Estimated Average Requirements for Pregnant/ non-pregnant women

  1. What are the Three nutrients that do NOT increase?


    Vitamine D
  2. Why dose the intake of calcium remain the same through pregnancey?
    Calcium absorbtion naturally increases so there is no need for extra dietary requirements
  3. what is calcium used for?
    for strong bones and teeth
  4. Why is there no dietary increase in iron?
    • - none is lost through menstration
    • - there is increase aborbtion by the gut
    • - there is also extra HB for mum and fetus (preg woman has a 1.5dm increase)
  5. what is the requirement of vitamine D?
    stim the aborbtion of calcium
  6. Which dietary nutriant requirements increase during pregnance?
    • energy
    • protein
    • Vit A
    • Vit B1 (Thiamine)
    • Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
    • Vit B3 (Nicotinic acid)
    • Vit C
    • Folate
  7. Sate why there is an increase in energy requierment?
    • - for growth of fetus
    • - deposition of fat in mums body for laction
  8. State why there is an increase in Protein requiremnets?
    for growth of featal and maternal tissue
  9. Stae Why there is an increase in the requirements of VITAMINE A?
    • 1. Growth, development and differentiation of fetus
    • 2. maternial tissue growth (esp for healthy skin and epithila)
    • 3. Provision of reserves in liver of fetus
  10. what is thiamine also known as?
    and why is there an increase in its dietary requirement?
    Vitamine B2

    • helps make energy avaliable
    • relates to energy needs (deopsition of fat, growth of featus?)
  11. what is Vitamine B2 AKA?
    and why is there an increase in its dietry requirements?

    enables the release of energy from food
  12. What is Nicotinic acid AKA?
    and why is there an increase in its dietray requirements?
    • for cellular respiration
    • (again related to energy requiremnets)
  13. Sate why there is an increase in the dietry requierments of VITAMINE C?
    • - for healthy conective tissue
    • - stimulates the abosorbtion of iron
  14. Sate why there is an increase in the dietray requirements of Folate?
    and what can lack of folate result in?
    how is this combated?
    - for effeiciant use of iron and therefore formation of HB and RBC

    - lack of folate can cause increase risk of fetal nural tube defects e.g. Spina-bifida

    - a pill suplement can be given to increase levels
Card Set
Estimated Average Requirements for Pregnant/ non-pregnant women
Estimated Average Requirements for Pregnant/ non-pregnant women