How is success defined in the global workplace-
- In the global work place, success can no longer be defined
- by geographical conquests or constraints or through references to national boundaries or borders. In the global
- workplace, we achieve success through conscious communication, applied
- technology, and strong knowledge and skill base. To achieve success in the global workplaces,
- individuals must develop a set of breakthrough skills that enable them to
- compete in an ever-expanding global environment.
Being culturally agile
- Practicing cultural agility means working in or leading
- global organizations that existing with a variety of different social,
- economic, and political environments. It also means recognizing that how you
- communicate may and probably will differ from how others communicate. Acknowledging the gap that exists
- between you communications style and the communication style and expectations
- of others is one way to become more culturally agile.
Strategic communication
- Communication planned with specific audiences and specific
- intentions in mind, communications that is cognizant of individual and cultural
- differences. * in the case study Maria was unaware of her audience she did not
- take the time to understand the goals of the meeting.
Diversity in the workplace
- Sensitivity to others Cultural, gender, racial, religious,
- age, and socioeconomic differences. To be a mindful communicator means to research and respond
- intelligently to the difference you encounter in the workplace.
- CHOOSE- a communication strategy, CREATE-your message,
- COORDINATE- the communication event, DELIVER- the message.
Early models of communication
- presented communication as simply the instructions
- (messages) given by a boss or manager (sender) to employees (receivers). So
- most business models were top down.
- activity of providing
- senders and receivers with responses to communication, ideas, and identities –
- affects communication in an organization in a number of ways: it can bring
- broader business and cultural implication to a conversation. Help maintain the status quo through
- certain responses. Move a situation forward through responses. And initiate
- change by fostering openness.
Hawthorne effect
- increased attention to the workers led to improved morale,
- which in turn improved productivity—this lead to a change from bureaucratic to
- human relations management
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- range from lower order of needs to personal fulfillment at
- the bottom is food, clothing, shelter and at the top is self – esteem and
- personal fulfillment (self actualization) E.g. If you were to create a
- measurement that assessed a worker’s leadership skills in the workplace, this
- assessment would be part of the human relations theoretical approach. Order
- top- down:
- Self-Esteem
- (status, rank, salary)
- Love
- (respect, family, belonging)
- Safety
- (shelter, job, security)
- Physiological
- (food, clothing)
Transactional process
- – idea of power shifts from the manager’s position within
- the hierarchy to the relationship between the manager and the employee.
Human relations approach to power
- – employee gains power primarily by being encouraged to give
- feedback to the boss and to interpret his or her own meanings about the
- relationship and the work, and by negotiating with the organizational superior
- how, when, and with what resources the assigned work could be accomplished. The
- manager gets power from being more supportive, open, interested in the
- employees’ feelings and thoughts and trustworthy. This way managers and
- employees use power cooperatively and more fairly
Systems thinking theory
- combines holism and
- interdependence, views an organization as a system of interconnected
- individuals and teams, for one member of a team or organization to succeed, all
- members of the team or organization must succeed, consists of patterns of
- interaction among the system’s components
Formal Networks
- communication flows into
- and through the organization through formal chains of command and through
- established groups and teamwork ex. Department or group leaders working
- together to solve a problem
Informal Networks
- – communication flows into and through the organization
- using informal or social patterns of routine interaction that are not
- prescribed or authorized by the organization informal way. Ex. Talk around the
- water cooler and impromptu discussions in the employee lounge
Forms of power
- these are the
- approaches from the slide show—
Classical: rank has its privileges, rewards
- Human relations: employee and
- manager have a relationship
- Systems: power is
- less of thing; quality of relationships and information
- Cultural: constant struggle for power in an
- organization
- In the book there was also this list so I’m
- not sure what she is looking for in this part…
- Reward Power – supervisor has
- reward power when a reward can be given based on compliance with a directive
- Coercive Power – a boss with
- coercive power when employees perceive that negative things will happen if they
- don’t comply with directives
- Referent power – boss has when
- employees do what is asked of them because they seek to emulate him
- Expert Power –
- boss has when employees perceive a boss to have expert knowledge
- Legitimate Power – power because
- of his positing with the hierarchy, employees perceive the position
- legitimately held and therefore comply with directives.
Questions for establishing rapport-
- Questions that put the interviewee at ease and break the
- ice. Examples: How was your
- flight? Did you have trouble finding us?
Types of interviews
- Interrogation-
- interviewee is grilled about a grievance filed by a customer or a co-worker typically
- one-sided and biased, Persuasive or sales
- interview—Interviewer appeals to the values and needs of the interviewee to
- make a convincing pitch or appeal. Typically one-sided, can me
- manipulative. Informational interview or focus groups—Employee will receive and
- respond to messages only at prescribed times. Employment Interview—employee
- thinks about the best channel for messages by doesn’t always follow
- through. Conscious communication choices—give and take of information by
- participants who are informed and goal oriented.
Beginning the interview process-
- Before you begin the interviewing process it is important to identify the type of interview you
- are conduction. Are you trying to fill
- a position, solve a problem, or further information. USE the CCCD process. Set qualifications you are looking for in job
- candidates along with factors such as the number of members required, the job
- title for each position, and the mix of team members.
Telephone interview
- Phone interviews are an excellent way of narrowing down the
- possible candidates for a job. You
- can get a general idea of an individual’s personality, energy level, and
- knowledge base. An alternative to
- a phone interview is a video interview.. This reduces fuel costs and
- airfares. They can also save tapes
- of interviews and show remote offices the interviewee on video later. There is a case study on Pg 130 about
- this!
Job description development
- specifies all the
- individual duties and responsibilities that make up a particular job. Smaller
- companies may not go into as much detail as larger companies. Usually includes experience and
- education requirements and the salary range for the position. NOTE- 1. Keep the description short but
- informative as possible 2. Provide a list of at least three qualifications. 3.
- Indentify the city and state the job is located in. 4.provie a clear contact
- for the applicant along with contact information.
Legal question about citizenship
- U.S. citizen? What country were you born? How long have you lived in the U.S.?
- Do you have a green card? YOU CAN ASKà Do you speak any other
- languages? Your Arabic is good.
- How long have you spoken the language? Our company requires employees to provide proof of
- citizenship or legal work papers after they are hired. Will this be a problem?
Primary goal of resume and cover letter
- - Compel
- reader to contact you for an interview
Selling yourself to a future employer
- -highlight
- accomplishments
- -if you
- don’t sell yourself, no one will; cover letter is an opportunity to tell your
- audience why you are the perfect person for the job
-use action words
Cover letters
- -Target a
- specific audience, attend to the basics (use the standard block style), sell
- yourself, and proofread
Resumes (types
- -formal
- statement of who you are
- Traditional format – conservative and
- straightforward. (accounting companies, banks, etc.)
- Contemporary format – highlights
- accomplishments (marketing and advertising jobs)
- Artistic format – displays creative
- talent (graphic artists/musicians)
- -Be sure
- it’s easy to read, make headlines match your accomplishments, select important
- facts (in appropriate order), details to expand upon highlights and explain
- experiences
Formal vs. informal interviews
- Informal Interview- unstructured and
- will cover wide variety of topics with open-ended questions
- Formal Interview – structured and
- centered on questions designed to gather specific information with closed
- questions. Ex: human resources interview – every candidate gets same questions
- Relax and think about questions ahead of time
Success in a team
- Leadership
- styles: autocratic leader – rules
- with firm control over group process; democratic leader – emphasizes the
- participation of members in discussion and decision-making; laissez-faire
- leader – lets the group lead itself.
- -listen, be
- committed, trust team, avoid judgments of others, ask questions, be energetic,
- and be adaptive
- (choosing, creating, coordinating, and delivering)
- -what you
- contribute to the team effort and how you conduct yourself as a team member
- “What does
- the team expect from me, how can I best serve the team, is there any reason I
- cannot succeed, what information do I need, and is there any way to help
- members?” – ways to improve participations is by asking these questions
- *Participation
- is very important
- - Prepare
- for dialogue on specific topics thinking about contributions you can make
- - Prepare a
- list of personal goals
- -Provide
- verbal and nonverbal feedback
- - Ask
- relevant questions publicly
- - Trust the
- team process and other members
- a shared
- vision refers to the overall, far-reaching idea of what a team or organization
- should accomplish
- - Each
- vision statement and the values that define the statement are unique to the
- team and the project
- Step 1: The Vision of the Future (vision
- corporation 5 years from now)
- Step 2: Current Reality (now look at
- corporation today)
- Step 3: Creating the Vision (underline
- key words in each answer—highlight these words. Make a list of the main themes
- that emerge from the answers, and draft vision that incorporates main themes)
- - the result
- or achievement toward which effort is directed
- -define
- goals by setting agenda and creating shared vision
Creativity and constraint
- - “effective communication in an
- organization requires balancing creativity with constraints
- -Creativity
- results from giving people the freedom to explore alternatives
- -Constraints
- are restrictions…time, money
Problem-solving process (from notes, not
- 1) Define
- problem 2) analyze problem 3) establish criteria for solution 4) consider
- possible solutions 5) select a solution 6) implement a solution
- - create and manage agenda – central to
- the success of a vision meeting
- - a
- functional document that should include the date, time, and place of the
- meeting and the speaking assignment or role for all participants who are
- responsible for specific areas of agenda.
- -Timed
- agendas follow strict time spans and limit the length of time available to
- speakers/presenters
- -Old to new
- agendas begin by recapping issues hat still need to be resolved from previous
- meetings, then move to a discussion of new issues, and allow time for
- discussion and making assignments to be complete before the next meeting
Brainstorming in a group
-Brainstorm and use creativity
- -
- Jamming-engaging in a spontaneous energetic group sessions