N/V at 2 hours elevated liver enzymes
Acetaminophen. Dx with blood level and tx with N-acetylcystein w/i 8-10 hours
Contact with batteries, detergen, drain cleaners
Alkali agents. Clinical dx. Tx with milk/water then NPO
Delerium Miosis fever
dry as a bone, mad as a hatter, blind as a bat. Anticholinergics. Tx with physostigmine
White stripes on fingernails, capillary leaks, seizures
- Arsenic. Dx with blood level.
- Tx: lavage and dimercaprol
Tinnitus, respiratory alkalosis. metabolic anion gap acidosis with normal serum OSM
- Aspirin. Blood level.
- Tx: bicarb and dialysis
rapid onset weakness, ataxia, drowsness
- Benzodiazepine. Blood-level
- Tx: Flumazenil
Bradycardia, heart block, obtundation, high K, low glucose
- B-blockers, clinical dx
- glucagon and IV calcium
dyspnea, confusion coma cherry red
- Carbon Monoxide
- Dx: carboxyhemoglobin level
- Tx: O2
Quick onset almond scented breath and coma
- Cyanide
- Dx: Blood level
- Tx: amyl nitrite or Na thiosulfate
anion gap metabolic acidosis with high serum OSM. Also calcium oxalate crystals in urine
- Ethylene glycol.
- Tx: ethanol drip, fomepizole
Comiting, cloody diarrhea, acidosis. CXR shows radioopaque tablets
Confusion peripheral neuropathy
Microcytic anemia with basophilic stippling. Purple lines on gums
- Lead
- Tx: EDTA, penicillamine
Erthism = decreased memory, insomnia, timidity delirium
- Mercury
- Tx: Ipecac, Dimercaprol
Anticholinergic sx. QRS>100, torsades de points
- Tricyclics
- Tx: bicarb drip