RAD 110

  1. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  2. bluish discoloration of skin & mucous membranes caused by an excess of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood
  3. instrument for measuring blood pressure
  4. difficult or labored breathing
  5. 1. abnormal rapidity of breathing; respiratory rates greater than 20 breaths per minute (adult)
    a. Common causes – exercise, fever, anxiety, pain, infection, heart failure, chest trauma, decreased O2 in the blood, & central nervous system disease
  6. 1. pulmonary ventilation rate greater than that metabolically necessary for gas exchange, resulting from an increased respiration rate, tidal volume, or both. It causes an excessive intake of oxygen & elimination of CO2 & may cause hyperoxygenenation.
  7. 1. pertaining to contraction, or a period of contraction, of the heart (myocardium), especially that of the ventricles
  8. pertaining to dilation, or a period of dilatation, of the heart, especially of the ventricles
  9. profuse sweating
  10. in front of the elbow
  11. 1. rapidity of the heart action, a heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute
    a. Common causes – exercise, fever, anemia, respiratory disorders, congestive heart failure, hypoxemia, shock—for increased cellular demands for O2
    b. Pain, anger, fear, anxiety, & medications—stimulus is through nervous system not the demand for O2
  12. state of profound unconsciousness; abnormally deep sleep
  13. disorientation regarding time, place, person, or situation. It causes bewilderment, perplexity, lack of orderly thought, & inability to choose or act decisively & perform the activities of daily living.
  14. pertaining to events, conditions, or behavior that may be considered unreasonable
  15. hindrance of an action (movement)
  16. physiologic increase in the diameter of a body opening, blood vessel, or tube.
  17. state of mental confusion characterized by inadequate or incorrect perceptions of place, time, or personal identity & relationships
  18. excessive leanness caused by disease or lack of nutrition; characterized by an extreme loss of subcutaneous fat that results in abnormally lean body, such as with starvation
  19. 1. pertaining to or resembling jaundice
  20. a yellow discoloration of skin, mucous membranes, & sclerae of the eyes caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood
  21. 1. tough, inelastic white opaque membrane covering the posterior five sixths of the eyebulb. It maintains the size & form of the bulb & attaches to muscles that move the bulb
  22. state of unresponsiveness in which a person seems unaware of the surroundings. Occurs in neurologic & psychiatric disorders; person may be totally or almost totally immobile & unresponsive, even to painful stimuli.
  23. escape of blood from the vessels; bleeding; loss of a large amount of blood in a short period, either externally or internally
  24. characterized by thickening, loss of elasticity, & calcification of arterial walls. It results in decreased blood supply, especially to cerebrum & lower extremities.
  25. elevation of body temperature above the normal circadian range as a result of an increase in the body’s core temperature
  26. bleeding from the nose caused by local irritation of mucous membranes, violent sneezing, and fragility of the mucous membrane or of the arterial walls, chronic infection, trauma, hypertension, leukemia, vit. K deficiency or, most often picking the nose
  27. presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the tissues of the body
  28. coughing up of blood from the respiratory tract.
  29. pertaining to, or characterized by fever
  30. abnormal pattern of respiration, characterized by alternating periods of apnea & deep, rapid breathing
    Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR)
  31. 1. State 4 reasons for learning good patient evaluation skills
  32. a. Person needs
    • b. Physician extender
    • c. Prioritize
    • d. Patient monitoring
  33. 97.7-99.5 degree F (36.5-37.5 degree C)
    normal range for oral temperature
  34. 98.6 degree F
    oral temperature
  35. 97.6 degree F
    axillary temperature
  36. 99.6 degree F
    rectal temperature
  37. 99.5 degree F
  38. 60-100 beats per minute
    normal range for adult pulse (apical side near thumb)
  39. 70-120 beats per minute
    normal range for children under 10 pulses
  40. 70 beats per minute
    average adult pulse
  41. 12-20 breaths per minute
    normal range for adult respiration
  42. 20-30 breaths per minute
    normal range for children respiration
  43. 30-60 breaths per minute
    normal range for newborn respiration
  44. 16 breaths per minute
    average adult respiration
  45. 95-140 mm Hg
    normal range for systolic BP
  46. 60-90 mm Hg
    normal range for diastolic BP
Card Set
RAD 110
Chapters 15-18