Chapter 28-29- The Heart and Blood Vessels

  1. What is the heart?
    The heart is a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood.
  2. What type of muscle is the heart made up of?
    Cardiac muscle - impulsive
  3. What is the location of the heart?
    • In Thorax,
    • Behind breastbone,
    • Slightly left of chest,
    • Above diaphragm.
  4. What is the average size of a heart for an adult?
    A clenched fist.
  5. What is pericardium?
    Pericardium is a double membrane that surrounds the heart, filled with fluid allowing friction free movement when the heart is beating.
  6. What membrane surrounds the heart?
  7. What does the coronary blood supply do?
    The coronary blood supply keeps the heart going.
  8. Where do coronary arteries arise?
    Coronary arteries arise at the base of the aorta and branch across the surface if the heart.
  9. What do coronary arteries do?
    Coronary arteries bring oxygen and nutrients to the muscle cells from the aorta.
  10. What do coronary veins carry?
    Coronary veins carry blood rich in carbon dioxide and waste back to the right atrium.
  11. Where do coronary veins carry blood to?
    Coronary veins bring back blood to the right atrium of the heart.
  12. What are the 4 separate chambers of the heart?
    • Right atrium,
    • Left atrium,
    • Right ventricle,
    • Left ventricle.
  13. What is the septum?
    The septum is the wall dividing the two cavities of the heart.
  14. What are the types of heart valves?
    • Semilunar valves
    • Bicuspid valves
    • Tricuspid valves
  15. What is the pacemaker?
    The pacemaker (or S.A node) is a bundle of nerves that controls the heartbeat by sending an electric pulse causing the muscle to contract.
  16. What is the cardiac cycle (heartbeat)?
    The alternate contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle causing blood flow through the heart.
  17. What does S.A node stand for?
    Sinoatrial node
  18. What does the S.A node do?
    The Sinoatrial node sends out an electric pulse across the muscle tissue in both atria causing the contraction of the muscles (atrial systole).
  19. Where is the Sinoatrial node situated?
    The Sinoatrial node is located in the wall of the right atrium near where the superior vena cava enters the heart.
  20. What does the wave if electric impulses across the muscle cause them to do?
    It causes the muscles of the atria to contract (atrial systole), and blood is pumped to the ventricles (up??)
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Chapter 28-29- The Heart and Blood Vessels