Psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.
A cluster of beliefs and feelings that result in a potential behavioral intention, or likelihood to act in a given way (e.g., positive attitude toward work)
Creating Positive Work Environments
9 of 10 employees maintain they're more productive in a positive work environment.
Successful companies actively create more positive than negative emotional episodes.
Research indicates that those organizations with greater employee engagement also have higher profitability, quality and customer service.
Cognitive Dissonance
A state of disharmony or anxiety created when 2 or more cognitions/beliefs/thoughts/perceptions are inconsistent or dissonant with one another.
We deal with the dissonance/anxiety by rationalizing our behavior through elevating desired beliefs and downgrading undesirable ones (e.g., how do smokers justify their habit to themselves?)
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Ability to perceive and express emotion, within ourselves and others.
- Emotional intelligence is a set of competencies.
- EI can be learned, especially through coaching.
- EI often increases with age + experience.
- Emotional Intelligence - 4 Dimensions
Job Satisfaction
A person's evaluation of his or her job and work context.
A collection of attitudes are specific facets of the job.
Satisfaction + engagement can be different dynamics.
Happy workers often more productive.
Gallup Q12
Gallup Q12 uses 12 statements to gauge how engaged or committed an employee is.
Great Place to Work survey
Great Place to Work (GPTW) survey uses 56 statements to gauge satisfaction + engagement, which are broken down into 5 dimensions. credibility, respect, fairness, pride + camaraderie.
Job Satisfaction and Customers
Job satisfaction increases customer satisfaction and profitability because:
- - Job satisfaction affects mood, leading to positive behaviors toward customers.
- - Less employee turnover, resulting in more consistent and familiar service.
Organizational Commitment
Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organization.
Belief that staying with the organization serves your personal interests.
Strong relationship with engagement.
Psychological Contract
Beliefs about reciprocal agreements and mutual obligations between two parties (including company-employee).
- Psychological Contracts vary across cultures.
- - Employees in Sweden expect more involvement in workplace decisions.
- Psychological Contracts vary across generations.
- - Baby boomers - believe loyalty enhances job security.
- - Gen-X/Gen-Y - assumes adding value = job security.