H135 P3H Limits

  1. What engines on the H135 P3H?
    Pratt and Whitney 206 B3
  2. What does the H stand for on the H135 P3H?
  3. What does the fuselage consist of?
    • Primary structure is sheet metal.
    • Cabin frame, shell, doors, cowling, nose access panel and tail boom is composite.
  4. How many tanks on the fuel system?
    • 2 x tanks total both under the cabin floor.
    • 1 x supply tank and 1 x main tank.
  5. Describe the electrical system?
    Fully redundant 28 VDC consisting of 2 x generators and 1 x battery.
  6. Describe the landing gear?
    2 x cross tubes and 2 x skids.
  7. Describe the main rotor transmission?
    • 2 x stage flat gear box mounted by an Anti-resonance Rotor Isolation System (ARIS) on the transmission deck.
    • It is designed to separate vibrations from the fuselage and the main transmission.
  8. Describe the main rotor?
    • 4 x bladed hingeless, bearingless main rotor (BMR).
    • Blade pitch angles controlled through glass/carbon fibre control cuffs.
  9. Name all the structures of the aircraft?
    • Lifting System (Transmission and Rotors)
    • Cowling
    • Power Plant
    • Fuselage
    • Tail Unit
    • Landing Gear
  10. Describe the tail rotor system?
    10 x bladed fenestrom with flexball cable to tail rotor actuator.
  11. Describe the tail unit?
    • Tail boom cone
    • Horizontal stab
    • Vert fin with tail rotor
    • Tail rotor gearbox and fairing
  12. Describe the external dimensions of the aircraft?
    • Rotor diameter - 10.4m
    • Length - 12.26m
    • Rotor ht - 3.35m
    • Tail ht - 3.51m
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  19. MGW Ramp and taxi weight?
  20. MGW?
  21. Min gross mass for floor?
  22. Max allowable floor loading?
  23. Tie down ring limit?
  24. Rotor start/stop?
    50kts all directions except 25kgs rear
  25. Vne OEI?
    110 KIAS
  26. Vne FLOATS inflated?
    80 KIAS
  27. Vne AUTO?
    90 KIAS
  28. AFCS Vmin with IAS engaged?
    30 KIAS
  29. Vmin IFR?
    60 KIAS
  30. Max ROD IFR?
    1500 FPM
  31. Windshield Wiper Vne?
    Recommended 80 KIAS
  32. Windshield Washer Vne?
    Recommended 65 KIAS
  33. Max Altitude?
  34. Max Altitude take-off/landing?
    16000ft DA or PA (Whichever less)
  35. Max OAT?
    ISA +39deg C (Max 50deg C)
  36. NR - power on?
    • Min trans - 85% max 20sec
    • Min cont. - 97%
    • Max cont. - 105.5%
  37. NR - power off?
    • Normal range - 80 - 106%
    • less 1900kgs - 80%
    • 1900kgs to 3000kgs - 85%
    • Max trans. - 107.5% - 112% max 12sec
    • Max trans. - 112%
  38. Max Nr rotor brake application?
    50% Nr
  39. Slope limits?
    • Down left/right - Max 14 deg
    • Nose up - Max 12 deg
    • Nose down - Max 8 deg

    MMI not operative - 6deg all directions
  40. Starter limits?
    • 15 sec ON / 30 sec OFF
    • 15 sec ON / 30 sec OFF
    • 15 sec ON / 30 MIN OFF
Card Set
H135 P3H Limits
H135 P3H (EC135 Pratt and Whitney 206B3 Engine with Helionix) Limits