What is the OT history?
- -Creation of the world
- - fall of man
- -God's covenant with Israel
- - Jesus Christ - God's revealing of Himself
- - Beginning of the Church
What is typology?
The connecting of the OT with the NT
How was the creation formed
through God's word
What was created each day of creation?
- " The World"
- 1- Day & Night
- 2- Heaven & earth
- 3- Water, land, fruit and vegetation
- " Rulers of the World"
- 4- Sun, Moon, & Stars
- 5- Birds and Sea animals
- 6- Animals and man
what is religious myth?
story told to explain or relate what happened.
what was creation?
a covenant between God and man.
what were Adam and Eve's special gifts?
- -Original Justice "state of grace"
- -Freedom from death and suffering
- -Perfection of mind
- -work was not a burden
- -harmony between man and woman
- -peace between man & creation
consequences of original sin?
- -enmity between serpent and woman
- --serpent crawls on belly
- -pain during child birth
- - work will be burden
- - banished from garden of Eden
Cain's decendants
- they fall into sin.
- Jabal~ tents & cattle a farmer
- Jubal~ lyre and pipe
- Tubal-cain ~ bronze & iron black smith
- Lamech~ had two wives
what was Seth's son's name?
How did Seth's family fall into sin
marriage with Cain's descendant & polygamy.
why did God want to destroy mankind
they were corrupt and evil
what is the flood symbolic of?
2nd creation and baptism.
what are the covenant signs?
- Adam ~ creation
- Noah~ rainbow
- Abraham~circumcision
- Moses~passover
- David~ throne or ark
Ham's descendants
Eygpt, Canaan, Philistia, Assuryia, Babylon all of the nations that were against Israelites
Shem's descendants
- Ancestors of the people of God
- Great grandson Eber is the namesake of Hebrew
what was the tower of babel
the spreading of languages.