
  1. Behavioral Propositions
    Ideas about behavior we believe to be true.


    • Satiation Proposition - the more we receive of something, the less relative value it has (converse is true)
    • We can predict future behavior from past behavior
    • Norm of Reciprocity - scratch my back + I'll scratch yours
    • Happiness is relative
    • Behavior is selfish - "It's all about me"
    • Teamwork is more important than the individual star - "Michael, if you can't pass, you can't play!
    • Technology changes everything
  2. Organizational behavior
    The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations

    Combines sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology, & business/economics
  3. What are Organizations?
    Groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose

    • Structured patterns of interaction
    • Coordinated tasks
    • Have common objectives (even if not fully agreed)
  4. Why study organizational behavior
    Understanding, Predicting, and Influencing
  5. Work-life balance
    Number one indicator of career success

    Priority for many young people looking for new jobs
  6. Employability
    Continued employment determined by adding value
  7. Contingent work
    No contract for long-term employment; employment contingent on need at given point in time
  8. Telecommuting
    Working from home with internet connectivity to office
  9. Virtual teams
    Operate across space, time, and physical boundaries with colleagues who communicate mainly through electronic technologies.
  10. Knowledge Management
    Any structured activity that improves an organization's capacity to acquire, share, and use knowledge for its survival and success.
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MGMT340 - CH.1