NMTAPRapid 1
Describe the transformed from/to state.
NMTAPRapid 2 A
IFs that compromise awareness of the exogenous and/or endogenous allergens
NMTAPRapid 2 B Subject matter for this step
All IFs and all IFs-h related to compromise of awareness of any exogenous substance the is behaving as an allergenic trigger and/or any endogenous chemical or breakdown product that is the subject of autoimmune and/or inflammatory behavior. (consider all of the IFs categories you know and that IFs-h may hide the subject IFs of interest)
NMTAPRapid 2 C Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
That these IFs and IFs-h prevent the awareness of relevant exogenous and endogenous substances.
NMTAPRapid 2 D Intention during NMT dynamic MRT:
- With each dynamic MRT challenge the ACS is asked to survey the mind-body for such IFs.
- On identification of all IFs, to immediately apply the therapeutic intention of the IFs corrective statement for all IFs and IFs-h.
- Hold an awareness of the meaning of the Universal Correction Statement.
- That the ACS will make known that no further such IFs can be identified by changing the character of the MRT response in a way that demonstrates a crisp stiffness in the indicator muscle/joint complex.
NMTAPRapid 3 A Subject matter of the allergy pathway
All exogenous substances that are behaving as allergenic triggers and all endogenous substances that are the subject of autoimmune and/or inflammatory behavior.
NMTAPRapid 3 B Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
This step will identify all exogenous and endogenous substances that are the subject of inappropriate autoimmune and/or inflammatory behavior.
NMTAPRapid 3 C Intention during NMT Dynamic MRT:
- That the ACS will survey the mind-body and catalog and register in memory all exogenous and endogenous substances that are the subject of autoimmune and/or inflammatory behavior.
- That the ACS will repeat this process with each dynamic MRT challenge and in response to direction by the therapeutic intention and/or gesture of the NMT practitioner particular categories, lists, exposure events, symptoms, systems or areas of the body, etc.
- That the ACS will demonstrate that no further such subject matter exists within subject areas to which its attention is being directed by producing a stiff dynamic MRT response in the subject muscle/joint complex.
NMTAPRapid 4 A
IFs Contributing To Pathophysiology
NMTAPRapid 4 B Subject matter for this step:
All IFs and all IFs-h contributing to an allergic response to any exogenous substance and/or autoimmune and/or inflammatory response to any endogenous substance. (consider all of the IFs categories you know and that IFs-h may hide the subject IFs of interest)
NMTAPRapid 4 C Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
- That these IFs and IFs-h corrupt immune system regulation in a way that contributes to allergy and autoimmune behavior.
- Intention during NMT dynamic MRT:
- With each dynamic MRT challenge the ACS is asked to survey the mind-body for such IFs.
- On identification of all IFs, to immediately apply the therapeutic intention of the IFs corrective statement for all IFs and IFs-h.
- Hold an awareness of the meaning of the Universal Correction Statement.
- That the ACS will make known that no further such IFs can be identified by changing the character of the MRT response in a way that demonstrates a crisp stiffness in the indicator muscle/joint complex.
NMTAPRapid 5 A
- Scanning for relevant subject matter Project the intention of the scanning statement relative to AP for this patient for the following subject matter:
- a) Faults in the Tagging of Afferent Stimuli
- Subject matter for this step:
- • Any inappropriate tagging of or correlation of meaning to afferent stimuli that contributes to any referenced allergy and/or autoimmune issues.
- Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
- • Afferent signals from SEOs, i.e., signals from any of the chemoreceptors of the body that register exposure to any subject exogenous or endogenous substance, are being correlated with inappropriate meaning and significance at one or more neurological processing sites within the CNS and contributing to allergy and/or autoimmune behavior.
- Intention during NMT dynamic MRT:
- • That the ACS should survey the mind-body and identify all chemoreceptor afferent signals that register the exposure of the body to the subject substances that are being inappropriately tagged and all neurological sites were such inappropriate correlation of meaning to afferent stimuli is occurring, and on recognition of such inappropriate tagging to direct the attachment of meaning and significance to these afferent signals that does not provoke such immune system response, and to repeat the process with each dynamic MRT challenge until no further subject matter can be identified, and to demonstrate this by producing a stiff dynamic MRT response in the indicator muscle/joint complex.
- b) Awareness of distinction between that which is recognized as allergen and that which is recognized as self
- Subject matter for this step:
- • Awareness of the distinction between the subject exogenous and endogenous substances that are recognized as allergens and that which is recognized as self.
- Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
- • The ACS is unaware of those substances that are inappropriate subjects of immune system attack.
- Intention during NMT dynamic MRT:
- • That the ACS will perpetuate an awareness of distinction between those substances that have been recognized as allergenic triggers and substances that are recognized to be self.
- c) Crossover Autoimmune Response
- Subject matter for this step:
- • Informational corruption by which the immune system inappropriately includes in its targeting body tissues, chemistries, or breakdown products.
- Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
- • Data identifying body tissues chemistries and or breakdown products has become commingled with data that identifies some substance that is a legitimate target of immune system attacks, e.g., infectious agents.
- Intention during NMT Dynamic MRT:
- • that the ACS will survey the mind-body and identify all such commingled data and immediately correct such commingling, and repeat the process with each dynamic MRT challenge, and demonstrate that no further such errors exist by producing a stiff dynamic MRT challenge response in the indicator muscle/joint complex.
- d) The Energetic Pathway Influences on Allergy and Autoimmune Behavior
- Subject matter for this step:
- • Any excess, deficient, and/or blocked energy in any energetic field, meridian, or any of the five elements, and/or any PMPs that contribute to any referenced allergy and/or autoimmune behavior.
- Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
- • That excess, deficient, and/or blocked energy in any energetic field, meridian, or any of the five elements, and/or any PMPs is contributing to the mind-body energetics that favors allergy and/or autoimmune behavior.
- Intention during NMT dynamic MRT:
- • of the ACS show survey of the mind-body and identify all excess, deficient, and/or blocked energy in any energetic field, meridian, and/or any of the five elements and upon recognition will immediately, will make all levels of the ACS fully aware of all referenced PMPs, the fact that they are causing harmful behavior, and must be disorganized in normal function to resume, and repeat this process with each dynamic MRT challenge, and demonstrate that no further such faults exist by producing a stiff dynamic MRT response in the indicator muscle/joint complex.
- e) SMP Chemoreceptor Faults Contributing to Allergy and Autoimmune Behavior
- Subject matter for this step:
- • All chemoreceptor SEOs of the body that are set at an inappropriately high or and/or inappropriately low threshold of sensitivity and the afferent signals of which are the subject of inappropriate facilitation and/or inhibition at the CNS level, which contributes to allergy and/or autoimmune behavior.
- Pathophysiological process involved for this step:
- • Inappropriate threshold of sensitivity of some chemoreceptor SEOs and/or inappropriate facilitation and/or inhibition of their sensory afferent signal is occurring at the CNS level and contributing to allergy and/or autoimmune behavior.
- Intention during NMT Dynamic MRT:
- • that the ACS will survey the mind-body and catalog and register all chemoreceptor SEOs that are set to an inappropriately high and/or inappropriately low threshold of sensitivity and any inappropriate CNS level facilitation and/or inhibition of their afferent sensory signal that registers exposure to the subject substances and upon recognition will immediately reset the chemoreceptor SEOs to an optimal threshold of sensitivity and terminate any inappropriate CNS level facilitation and/or inhibition of this afferent signal, and repeat this process with each dynamic MRT challenge, and demonstrate that no further such faults exist by producing a stiff dynamic MRT response in the indicator muscle/joint complex.
- • Gesture may be used to direct attention to particular areas of interest such as the eyes, nasal or sinus areas, skin, GI tract, etc.
- f) Awareness of and intention to correct the referenced issues for the following inappropriate processes at the indicated data processing areas:
- Processes:
- • facilitation?" ,
- • inhibition?" ,
- • data path origin and target pairing?" ,
- • white matter data transmission?" ,
- • templated data processing at any information processing level?" ,
- Processing areas involved:
- • CNS structures?" ,
- o CNS: general categories - cortex?" , midbrain nuclei?" , brainstem?" , cerebellum?" . Or more specific information can be identified: thalamus (T)?" , hypothalamus (HT)?" , hippocampus (Hc) 1" , limbic system (L) ?" , cerebellum (Cb) ?" , motor cortex (MC)?" , sensory cortex (SC)?" , reticular activating system (RAS)?" , basal ganglia (BG)?" , amygdala (AMY)?" , limbic system (LIM)?" , cerebellum (Cb)?" , any other site?" ,
- • autonomous nervous systems?" ,
- o Autonomous Nervous Systems: Sympathetic Nervous System?" , Parasympathetic Nervous System?" , Enteric Nervous System?" , Autonomous Nervous System of the Spinal Cord?" , Autonomous Nervous System of the Heart?" , Lymphatic-Immune Information Processing System (LIIPS)
- • bioresonant cell communication and nanomemory?" .
- o Cell Memory: PaINs and PaINNETs?" , BCCNP programming and signaling, Holographic Energy Patterns (HEPs)