DH Theory

  1. what are the general characteristics of herpesvirus diseases?
    • herpesviruses produce latent, recurrent, malignant diseases
    • reactivation
    • opportunistic to AIDS
  2. where is the primary infection for HHV1 most common?
  3. the ______of the HHV1 do not guarantee immunity to recurrent herpes
  4. ______ ______ serve as a reservoir for HHV1
    sulcular epithelium
  5. HHV1 can have a re-occurrence because of what?
    trauma-during dental procedures trauma can occure and bring about herpetic re-occurrences
  6. what is a primary infection vs a full blown infections for primary herpetic gingivostomatitis?
    • primary-mild or isolated lesions on the marginal or attached tissues
    • full blown-oral ulcers
  7. what are the frequent manifestations of HHV1?
    gingivostomatitis and pharyngitis
  8. what are the symptoms of HHV1?
    • fever
    • malaise
    • can't eat
    • inflammation of lymph nodes
  9. where do the oral vesicular lesions appear with HHV1?
    • gingiva
    • mucosa
    • lips
    • tongue
  10. what is trigeminal ganglia?
    • Type of HHV1-subclinical carrier
    • typical cold sore
  11. what is herpes labialis?
    • cold sore, fever blister
    • HSV1 and HSV2
  12. what triggers herpes labialis?
    • stress
    • illness
    • sunlight
    • trauma
  13. define prodrome:
    buring or slight stinging sensations with slight swelling that occurs before a local lesion occur.
  14. where do herpes labialis occur?
    • vermillion border
    • gingiva or hard palate
  15. what are the clinical characteristics of herpes labialis?
    • group of vesicles-rupture or coalesces
    • healing-crusting
    • infectious lesion-with viral sheddign
    • autoinfection-eye, nose, genitals, other people
  16. what is herpetic whitlow?
    herpes simplex infection of the fingers resulting from the virus entering thru minor skin abrasions
  17. how is herpetic whitlow transmitted?
    • HSV1 or HSV2
    • primary or recurrent
    • direct contact with vesicular lesion
    • saliva contact
    • autoinfection-nail biting
  18. how can herpetic whitlow be prevented?
    • standarded precautions
    • nearly extinct
  19. what is ocular herpes?
    • HHV1
    • herpes simplex lesion in the eye
  20. how is ocular herpes transmitted?
    • splashing of saliva
    • extension from a facial lesion
    • in utero, during birht
  21. what are the symptoms of ocular herpes?
    fever, pain, blurred vision, swelling, excess tears
  22. what is herpes kertaconjunctionivitis (part of ocular herpes)?
    deep inflammation-loss of sight
  23. how can ocular herpes be prevented?
    • standard precautions
    • eye protection for the clinician and patient
  24. what is herpes simplex virus 2?
    genital herpes
  25. where can HHV2 occur?
    genitals, oral cavity, perioral infections
  26. what is the clinical management of HHV2?
    • patient history-thorough
    • postpone appointments-explain to pt contagiousness and secondary infections
    • irritation to lesions-prolong the course and increase the severity
    • prodromal state-call and change appt when lesion is developing
  27. what is the treatment for HHV2 and how is it used?
    • acyclovir-antiviral drug
    • topical
    • oral
    • intravenous
  28. what is HHV3?
    chickenpox and shingles
  29. how is chicken pox transmitted?
    • direct contact
    • airborne
    • indirect contact
  30. where does shingles lay latent?
    dorsal root ganglia
  31. what is the disease process of shingles? (2 types)
    • localized unilateral-eruptions associated with the nerve endings of area innervated by infected sensory nerves
    • introral lesions-when the second division of the trigeminal nerve is involved.
  32. what is HHV4
    Epstein-Barr Virus and hairy leucoplakia
  33. what is Epstein Barr Virus?
    infectious mononucleosis
  34. what are the symptoms of EBV
    • fever
    • lympadenopathy
    • sore throat
  35. what is the nickname for EBV
    kissing disease-direct contact with saliva and by droplet
  36. what is hairy leucoplakia associated with?
  37. what are the symptoms of hairy leucoplakia?
    white linear lesions along lateral borders
  38. what is HHV5?
    cytomegalovirus (HCMV)
  39. how is HCMV transmitted?
    • exrected-urine, saliva, cervical secretions, semen
    • blood transfusion
    • post tranplant
    • respiratory droplet
    • sexual
  40. when is HCMV transmitted?
    • neonatal
    • childhood
  41. what are the childhood problems associated with HCMV?
    • premature
    • anemic
    • metal retardation
    • microcephaly
    • motor disabilities
    • deafness
    • chronic liver disease
  42. what are the characteristics of HCMV in adults?
    • rare
    • serious complication of AIDS
    • mononucleosis
    • pneumonitis
  43. how is HCMV prevented?
    • personal hygiene
    • standard precautions
    • seropositivy check prior to surgeris
  44. what is HHV6?
    herpes lymphotrophic virus (HLV)
  45. what are the characteristics of HLV?
    • widespread-high % of people with antibodies
    • depresses immune system
    • latent indefinitely
  46. what is a childhood infection of HLV?
    roseola infantum-high temp and rash
  47. when does HLV reactivate?
    • bone marrow transplant
    • solid organ transplant
    • complicated by rejection of transplants
  48. what are the characteristics of HHV7?
    • prevalent in general population
    • reactivation-immunocompromised
    • infection-bone marrow or solid organ transplant
  49. what is the periodontal connection to HHV7?
    high HHV7 in perio and in health tissues
  50. what is HHV8?
    Kaposi's Sarcome Related Virus
  51. what is HHV8 a defining virus of?
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DH Theory