Unit 4/ Process of aging

  1. Process of aging is characterized by
    degenerative and irrevesible biological changes.
  2. Process of aging consist of
    • 1. Appearance
    • 2. Functional ability
    • 3. Genetic and environmental factors
  3. Skin
    • A. Loss of strength and elasticity, wrinke dry appearence.
    • B. Facial hair increases, men in the ear, women on chin.
    • C. Head and body hair becomes gray and more sparce.
    • D. Sun exposure causes, lentigo senilis (liver spots), basel cell carcinoma and seborrheici keratoses.
  4. Musculoskeletal system
    • A. Diminished bone and muscle mass
    • B. Muscles atrophy with age, thus diminished strength
  5. Osteoporosis
    most common in women
  6. Osteoarthritis
    Degenerative joint disease
  7. Nervous system
    Neuronal loss and diminished blood flow to the brain.
  8. Atherosclerosis involves
    the depositioning of the fatty substances in the lining of the arteries.
  9. When atherosclerosis occures in the neck arteries
    it impairs blood flow to the brain.
  10. Certain behavioral and fuctional characteristics are believed to be associated with age-relatedchanges in the nervous system. What are they?
    • 1. Increase in time needed to react.
    • 2. Difficulty in remembering recent events.
    • 3. Difficulty in learning new motor skills.
  11. Eyes
    • lens lose the ability to accommodate - difficulty focusing on close object.
    • This usually occurs by the age 45.
  12. Cataracts
    opacity of the lens.
  13. Glaucoma
    an increase in intraocular pressure due to a buildup of aqueous humor.
  14. Ears
    • Gradual decline in hearing acuity.
    • Difficulty with hearing certain high frequencies.
  15. Respiratory system the ability to take in air is altered by
    • A. Skeletal changes
    • B. Atrophy and weakening of respiratory muscles.
    • C. Lungs become less elastic
    • D. Thickening of alveolar -capillary membrane which causes shallow resp.
  16. Cardovascular system
    • 1. More frequent aarhytmias
    • 2. A decrease in the maximal attainable heart rate
    • 3. A decrease in cardiac output.
    • 4. Increased fatigue.
    • 5.Walking is the best form of exercise.
    • 6. Increased systolic blood pressure.
    • 7. Arterial inelasticity
    • 8. Atherosclerosis
  17. Gastrointestinal
    • 1. Decrease in appetite
    • 2. Weight loss
    • 3. Heartburn, indigestion, flatus, and constipation
  18. Urinary system
    • 1. Decreased kidney function due to loss of functioning nephrons.
    • 2. Less blood filtered by the kidneys... decrease in medication filtered which increase drug toxicity.
    • 3. Increase of resifual urine due to dimenished bladder tone which increase UTI'S.
    • 4. Increase freq. and urgency
    • 5. Enlarged prostate in men
  19. Atrophy
    a diminution of cells and tissues with a corresponding change in the structure and function of various organs.
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Unit 4/ Process of aging