Spanish Most Popular Verbs - Future

  1. I will go
    Yo iré
  2. You will go
    Tu irás
  3. I will be
    Yo seré
  4. You will be
    Tu serás
  5. I will be
    Yo estaré
  6. You will be 
    Tu estarás
  7. I will do / make
    Yo haré
  8. You will do / make
    Tu harás
  9. I will have
    Yo tendré
  10. You will have
    Tu tendrás
  11. I will see
    Yo veré
  12. You will see
    Tu verás
  13. I will be able to
    Yo podré
  14. You will be able to
    Tu podrás
  15. I will say
    Yo diré
  16. You will say
    Tu dirás
  17. I will start
    Yo empezaré
  18. You will start
    Tu empezarás
  19. I will give
    Yo daré
  20. You will give
    Tu darás
  21. I will eat
    Yo comeré
  22. You will eat
    Tu comerás
  23. I will come
    Yo vendré
  24. You will come
    Tu vendrás
  25. I will want
    Yo querré
  26. You will want
    Tu querrás
  27. I will exist / have
    Yo habré
  28. You will exist / have
    Tu habrás
  29. I will know (fact)
    Yo sabré
  30. You will know (fact)
    Tu sabrás
  31. I will read
    Yo leeré (larry)
  32. You will read
    Tu leerás
  33. I will play
    Yo jugaré
  34. You will play
    Tu jugarás
  35. I will go out / leave
    Yo saldré
  36. You will go out / leave
    Tu saldrás
  37. I will put / make
    Yo pondré
  38. You will put / make
    Tu pondrás
  39. I will sleep
    Yo dormiré
  40. You will sleep
    Tu dormirás
  41. I will ask (for)
    Yo pediré
  42. You will ask (for)
    Tu pedirás
  43. I will bring
    Yo traeré (tray-ray)
  44. You will bring
    Tu traerás (tray-rass)
  45. I will speak
    Yo hablaré
  46. You will speak
    Tu hablarás
  47. I will go back / return
    Yo volveré
  48. You will go back / return
    Tu volverás
  49. I will think
    Yo pensaré
  50. You will think
    Tu pensarás
  51. I will live
    Yo viviré
  52. You will live
    Tu vivirás
  53. I will follow / continue to
    Yo seguiré
  54. You will follow / continue to
    Tu seguirás
  55. I will know (familiar)
    Yo conoceré
  56. You will know (familiar)
    Tu conocerás
  57. I will arrive
    Yo llegaré
  58. You will arrive
    Tu llegarás
  59. I will hear
    Yo oiré
  60. You will hear
    Tu oirás
Card Set
Spanish Most Popular Verbs - Future