DH Theory

  1. how is HIV transmitted?
    • body fluids
    • blood and blood products
    • perinatal
    • postnatally
    • sexually
  2. who are the high risk individuals for HIV1?
    • IV drug users-active or former
    • recipients of blood transfusions
    • HIV infected organs
    • infants
    • unsafe sex
  3. what are the two parts of the life cycle of HIV1
    • establishment of infection
    • production of new virus
  4. what is the process of establishment of infection for the life cycle of HIV1?
    • binding to target/host cell
    • entry through wall of target/host cell
    • reverse transcription
    • infection established
    • latent period
  5. what is the process of the production of new virus in the life cycle of HIV1?
    • activation of host cell
    • budding from host cell: release
    • host cell out come
  6. what are the laboratory categories for the classification system for adolescents and adults?
    • >500 CD4+ lymphocytes/mm3
    • 200-499 CD4+ lymphocytes/mm3
    • <200 CD4+ lymphocytes/mm3
  7. what are the clinical categories for the classification system for adolescents and adults for HIV1?
    • asymptomatic
    • symptomatic
    • AIDS-indicator conditions
  8. what is the incubation period for HIV1?
    ranges from the time of infection to when symptoms start, can be more than 15 years
  9. what is acute seroconversion syndrome?
    • initial infection-flu
    • early HIV-no symptoms CD4+ >500
    • intermediate HIV CD4+ 200-500
    • late stage HIVE CD4+ 50-200 AIDS
  10. what are the four disease associated with late stages of acute seroconversion syndrome?
    • opportunistic infections
    • wasting syndrome
    • encephalopathy
    • neoplasms
  11. what are the oral manifestations for HIV1 (extraoral)?
    • lymphadeopathy-palpation for enlarged lymph nodes
    • skin lesions-kaposi's sarcoma, purpura, herpetic lesions
  12. what are the oral manifestations for HIV1 (intraoral)?
    • fungal infections-candidiasis
    • viral infections-herpes simplex
    • bacterial infections-gingival, periodontal
  13. what are the dental assessments for HIV1? how do you treat it?
    • severe pain
    • mastication problems
    • dental caries
    • erosion
    • treat with fluoride
  14. what is xerostomia? how is it treated?
    • oral manifestation of HIV1
    • salivary gland disease or medications
    • caries
    • dry mouth
    • treated with fluoride and pt diet
  15. how is HIV1 transmitted in Children?
    • perinatal
    • breastfeeding
    • infected blood
    • sexual abuse
  16. what are the clinical manifestations of HIV1 in children?
    • faster incubation-immature immune system and less resistance to infection
    • latent period-months after birth to years
  17. how is HIV1 diagnosed in children?
    blood screenings
  18. what are frequently found conditions of HIV1 in children?
    • failure to thrive-developmental delay
    • hepatomegaly; splenomegaly
    • generalized lymphadenopathy
    • chronic pneumontitis
    • progressive encephalopathy
  19. what are the oral findings of HIV1 in children?
    • oral lesions
    • candidiasis
    • herpetic gingivostomatitis-sore mouth and poor oral intake
    • apthous ulcers
    • hairy leukoplakia
    • linear gingival erythema
    • NUG
  20. what is the treatment and management of HIV1 in children?
    • counseling-very important to educate the parent and get the child help
    • medications
  21. what is in the medications for HIV1 for children to mask the taste and what does it cause?
    • high sucrose
    • high dental caries
  22. how can HIV1 be prevented?
    • community education
    • prevent the modes of transmission
    • primary prevention-slow rate of new cases
    • secondary prevention-reduce rate of transmission and introduce treatment early
Card Set
DH Theory