Global 5000 Limitations

  1. Maximum Ramp Weight:
    87,950 lb
  2. Maximum Take-off Weight:
    87,700 lb
  3. Maximum Landing Weight:
    78,600 lb
  4. Maximum Zero Fuel Weight:
    56,000 lb
  5. Buoyancy Limitations (Take-Off / Landing near Bodies of water):
    • For take-off at weights above the maximum landing weight, OUTFLOW VLV 2 must be closed and one air-conditioning pack must be shutdown for take-off.

    • For forced / emergency landing at weights above the maximum landing weight, OUTFLOW VLV 2 must be closed and one air-conditioning pack must be shutdown for landing.
  6. Maximum ambient air temperature for take-off and landing:
    +50 °C (122 °F)
  7. Minimum ambient temperature approved for take-off:
    −40 °C (−40 °F).
  8. COWL ANTI-ICE SYSTEM (Ground) must be ON when:
    • the OAT is 10°C (50°F) or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with a visibility of more than 1,500m or less, rain, snow and ice crystals.
    • also be ON when the OAT is 10°C (50°F) or below when operating on runways, ramps or taxiways where surface, snow, ice, standing water or slush is present.
  9. WING ANTI-ICE SYSTEM (Ground) must be on when:
    • the OAT is 5°C (41°F) or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with a visibility of more than 1,500m or less, rain, snow and ice crystals.
    • Must also be ON when the OAT is 5°C (41°F) or below when operating on runways, ramps or taxiways where surface, snow, ice, standing water or slush is present.
    • When anti-icing fluids have been applied, the wing anti-ice system must only be selected ON, if required, just prior to thrust increase for take-off.
  10. ANTI-ICE SYSTEM (Airborne) must be on when:
    in icing conditions or when ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system.
  11. Do not hold in icing conditions:
    with the slats extended.
  12. When in icing conditions maintain a minimum engine speed of:
    76% N2.
  13. Maximum runway slopes for take-off and landing:
    • +2% Uphill
    • +2% Downhill
  14. Maximum tailwind component for take-off and landing:
    10 knots
  15. Display Unit Operating Temperature (ground) is prohibited:
    for greater than 30 minutes with a flight compartment temperature of 40°C or greater.
  16. Static Ground Operation Prohibited N1 range:
    66% to 80% N1
  17. Maximum Tailwind Component for Engine Start:
    20 knots
  18. Take-off Limitation when Crosswind Component Exceeds 20 knots:
    Do not exceed 66% N1 below 30 KIAS (does not apply if wind direction within 10 degrees of aircraft centreline).
  19. Starter Cranking Limits:
    • 3 consecutive engine start cycles of 3 minutes each
    • 15 seconds cooling between cycles
    • After 3 attempts, a 15 minute cooling period is required
    • Starter must not be used if indicated RPM exceeds 42% N2
  20. Fuel Imbalance Limits (On Ground and During Take-off and Landing):
    • Wing Tank Fuel Load < 19,450 lb = 1100 lb
    • Wing Tank Fuel Load > 20,250 lb = 600 lb
    • Wing Tank Fuel Load between 19,450 lb and 20,250 lb = 1100 lb to 600 lb
  21. Fuel Imbalance Limits (During Flight, not take-off or landing):
    1100 lb
  22. Max Usable Fuel Loads (each tank):
    • Wing Tanks = 15,050 lb each
    • Centre Tank = 6,100 lb
  23. Minimum Fuel Quantity for Go-Around:
    600 lb per wing
  24. When Using Wide-Cut or CIS Fuels, Operation is Limited to ______ feet until the bulk fuel temperature is below _____°C.
    Operation limited to 13,000 feet until the bulk fuel temperature is below 15 °C.
  25. When Using Wide-Cut or CIS Fuels, _________ must be inhibited.
    Fuel Recirculation must be inhibited.
  26. Minimum Engine Fuel Temperature for Take-Off:
  27. Fuel Crossfeed must be ______ for take-off and landing.
    must be OFF for take-off and landing
  28. Oil Temperature must be minimum ______ °C for starting, ______ °C before accelerating above idle. Max permissable is ______ °C.
    • Minimum for starting: −40°C
    • Minimum before accelerating above idle +20°C
    • Maximum Permissible: +160°C
  29. Maximum Oil Consumption:
    0.2 litres per hour (0.21 US quarts per hour)
  30. Oil Replenishment System Min. Operating Temperature:
    −11 °C.
  31. AutoThrottle use during landing is prohibited when:
    flaps are at any position other than flaps 30°
  32. APU Altitude Limits:
    Max Operating: _______
    Max Starting: _______
    Max Bleed Air Extraction: _______
    • Max Operating: 45,000 feet
    • Max Starting: 37,000 feet
    • Max Bleed Air Extraction: 30,000 feet
  33. APU Ground Temperature:
    Minimum for start __ °C
    Maximum for bleed air extraction for air conditioning __ °C
    • Minimum ambient temperature for starting cold soaked APU: −40 °C.
    • Bleed extraction for air conditioning prohibited above 45 °C OAT
  34. Landing Gear Limitations:
    Max Retraction Speed: _____
    Max Extension Speed: _____
    Max Speed when Extended: _____
    Max Altitude when Extended: _____
    • Max Retraction Speed: 200 KIAS
    • Max Extension Speed: 200 KIAS
    • Max Speed When Extended: 250 KIAS (0.7M)
    • Max Altitude When Extended: 20,000 feet
  35. Tyre Limit Speed:
    183 knots ground speed
  36. Pack discharge temperatures during manual mode control must be kept between:
    5°C and 60°C.
  37. Max Pressure differential during:
    Taxi and Take-off: ____
    Landing (at touchdown): _____
    • Taxi and Take-off: 0.1 psi
    • Landing (at touchdown): 1.0 psi
  38. Auxilliary Pressurization use is prohibited:
    At altitudes greater than 41,000 feet
  39. Use of the EMER DEPRESS switch is prohibited when:
    at altitudes above 15,000 feet
  40. Maximum Altitude for flight with the Yaw Damper Disengaged is:
    41,000 feet
  41. Minimum Autopilot Engage Height:
    400 feet AGL
  42. Minimum Autopilot use Heights:
    Precision Approach: _____
    Non-Precision Approach: _____
    Non-Precision Approach (with vertical path reference): _____
    • Precision Approach: 80 feet AGL
    • Non-Precision Approach: 400 feet AGL
    • Non-Precision Approach (with vertical path reference): 160 feet AGL
  43. Load Limit on APU Generator:
    40 kVA
  44. Flight Spoilers must be retracted below _____ feet AGL.
    below 300 feet AGL.
  45. Maximum Altitude with Slats / Flaps Extended:
    18,000 feet
  46. FMS Must Not be Used as a Navigation Source Unless it is Receiving Suitable Navigation Information From:
    • One VOR/DME or
    • Two DMEs or
    • One inertial reference system
  47. Use of FMS as a sole NAV Source for instrument approaches is prohibited past the final approach fix unless:
    APP is annunciated on the PFD
  48. The GPS sensor(s) must be deselected when on approach in airspace:
    not referenced to WGS-84 or NAD-83
Card Set
Global 5000 Limitations
Limitations for Global 5000