Psych - Social cognitions

  1. Cognition
    The way we think
  2. Social cognition
    The psychological processes that people engage in to make sense of social information
  3. The two models of information processing
    • Intuitive system
    • Rational system
  4. Intuitive system
    • Fast
    • Automatic
    • Parallel processing
  5. Rational system
    • Slow
    • Conscious
    • Serial processing
  6. Flaws of firsthand information
    • Unfiltered - Interpreting raw data
    • Can be unrepresentative
    • Can be inaccurate
  7. Pluralistic ignorance
    Misperception of a group norm because the group is acting in a way that is contrary to personal beliefs in order to fit in with one another
  8. Flaws of secondhand information
    • Comes from others
    • Efforts are not always made to avoid error
  9. Causes of bad secondhand information
    • In service of entertainment (including bad news bias)
    • Ideological distortions
  10. Heuristics
    Intuitive mental operations that provide efficient answers to common judgement problems
  11. Availability heuristic
    Relying on examples that come to mind easily
  12. Fluency
    • How easy it feels to process information
    • How familiar you are with it
  13. Conjunction fallacy
    Failure to recognize that the sum of probabilities A and B must be equal to, or greater than A and B
  14. Representativeness heuristic
    The extent to which something fits into a category to infer information about it
  15. Anchoring heuristic
    Numeric estimates are anchored to whatever comparison point we encounter
  16. Most common heuristics people use
    • Availability
    • Representativeness
    • Anchoring
  17. Spin framing
    Framing information to be seen as favourable or unfavourable
  18. Components of order effects
    • Primacy effect
    • Recency effect
  19. Construal level theory
    Psychologically distant actions and events are thought about in abstract terms
  20. Types of framing
    • Spin-framing
    • Order effects
    • Temporal framing
  21. Priming
    When previously presented information activates a concept, making it more accessible
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Psych - Social cognitions