dsm cards - personality.txt

  1. Name the General Diagnostic Criteria for a Personality Disorder
    • A. Pattern of inner behavior and experience that distinctly deviates from cultural expectations in at least two of the following ways:
    • - 1. Cognition.
    • - 2. Affectivity.
    • - 3. Interpersonal functioning.
    • - 4. Impulse control.
    • B. The pattern is inflexible and pervasive.
    • C. Distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important functioning.
    • D. The pattern began in adolescence or early adulthood and is both stable and enduring.
    • E. Not better accounted for as a result of another mental disorder.
    • F. Not caused by a substance or a general medical condition.
  2. Name the Cluster A Personality Disorders and State their Commonalities
    • Paranoid Personality Disorder
    • Schizoid Personality Disorder
    • Schizotypal Personality Disorder

    These individuals often appear odd or eccentric.
  3. Name the Diagnostic Criteria for Paranoid Personality Disorder
    • A. Pervasive distrust of others indicated by four or more of the following:
    • - 1. Suspects others of exploition or deception.
    • - 2. Doubts trustworthiness of friends.
    • - 3. Hesitant to confide in others.
    • - 4. Sees hidden negative meanings.
    • - 5. Constantly bears grudges.
    • - 6. Sees character attacks and reacts angrily.
    • - 7. Suspects sex partner of infidelity.
    • B. Not solely during Schizophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, or another Psychotic Disorder. Not due to a general medical condition.
  4. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Schizoid Personality Disorder
    • A. Detachment from relationships, and a limited range of emotional expression as indicated by at least four of the following:
    • - 1. Doesn't desire or enjoy close relationships.
    • - 2. Often selects solitary activities.
    • - 3. Little interest in sex with others
    • - 4. Few activities give pleasure.
    • - 5. Doesn't have close friends or confidants.
    • - 6. Apathetic to praise or criticism.
    • - 7. Demonstrates coolness or flattened affectivity.
    • B. Not solely during
    • - Schizophrenia
    • - a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features
    • - another Psychotic Disorder
    • - or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
    • - Also not due to a general medical condition.
  5. Name the Diagnostic Criteria for Schizotypal Personality Disorder
    • A. Pattern of interpersonal and social deficiencies indicated by at least five of the following:
    • - 1. Ideas (excluding delusions) of reference.
    • - 2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking.
    • - 3. Unusual perceptions.
    • - 4. Odd speech or thought patterns.
    • - 5. Suspiciousness.
    • - 6. Inappropriate or limited affect.
    • - 7. Peculiar behavior or appearance.
    • - 8. No close friends
    • - 9. Extreme social anxiety.
    • B. Not solely during Schizophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, another Psychotic Disorder, or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
  6. Name the Cluster B Personality Disorders and State their Commonalities
    • Antisocial Personality Disorder
    • Borderline Personality Disorder
    • Histrionic Personality Disorder
    • Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    These individuals often appear dramatic, emotional, or erratic.
  7. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder
    • A. Since age 15, a disregard for and violation of others' rights as indicated by at least three of the following:
    • -- 1. Illegal behavior.
    • -- 2. Deceitfulness.
    • -- 3. Impulsiveness.
    • -- 4. Irritable and aggressive conduct.
    • -- 5. Disregard for safety of others and self.
    • -- 6. Irresponsible behavior.
    • -- 7. Lack of remorse.

    • B. The person is at least age 18 years.
    • C. Conduct Disorder with onset prior to age 15.
    • D. Not solely during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.
  8. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder
    • Pervasive pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, affects, and impulsivity as indicated by at least five of the following:
    • -- 1. Frenzied efforts to avoid abandonment.
    • -- 2. Vacillating, intense interpersonal relationships.
    • -- 3. Identity disturbance.
    • -- 4. Impulsiveness in two self-damaging areas.
    • -- 5. Repeated suicidal behavior.
    • -- 6. Affective instability.
    • -- 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness
    • -- 8. Inappropriate and intense anger.
    • -- 9. Paranoid ideation or dissociation.
  9. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Histrionic Personality Disorder
    • Pattern of seeking attention and extreme emotionality as indicated by at least five of the following:
    • - 1. Uncomfortable if not the center of attention.
    • - 2. Acts provocatively or sexually seductively.
    • - 3. Shifting and shallow expression of emotions.
    • - 4. Attracts attention with physical appearance.
    • - 5. Uses impressionistic, undetailed speaking style.
    • - 6. Uses theatrical expressions of emotion.
    • - 7. Is unduly suggestible.
    • - 8. Perceives more intimacy in relationships than actually exists.
  10. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    • Pervasive pattern of admiration seeking, grandiosity, and lack of empathy, that includes at least five of the following:
    • - 1. Grandiose feeling of self-importance.
    • - 2. Fantasizes success, power, brilliance, beauty, or love.
    • - 3. Sees self as special and unique.
    • - 4. Demands inordinate admiration.
    • - 5. Believes in self entitlement.
    • - 6. Exploits others.
    • - 7. Not empathetic.
    • - 8. Envies others or thinks they envy him or her.
    • - 9. Is arrogant or haughty.
  11. Name the Cluster C Personality Disorders and State their Commonalities
    • Avoidant Personality Disorder
    • Dependent Personality Disorder
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
    • Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

    These individuals often appear anxious or fearful.
  12. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Avoidant Personality Disorder
    • A pervasive pattern of inadequacy, sensitivity, and inhibition, indicated by at least four of the following:
    • -- 1. Avoids occupational activities involving interpersonal contact.
    • -- 2. Shuns involvement with people unless sure of being liked.
    • -- 3. Restrained in intimate relationships.
    • -- 4. Preoccupied by criticism or social rejection.
    • -- 5. Inhibition and feelings of inadequacy in new situations.
    • -- 6. Feels inept, unappealing, or inferior.
    • -- 7. Avoids personal risks or potentially embarrassing activities.
  13. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Dependent Personality Disorder
    • Extreme need to be taken care of as indicated by at least five of the following:
    • -- 1. Difficulty in decision-making.
    • -- 2. Requires others to bear responsibility in major areas of his or her life.
    • -- 3. Has difficulty disagreeing with others.
    • -- 4. Difficulties in initiating projects.
    • -- 5. Goes to lengths to obtain support of others.
    • -- 6. Uncomfortable or helpless when alone.
    • -- 7. Urgently needs care and support from a new relationship when a close bond ends.
    • -- 8. Unrealistic fears about taking care of himself or herself.
  14. Describe the Diagnostic Criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
    • Pervasive pattern of perfectionism, control and orderliness as indicated by four or more of the following:
    • - 1. Preoccupation with details and order.
    • - 2. Perfectionism interferes with getting work done.
    • - 3. Work supercedes leisure activities.
    • - 4. Inflexible in moral and ethical matters.
    • - 5. Difficulty in discarding worthless objects.
    • - 6. Hesitates to delegate tasks or work with others.
    • - 7. Stingy spending habits.
    • - 8. Stubborn and rigid.
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dsm cards - personality.txt
dsm psychiatry personality disorders