Spanish Most Popular Verbs - Future
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I will go
Yo iré
You will go
Tu irás
I will be
Yo seré
You will be
Tu serás
I will be
Yo estaré
You will be
Tu estarás
I will do / make
Yo haré
You will do / make
Tu harás
I will have
Yo tendré
You will have
Tu tendrás
I will see
Yo veré
You will see
Tu verás
I will be able to
Yo podré
You will be able to
Tu podrás
I will say
Yo diré
You will say
Tu dirás
I will start
Yo empezaré
You will start
Tu empezarás
I will give
Yo daré
You will give
Tu darás
I will eat
Yo comeré
You will eat
Tu comerás
I will come
Yo vendré
You will come
Tu vendrás
I will want
Yo querré
You will want
Tu querrás
I will exist / have
Yo habré
You will exist / have
Tu habrás
I will know (fact)
Yo sabré
You will know (fact)
Tu sabrás
I will read
Yo leeré (larry)
You will read
Tu leerás
I will play
Yo jugaré
You will play
Tu jugarás
I will go out / leave
Yo saldré
You will go out / leave
Tu saldrás
I will put / make
Yo pondré
You will put / make
Tu pondrás
I will sleep
Yo dormiré
You will sleep
Tu dormirás
I will ask (for)
Yo pediré
You will ask (for)
Tu pedirás
I will bring
Yo traeré (tray-ray)
You will bring
Tu traerás (tray-rass)
I will speak
Yo hablaré
You will speak
Tu hablarás
I will go back / return
Yo volveré
You will go back / return
Tu volverás
I will think
Yo pensaré
You will think
Tu pensarás
I will live
Yo viviré
You will live
Tu vivirás
I will follow / continue to
Yo seguiré
You will follow / continue to
Tu seguirás
I will know (familiar)
Yo conoceré
You will know (familiar)
Tu conocerás
I will arrive
Yo llegaré
You will arrive
Tu llegarás
I will hear
Yo oiré
You will hear
Tu oirás
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Spanish Most Popular Verbs - Future
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