First Aid - Repsonding to Emergencies

  1. 1. Given the body systems, give the major structures and the primary functions of each system. Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Musculoskeletal, Integumentary, Endocrine, Digestive, Genitourinary.
    • a. Respiratory
    • Airways
    • Lungs
    • Supplies the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide through breathing.

    • b. Circulatory
    • Heart
    • Blood
    • Blood Vessels
    • Transports nutrients and oxygen to body cells and removes waste products.

    • c. Nervous
    • Brain
    • Spinal Cord
    • Nerves
    • Transmits messages to and from the brain, and regulates all body systems

    • d. Musculoskeletal
    • Bones
    • Ligaments
    • Muscles
    • Tendons
    • Framework of the body, protects internal organs, allows movement, produces heat,
    • manufactures blood components.

    • e. Integumentary
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Nails
    • Part of the body’s communication network; helps prevent infection and dehydration,
    • assists with temperature regulation, aids in production of certain vitamins.

    • f. Endocrine
    • Glands
    • Secretes hormones and other substances into the blood and onto the skin.

    • g. Digestive
    • Mouth
    • Esophagus
    • Stomach
    • Intestines
    • Pancreas
    • Gallbladder
    • Liver
    • Breaks down food into a useable form to supply the rest of the body with energy.

    • Genitourinary
    • Kidneys and Bladder
    • Removes waste from the circulatory system and regulates water balance
    • Uterus and Genitalia
    • Performs the process of sexual reproduction
  2. 2. List the eight steps in checking the unconscious victim, in the correct order.
    • a. Tap and shout
    • b. Call 911
    • c. Roll face up
    • d. Open airway (head tilt, chin lift)
    • e. Feel for signs of life – 10 seconds (look, listen, feel)
    • f. Give two slow rescue breaths
    • g. Check for signs of life
    • h. Check for severe bleeding
  3. 3. List the nine steps in checking the unconscious victim.
    • a. Interview
    • b. Check head to toe
    • c. Check head
    • d. Check skin
    • e. Check the neck
    • f. Check the shoulder
    • g. Check the chest and abdomen
    • h. Check the arms
    • i. Check hips and legs
  4. 4. If you are alone at an accident situation, list the medical conditions when you should: Call First (three).
    • a. Unconsous adult of adolescent
    • b.Unconscious infant or child with high risk heart problems
    • c. Witness to a sudden collapse of child or infant
  5. 5. A lone rescuer should give two minutes of care before Calling Fast, for the two following medical conditions.
    • a. Unwitnessed collates of unconscious person younger than 12
    • b. Any drowning victim
  6. 6. At what location on the body do you check the pulse for a child and infant?
    • a. Child – carotid artery (neck)
    • b. Infant - brachial pulse (upper arm)
  7. 7. When checking an older conscious, child for non-life-threatening conditions remember these eight steps.
    • a. Check before touching
    • b. Communicate with parent/guardian
    • c. Explain what care you’d like to give
    • d. Get eye level
    • e. Talk slowly, friendly manner, simple words
    • f. Ask questions child can answer
    • g. Have parent/guardian hold and comfort child
    • h. Examine toe to head
  8. 8. When checking an older conscious, adult for non-life-threatening conditions remember these eight steps.
    • a. Learn victims name
    • b. Get eye level
    • c. Locate any health aids, get them back in place
    • d. Look in victims face and talk to them
    • e. Get info from family or bystanders
    • f. Find if any medical conditions or medications
    • g. Check for ID bracelets or necklaces for information
    • h. Minimize fear for loss of independence
  9. 9. At an accident scene, deciding to transport or call 911, you should not transport a victim, if the following three conditions are present.
    Aggravate injury or illness or cause more injury risk of developing a life threatening condition, unsurity of nature of injury or illness
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First Aid - Repsonding to Emergencies
Test 2 Chapters 4-5