Intel 115

  1. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    a. Explosive Ordnance Disposal
    • Locate, identify, render safe, and explosively dispose of foreign and domestic ordinance.
    • Includes conventional, chemical, biological, nuclear, underwater, and improvised devices.
  2. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    b. Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group
    • NAVELSG delivers logistics capabilties and equipment to theater commanders in support of military strategy worldwide.
    • Conducts port and air cargo handling, fuels, distribution, freight and warehouse operations, and ordinance worldwide.
  3. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    c. Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command
    • NEIC is responsible for the MT&E of intelligence personnel support NECC.
    • Provide admin support, movement planning, organizational oversight and training, and DoD intelligence capability certification for all assigned intelligence exploitation teams (IET).
  4. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    d. Naval Construction Force
    • NCF Seabees provide combat engineering support of naval operationg forces.
    • Includes: FOBs, logistics bases, ports/airfield construction, civil engineering, etc.
  5. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    e. Expeditionary Warfare Development Command
    • Trains advance tactics, TTPs at the individual, unit, and integrated levels.
    • Established to enhance fleet high-end warfighting capabilities and readiness across operations and tactical levels of war.
    • NEXWDC develops, validates, standardizes, publishes, and revises expeditionary, construction, irregular warfare, and anti-terrorism/force (AT/FP) protection doctrine and tactics.
  6. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    f. Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center
    • Directly assist individual augmentees (IA)
    • Expeditionary Combat Readiness Command (ECRC) provides oversight of the processing, equipping, training, deployment, in-theater support and re-deployment of over 6,500 Sailors in non-traditional, non-naval expeditionary missions in support of overseas contingency operations (OCO).
  7. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    g. Combat Camera
    Does not exist (since 2018)
  8. 115.1 Discuss the mission, structure and capabilities of the following Naval Expeditionary Combat Command forces:
    h. Coastal Riverine Force
    • CRF operates ashore, at sea, and in the waters of harbors, rivers, bays, and across the littorals.
    • Primary Focus: conduct maritime security operations (MSO) across all phases of military operations by providing port and harbor security, and high value asset security inland, on coastal waterways, and ashore
  9. 115.2 Describe the Missions and manning of NEIC.
    • NAVEXINTCOM is responsible for administrative support, movement planning, organizational oversight and training, and DoD intelligence capability certification for all assigned intelligence exploitation teams (IET). NAVEXINTCOM serves as an advocate for intelligence manning, training, and equipment requirements for the force.
    • Maintain ADCON to Navy Human Intelligence teams (NHTs), Maritime Interception Operations - intelligence Exploitation Teams (MIO-IETs), Expeditionary Intelligence Support Elements (EISE) and NEIC Expeditionary Tactical Information Operations Support (ETIOS)
  10. 115.3 Discuss the following:
    a. Purpose of a NEO
    • An
    • operation whereby
    • noncombatant evacuees are
    • evacuated from a threatened
    • area abroad, which includes
    • areas facing actual or
    • potential danger from natural
    • or manmade disaster, civil
    • unrest, imminent or actual
    • terrorist activities, hostilities,
    • and similar circumstances,
    • that is carried out with the
    • assistance of the Department
    • of Defense.
    • Conducted by DoD to assist in evacuating US citizens and nationals, DoD civilian personnel, and designated persons (host nation and third country nationals) whose lives are in danger from locations in a foreign nation to an appropriate safe have, when directed by DoS.
  11. .3 Discuss the following:
    b. Command and Control during a NEO execution
  12. 115.3 Discuss the following:
    c. Use of State Department F-77 to determine number of potential evacuees
    • F-77 is the report of potential evacuees.
    • -identifies potential numbers
    • -Each embassy is required to submit to DoS an annual report in January.
    • Most recent copy on SIPR

    • Cons:
    • -Only yearly estimates
    • -US citizens must register with embassy when in country.
    • -Totals typically much lower than actual numbers.
  13. 115.4 Describe the purpose of NGA’s NCO.
  14. 115.5 Describe the following intelligence products, how they could be utilized to support
    expeditionary operations, and their tactical relevance:
    a. GEOINT products
  15. 115.5 Describe the following intelligence products, how they could be utilized to support
    expeditionary operations, and their tactical relevance:
    b. Hydrographic products
  16. 115.5 Describe the following intelligence products, how they could be utilized to support
    expeditionary operations, and their tactical relevance:
    c. Aeronautical products
  17. 115.6 Describe the five phases of an amphibious operation and discuss the doctrinal requirements governing intelligence support during the planning and execution of amphibious operations.
    • Planning
    • -Commander's intent and Unity of Effort most important
    • -Plan movement and areas, ship to shore movement, landing plan, and other considerations

    • Embarkation
    • -period during which forces, with equipment and supplies, are embarked on assigned ships.
    • -Mutual responsibility of CATF, CLF, naval forces, and external supporting agencies

    • Rehearsal
    • -prospective operations is practiced.
    • -Conducted based on needs of ATF and LF to exercise the ATF and LF ability to execute the OPLAN.
    • -may occur concurrently but most often associated with movement phase

    • Movement
    • -the naval plan providing for the movement of the ATF to the Objective area.
    • -concerns departure of ships from embarkation points, passage at sea, and approach to and arrival in assigned positions in the objective are.

    • Action Phase
    • -Prior to execution of action phase, JFC seeks to shape the operational environment.
    • -units moved from ship to shore.
    • -Naval surface fire support is used to destroy or neutralize enemy defenses, underwater demolition and MCM.
  18. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    a. Commander, Amphibious Task Force
    Navy officer designated in the initiating directive as the commander of the ATF
  19. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    b. MAGTF (MEF, MEB, MEU)
    • Marine Air-Ground-task Force
    • -principal organization for mission across the range of military operations.
    • -grouped into 4 core elements:
    • Command element
    • Ground Combat element
    • Air combat element
    • Logistics Combat element

    • MEF
    • -largest MAGTF
    • -45,000 marines, 60 day supply
    • -fixed/rotary/tiltrotor assets

    • MEB
    • -tailorable and scalable mid-size MAGTF. Typical 1 star general
    • -reinforced infantry regiment
    • -fixed/rotary/tiltrotor
    • -up to 19,000 marines and 30 days supply

    • MEU
    • -2,600 marines and 15 days supply
  20. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    c. Commander Landing Force
    Commander of the landing force
  21. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    d. Aviation Combat Element
    assets for transport or aerial fire support, and logistical support to the forces ashore or to the installation involved
  22. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    e. Ground Combat Element
    Forces for security to reinforce existing defense force
  23. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    f. Combat Service Support Element
    Provides the LF commander with necessary support from embarkation through rehearsal, movement, execution, and while ashore for continued ops.
  24. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    g. Naval Force
  25. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    h. Naval Transport Group
  26. 115.7 Discuss the composition and purpose of the following groups within a traditional amphibious operation:
    i. Landing Force
    • USMC and/or USArmy, other forces, or multinational forces.
    • MEF/MEB/MEU or similar USA untis organized into appropriate combat and sustainment capabilties.
  27. 115.8 Define and describe an insurgency.
    • an organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict.
    • an organized protracted politico-military struggle designed to weaken the control and legitimacy of the established government, occupying power, or other political authority while increasing insurgent control.
  28. 115.9 Describe intelligence support to counterinsurgency operations.
    facilitate understanding of the operational environment, emphasis on the populace, host nation, and insurgents.
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Intel 115