2020 Paramedic Update

  1. Tylenol Adult Dose
    650mg PO
  2. Tylenol indications
    • -fever > 100.4
    • -pain relief
  3. Pediatric Tylenol dose
    15mg/kg PO
  4. Ketamine Contraindications
    • -<4yo
    • -GCS <= 14
    • -known allergy
    • -intoxication
    • -pregnancy
  5. Ketamine dose
    • 15mg in 100ml bag over 5min
    • 25mg IN

    Repeat 1x prn after 15min
  6. Ketamine Ped Dose
    • .3mg/kg in 100ml bag over 5min
    • .5mg/kg IN

    Repeat 1x prn after 15min
  7. Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Indications
    • -Trauma w/ hemorrhage
    • -within 3hrs if injury
    • -SBP<90 and/or HR>110
    • -tachy >120bpm w/ signs of hypoperfusion
    • -Pts >65yo w/ SBP<110
    • -postpartum hemorrhage >500ml within 24hrs I’d delivery
    • -epistaxis uncontrolled by BLS
  8. Tranexamic Acid (TXA) contraindications
    • -known hypersens
    • -suspected MI, stroke, or PE
    • -injury >3hrs old
    • -pts <14yo
  9. Tranexamic Acid (TXA) adult dose
    1g in 100ml bag over 10min (110gtt/min)

    -Epistaxis - 1ml per nare IN, clamp nostrils, repeat 1x after 5min prn
  10. Epi Indications
    • -Asystole
    • -PEA
    • -Anaphylaxis
    • -Bronchospasm
    • -bradycardia
    • -hypoperfusion
  11. Epi Asys / PEA dose
    2-8mcg drip
  12. Epi Anaphylaxis dose
    • -.3mg 1:1000 q20min I’d needed
    • -severe cases - 2-8mcg drip OR 0.5ml push dose
  13. Epi bronchospasm dose
    .3mg 1:1000 OR 2-8mcg/min drip
  14. Epi Dose
    Push dose 0.5ml q1-5min


    Drip 2-8mcg/min
  15. Epi ped cardiac arrest dose
    .1-1mcg/kg/min drip
  16. Epi Ped anaphylaxis dose
    -.01mg/kg 1:1000 IM max .3mg

    • -severe .2-1mcg/kg drip
    • OR
    • -1ml push dose q2min to SBP 70mmHg age 1-10, 90mmHg >10yo
  17. Epi Ped bronchospasm dose
    .01mg/kg 1:1000 IM, repeat q20min prn
  18. Epi Ped bradycardia dose
    • .1-1mcg/kg/min drip
    • OR
    • 1ml push dose q3-5min
  19. Epi Ped Severe Croup dose
    .5mg 1:10000 nebulized
  20. Epi Ped Hypotension dose
    .1-1mcg/kg/min drip
  21. Push Dose Epi preparation
    Take 1:10000 preload and waste 9ml

    Draw up 9ml NS
  22. Base contact Reqd
    • -Bradycardia - sedation beyond initial dose for TCP
    • -Ped ROSC - Epi infusion
    • -seizures - verses after 1st 2 doses
    • -tachy w/ pulse peds - lido if unresp to cardiovert
    • -shock - fluid bolus
    • -epistaxis - TXA Admin
    • -delirium - versed beyond initial dose
    • -Combative - versed beyond initial dose
  23. Lidocaine for Tachy w/ pulse
    -Peds - 1mg/kg, repeat in 10min prn
  24. Hypoperfusion Fluid Bolus
    • -Adult - 250ml to maintain SBP > 80
    • -ped - 5ml/kg to maintain SBP > 70, 80
  25. Adenosine Procedure
    • -1st - 6mg Adenosine mixed in 18ml NS in 20ml syringe
    • -2nd & 3rd - 12mg mixed with 16ml NS in 20ml syringe
  26. Adenosine for Peds
    .1mg/kg mixed with NS to equal 10ml

    .2ml/kg mixed w/ NS to equal 10ml
  27. Lidocaine Cardiac Arrest Dose
    VF / VT

    1-1.5mg/kg first, .5-.75mg/kg 2nd / 3rd... max 3mg/kg

    -1st dose of lido given at 2nd shock
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2020 Paramedic Update