Medical Terminology

  1. anastomosis (anastom - opening; -osis condition usually abnormal)
    surgical connection between blood vessels or the joining of one hollow or tubular organ to another
  2. aneurysm
    sac formed by a local widening of the wall of an artery usually caused by inury or disease
  3. angioplasty (angi/o - vessel; -plasty surgical repair)
    surgical repair of a blood vessel(s) or a nonsurgical technique for treating diseased arteries by temporarily inflating a tiny balloon inside an artery
  4. arrhythmia (a - lack of; rrhythm - rhythm; -ia condition)
    condition in which there is a lack of rhythm of the heartbeat
  5. arterial (arter/i - artery; -al pretaining to)
    pertaining to an artery
  6. arteriosclerosis (ateri/o - artery; scler - hardening; -osis condition)
    condition of hardening of arteries
  7. angiocardiography (angi/o - vessel; cardi/o - heart; -graphy recording)
    process of recording the heart and vessels after an intravenous injection of a radiopaque contrast medium
  8. atherosclerosis (ather/o - fatty substance, porridge; scler - hardening; -osis condition usually abnormal)
    condition of the arteries characterized by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol deposits and triglycerides) and hardening of the walls.
  9. auscultation (auscultat - listen to; -ion process)
    method of physical assessment using a stethoscope to listen to sounds within the chest, abdoment, and other parts of the body
  10. bradycardia (brady- slow; card - heart; -ia condition)
    condition of abnormally slow heartbeat that is leass than 60 beats per minute
  11. bruit
    noise; a sound of venous or arterial origin heard on auscultation
  12. cardiologist (cardi/o - heart; log - study of; -ist one who specializes)
    physician who specializes in the study of the heart
  13. cholesterol (chol/e - bile; sterol - solid (fat))
    waxy, fatlike substance in the bloodstream of all animals.
  14. claudication (claudicat - to limp; -ion process)
    process of lameness or limping
  15. coronary bypass
    surgical procedure performed to increase blood flow to the myocardium by using a section of a saphenous vein or internal mammary artery to bypass the obstructed or occluded coronary artery
  16. coronary heart disease (CHD)
    also referred to as coronary artery disease (CAD), refers to the narrowing of the coronary arteries sufficient to prevent adequate blood supply to the myocardium.
  17. cyanosis (cyan - dark blue; -osis conditon usually abnormal)
    abnormal condition of the skin and mucous membranes caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood. The skin, fingernails, and mucous membranes can appear slightly bluish or grayish.
  18. defibrillator
    machin that helps restore a normal heart rhythm by delivering an electric shock; also called a cardioverter.
  19. diastole
    relaxation phase of the heart cycle during which the heart muscle relaxes and the heart chambers fill with blood
  20. dysrhythmia (dys- difficult, abnormal; rhythm - rhythm; -ia condition)
    abnormal, difficult, or bad rhythm
  21. embolism (embol - a throwing in; -ism condition)
    condition in which there is an obstruction of a blood vessel by foreign substances or a blood clot
  22. endocardium (endo - within; card/i - heart; -um tissue)
    inner lining of the heart
  23. fibrillation (fibrillat - fibrils small fibers; -ion process)
    quivering or spontaneous contraction of individual muscle fibers, an abnormal bioelectric potential occuring in neuropathies and myopathies
  24. flutter
    condition of the heartbeat in which the contractions become extremely rapid.
  25. heart failure (HF)
    disorder in which the heart loses its ability to pump blood efficiently
  26. hypertension (HTN) (hyper - excessive, above; tens - pressure; -ion process)
    high blood pressure (HBP); a disease of the arteries caused by such pressure.
  27. hypotension (hypo - deficient, below; tens - pressure; -ion process)
    low blood pressure
  28. infarction (infarct - infarct necrosis of an area; -ion process)
    process of development of a infarct, which is necrosis of tissue resulting from obstruction of blood flow
  29. ischemia (isch - to hold back; -emia blood condition)
    condition in which there is a lack of blood supply to a part of the body caused by constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel
  30. murmur
    soft blowing or rasping sound heard by auscultation of various parts of the body, especially in the region of the heart
  31. myocardial infarction (MI) (my/o - muscle; card/i - heart; -al pertaining to; infarct - infarct necrosis of an area; -ion process)
    occurs when an area of heart muscle dies or is permanently damaged because of a inadequate supply f oxygen to that area; also known as a heart attack.
  32. myocarditis (my/o - muscle; card - heart; -itis inflammation)
    inflammation of the heart muscle
  33. occlusion (occlus - to shut up; -ion process)
    process or state of being closed
  34. oximetry (ox/i - oxygen; -metry measurement)
    process of measuring the oxygen saturation of blood.
  35. palpitation (palpitat - throbbing; -ion process)
    rapid throbbing or fluttering of the heart that is usually perceptible only to the patient
  36. perctaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
    use of a balloon-tipped catheter to compress fatty plaques against an artery wall.
  37. phlebitis (phleb - vein; -itis inflammation)
    inflammation of a vein
  38. phlebotomy (phleb/o - vein; -tomy incision)
    incision of a vein with a needle to withdraw blood for analysis
  39. septum (sept - a partition; -um tissue)
    wall or partition that divides or separates a body space or cavity
  40. shock
    state of disruption of oxygen supply to the tissues and a return of blood to the heart.
  41. sphygmomanometer (sphygm/o - pulse; man/o - thin; -meter insturment to measure)
    instrument used to measure the arterial blood pressure
  42. stent
    device made of expandable, metal mesh that is placed (by using a balloon catheter) at the site of a narrowing artery.
  43. stethoscope (steth/o - chest; -scope instrument for examining)
    instrument used to listen to the sounds of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs
  44. systole
    contractive phase of the heart cycle during which blood is forced into the aorta and the pulmonary artery
  45. tachycardia (tachy - fast; card - heart; -ia condition)
    abnormally fast heartbeat that is over 100 beats per minute
  46. thrombophlebitis (thromb/o - clot of blood; phleb - vein; -itis inflammation)
    inflammation of a vein associated with the formation of a thrombus (blood clot).
  47. thrombosis (thromb - clot of blood; -osis condition usually abnormal)
    condition in which a blood clot is within the vascular system; a stationary blood clot.
  48. triglyceride (tri- three; glyc - sweet, sugar; -er relating to; -ide having a particular quality)
    pertaining to a compound consisting of three molecules of fatty acids
  49. varicose veins
    swollen, distended, and knotted veins that usually occur in the lower leg(s).
  50. vasoconstrictive (vas/o - vessel; con- together; strict - to draw, to bind; -ive nature of, quality of)
    drawing together, as in the narrowing of a blood vessel
  51. vasodilator (vas/o - vessel; dilat - to widen; -or one who, a doer)
    nerve or agent that causes dilation of blood vessels
  52. venipuncture (ven/i - vein; -puncture to pierce)
    to pierce a vein with a needle for the removal of blood for analysis
  53. ACG
  54. AMI
    acute myocardial infarction
  55. BP
    blood pressure
  56. CABG
    coronary artery bypass graft
  57. CHD
    coronary heart disease
  58. CHF
    congestive heart failure
  59. ECG, EKG
  60. FHS
    fetal heart sound
  61. HBP
    high blood pressure
  62. HF
    heart failure
  63. Hgb
  64. MRI
    magnetic resonance imaging
  65. OHS
    open heart surgery
  66. SOB
    shortness of breath
Card Set
Medical Terminology
medical vocabulary & abbrevations