral analysis
What are the 3 Cs
- contingency management
- counter conditioning
- cognitive beh modification
What is the ABC model
- Behavioral analysis
- Antecedent
- Behavior
- Consequences