1. abrupt
    • sudden
    • ex: The nurse noticed an abrupt change in the patient's level of pain
  2. abstain
    • To voluntarily refrain from something.
    • ex: The dental hygienist instructed the patient to abstain from smoking to improve his breath odor.
  3. access
    • a means to obtain entry or a means of approach
    • ex: To administer medications into the patient's vein, the nurse must access the vein with a special needle.
  4. Accountable
    • responsible
    • ex: Paramedics are accountable for maintaining up-to-date knowledge of resuscitation techniques
  5. adhere
    • to hold fast or stick together
    • ex: The tape must adhere to the patient's skin to hold the bandage in place.
  6. Adverse
    • undesired, possibly harmful.
    • ex: vomiting is an adverse effect of many medications.
  7. Affect
    • Appearance of observable emotions.
    • ex: The nurse observed that a depressed patient exhibited no obvious emotion and reported that the patient had a flat affect.
  8. Annual
    • Accurring every year
    • ex: The patient told the nurse that she had scheduled her annual mammogram, as she had been instructed.
  9. Apply
    • To place, put on, or spread something.
    • ex: The physical therapist will apply a medication to the wound before covering the wound with a bandage.
  10. audible
    • able to be heard
    • ex: The respiratory therapist noticed that when the patient was having difficulty breathing, the therapist could hear an audible wheezing sound
  11. bilateral
    • Present on two sides
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel reported to the nurse that the patient had bilateral weakness in the legs when walking
  12. cast
    • Hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals
    • ex: The nurse instructed the child that he could not go swimming while the cast was on his broken arm.
  13. Cease
    • Come to an end or bring to an end
    • ex: Because the patient's breathing had ceased, the paramedic began resuscitation measures.
  14. Compensatory
    • offsetting or making up for something
    • ex: When the patient's blood pressure decreased, the paramedic noted that the heart rate increased, which the paramedic recoginzed as a compensatory event
  15. complication
    • an undesired problem that is the result of some other event
    • ex: The physician told the patient that loss of eyesight is a possible complication of eye surgery.
  16. comply
    • do as directed
    • ex: The nurse asked the patient to comply with the instructions for taking the medications.
  17. concave
    • rounded inward
    • ex: The dietician noticed that the patient was very thin, and the patient's abdomen appeared concave.
  18. concise
    • brief, to the point
    • ex: when teaching a patient, the nurse tried to be concise, so the instructions would be easy to remember.
  19. consistency
    • degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is
    • ex: The respiratory therapist noticed that the mucus the patient was coughing was of a thin, watery consistency
  20. constrict
    • To draw together or become smaller
    • ex: The nurse knows that the small blood vessels of the skin will constrict when ice is applied to the skin
  21. contingent
    • dependent
    • ex: The hygienist told the patient that a healthy mouth is contingent on careful daily brushing and flossing
  22. contour
    • shape or outline of a shape
    • ex: while bathing an overweight patient, the unlicensed assistive personnel noticed that the contour of the patient's abdomen was quite rounded.
  23. contract
    • To draw together, to reduce in size
    • ex: The physical therapist exercises the patient's muscles so they contract and expand
  24. contraindication
    • a reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done.
    • ex: The patient's excessive bleeding was a contraindication for discharge from the hospital
  25. defecate
    • expel feces
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel helped the patient to the toilet when he needed to defecate.
  26. deficit
    • a deficiency or lack of something
    • ex: The therapist explained that the patient will experience a fluid deficit if the patient continues to perspier heavily during exercise without drinking enough fluids.
  27. Depress
    • press downward
    • ex: The nurse will depress the patient's skin to see if any swelling is present
  28. Depth
    • Downward measurement from a surface
    • ex: The physician measures the depth of a wound by inserting a cotton swab into the wound.
  29. Deteriorating
    • Worsening
    • ex: The dental hygenist explains that the condition of the patient's gums is deteriorating, and treatment by the dentist is needed right away
  30. Device
    • Tool or piece of equipment
    • ex: A thermometer is a device used to measure the patient's body temp.
  31. Diameter
    • The distance across the center of an object
    • ex: When measuring a patient's blood pressure, the nurse knows that the diameter of a blood vessel increases, the pressure in that blood vessel goes down.
  32. Dilate
    • To enlarge or expand
    • ex: When shining a light in the patient's eyes, the nurse looks to see if both pupils dilate in response to the light.
  33. Dilute
    • To make a liquid less concentrated.
    • ex: So that the medication will be easier to swallow, the nurse uses fruit juice to dilute a foul-tasting drug.
  34. discrete
    • Distinct, separate
    • ex: The paramedic observed several discrete bruise marks on the patient's body
  35. Distended
    • Enlarged or expanded from pressure
    • ex: When a blood vessel is distended, it is easier for the laboratory technician to insert a needle to obtain a blood sample
  36. Elevate
    • To lift up or place in a higher position
    • ex: The paramedic decided to elevate the head of the stretcher in order to help the patient breathe more easily.
  37. Endogenous
    • Produced within the body
    • ex: The nurse explained that endogenous insulin produced by the body's pancreas helps regulate the body's blood sugar levels.
  38. Exacerbate
    • to make worse or more severe
    • ex: The physical therapist recognized that too much exercise would exacerbate the patient's breathing difficulties.
  39. excess
    • more than what is needed or usual
    • ex: the dietician explained that an excess consumption of caffeine may cause unpleasant effects such as feeling nervous and on edge
  40. exogenous
    • produced outside the body
    • ex: The nurse explained that people with diabetes often need to receive expgenous forms of insulin because their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin.
  41. expand
    • to increase in size or amount
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel turns the patient frequently so that the size of the skin sore will not expand any further
  42. exposure
    • contact
    • ex: The nurse taught the parents of a newborn to avoid exposure to people with severe infections
  43. external
    • located outside the body
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel measured the amount of blood in the external drain after the patient's surgery
  44. fatal
    • resulting in death
    • ex: The emergency medical technicians arrived too late to save any lives at the scene of a fatal car accident
  45. Fatigue
    • Extreme tiredness, exhaustion
    • ex: The dietician explained to the patient that eating more iron-rich foods may help reduce feelings of fatigue
  46. flaccid
    • limp, lacking tone
    • ex: After her stroke, the patient could not feed herself because her arms were flaccid
  47. flushed
    • Reddened or ruddy appearance
    • ex: The therapist observed that the patient's face was flushed after completing the exercise
  48. gaping
    • wide open
    • ex: in the emergency room, the nurse observed a gaping wound when examining a gunshot victim
  49. gender
    • sex of an individual, as in male or female
    • ex: Female gender places patients at higher risk for breast cancer
  50. hydration
    • maintenance of body fluid balance
    • ex: The nurse explains that adequate hydration helps keep skin soft and supple
  51. hygiene
    • Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health
    • ex: The dental assistant teaches patients about good hygiene practices to maintain strong teeth
  52. impaired
    • diminished or lacking some usual quality or level
    • ex: The paramedic stated that the patient's impaired speech was obvious in the way she slurred her words
  53. impending
    • likely to occur soon
    • ex: the nurse observed the patient signing the consent form for the impending procedure
  54. incidence
    • occurrence
    • ex: in recent years there has been an increased incidence of infections that do not respond to antibiotics
  55. inflamed
    • reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender
    • ex: the nurse observed that the skin around the patient's wound was inflamed
  56. Ingest
    • to swallow for digestion
    • ex: The paramedic may contact the poison control center when providing emergency care for a child who has ingested cleaning fluid
  57. Initiate
    • to begin or put into practice
    • ex: the nurse decided to initiate safety measures to prevent injury because the patient was very weak
  58. insidious
    • so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time
    • ex: The physician explained that the cancer probably started years ago but had not been detected because its spread was so insidious
  59. Intact
    • In place, unharmed
    • ex: The nurse observed that the bandage was intact after surgery
  60. Internal
    • Located within the body
    • ex: The paramedic reported that the patient was unconscious because of internal bleeding
  61. Invasive
    • inserting or entering into a body part
    • ex: The laboratory technician is careful when obtaining blood samples, because this invasive procedure may cause problems such as infection or bruising
  62. Labile
    • Changing rapidly and often
    • ex: Because the child's temp was very labile, the nurse instructed the unlicensed assistive personnel to check the temp frequently
  63. Latent
    • Present, but not active or visible
    • ex: The latent infection produced symptoms only when the patient's condition was weakened from another illness
  64. Lethargic
    • difficult to arouse
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel observed that the morning after a patient received a sleeping pill, the patient was too lethargic to eat breakfast
  65. Manifestation
    • An indication or sign of a condition
    • ex: The dietician looked for manifestations of poor nutrition, such as excessive weight loss and poor skin condition
  66. Nutrient
    • Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment
    • ex: The dietician explains that fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that reduce the risk of some cancers
  67. Occluded
    • Closed or obstructed
    • ex: Because the patient's foot was cold and blue, the nurse reported that the patient's circulation to that foot was occluded
  68. Ominous
    • Significantly important and dangerous
    • ex: After a patient sustained a head injury, the paramedic noted that the patient's breathing was irregular, which was an ominous sign that the patient's condition was worsening
  69. ongoing
    • continuous
    • ex: The nurse instructed the patient that the treatment would be ongoing throughout the patient's entire hospital stay
  70. oral
    • given through or affecting the mouth
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel reminded the patient not to take any fluids orally because he ws scheduled for surgery
  71. overt
    • obvious, easily observed
    • ex: The overt symptoms of the disease included vomiting and diarrhea
  72. Parameter
    • A characteristic or constant factor
    • ex: The dietician explained that the number or calories needed for energy is one of the important parameters of a healthy diet
  73. Paroxysmal
    • Beginning suddenly or abruptly
    • The respiratory therapist provided a breathing treatment to stop the patient's paroxysmal breathing difficulty
  74. patent
    • open
    • ex: The nurse checked to see whether the intravenous needle was patent before giving the patient a medication
  75. potent
    • producing a strong effect
    • ex: The medication was very potent, and it immediately relieved the patient's pain
  76. Potential
    • Capable of occurring or likely to occur
    • ex: Because the patient was very weak, the therapist felt the patient had a high potential for falling
  77. precaution
    • Preventive measure
    • ex: The laboratory technician wore gloves as a precaution against blood contamination
  78. Precipitous
    • Rapid, uncontrolled
    • ex: The paramedic assisted the pregnant woman during a precipitous delivery in her home
  79. Predispose
    • to make more susceptible or more likely to occur
    • ex: The dietician explains that high dietary fat intake predisposes some persons to heart disease
  80. preexisting
    • already present
    • ex: The nurse notiied the physician that the patient has a preexisting condition that might lead to complications during the emergency surgery
  81. primary
    • first or most significant
    • ex: The patient's primary concern was when he could return to work after the operation
  82. priority
    • Of great importance
    • The laboratory technician was gentle when inserting the needle because it is a high priority to ensure that the patient does not experience excessive pain and discomfort during the procedure
  83. prognosis
    • The anticipated or expected course or outcome
    • ex: The physician explained that with treatment the patient's prognosis was for a long and healthy life
  84. Rationale
    • The underlying reason
    • ex: To make sure that the patient will forllow the diet insturctions, the dietician explains the rationale for the low-salt diet
  85. Recur
    • To occur again
    • ex: To make sure that a tooth cavity does not recur, the dental hygienist instructs the patient to use toothpaste with fluoride regularly
  86. restrict
    • to limit
    • ex: The unlicensed assistive personnel removed the water pitcher from the room to assist the patient in following instructions to restrict the intake of fluids
  87. retain
    • To hold or keep
    • ex: The nurse administered a medication to prevent the patient from retaining excess body fluid, which might cause unpleasant sweeling
  88. site
    • location
    • ex: The nurse selected a site to start the patient's IV based on comfort for the patient
  89. status
    • condition
    • ex: The paramedic recognized that the patient's status was unstable, which necessitated immediate transport to the nearest medical center
  90. strict
    • stringent, exact, complete
    • ex: The nurse stressed that the patient must follow instructions to maintain strict bed rest to prevent further injury
  91. supplement
    • to take in addition to or to complete
    • ex: The dietician instructed the patient to supplement their diet with extra calcium tablets to help build strong bones
  92. suppress
    • to stop or subdue
    • ex: When the child's fever came down, the nurse checked to see if any medications had been given that would have suppressed the fever
  93. symmetric (symmetrical)
    • Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position
    • ex: The paramedic observed that the movement of both sides of the patient's chest was symmetrical after the accident
  94. symptom
    • An indication of a problem
    • ex: The nurse recognized that the patient's weakness was a symptom of bleeding after surgery
  95. untoward
    • adverse or negative
    • ex: The patient became very confused, which was an untoward effect of the medication received
  96. urinate
    • excrete or expel urine
    • ex: The nurse instructed the patient to report any discomfort felt druing urination
  97. verbal
    • spoken, using words
    • ex: The paramedic called in a verbal reprot on the patient's condition to the emergency room nurse while transporting the patient to the hospital
  98. Vital
    • Essential
    • ex: The paramedic knows that it is vital to learn what type of poison was taken when caring for a poisoning victim
  99. void
    • excrete, or expel urine
    • ex: The patient was instructed to void into the container so the nurse could observe the appearance of the urine
  100. volume
    • amount of space occupied by a fluid
    • ex: The nurse recorded the volume of cough syrup administered to the patient
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HESI vocab