A & P Lab practical 1

    • 1. Dendrite
    • 2. Perikeryon
    • 3. Mitochondria
    • 4. Axon Hillock
    • 5. Initial Segment
    • 6. Nucleus
    • 7. Axon
    • 8. Telodendria
    • 9. Synaptic knob
  1. Describe: Unipolar, bipolar and multipolar neurons
  2. What are the six major regions of the brain?
    • Cerebrum
    • Diencephalon
    • Mesencephalon
    • Pons
    • Medulla Oblangata
    • Cerebellum
  3. Collectively make up the brain stem:
    Medulla Oblangata, Pons, mesencephalon
    • Parts:
    • Cerebrum
    • Diencephalon
    • -Thalmus
    • -Hypothalamus
    • Mesencephalon
    • Pons
    • Medulla Oblangata
  4. Function: Cerebrum
    Processes conscious thought, stores memory, regulates conscious and subconscious skeletal muscle contractions
  5. Function- Diencephalon- Thalamus:
    Relays and processes sensory info
  6. Function: Diencephalon- Hypothalamus:
    Controls emotions, autonomic funtions and hormone production
  7. Function: Mesenchephalon:
    Processes visual and auditory data, maintains consciousness
  8. Function: Pons:
    Relays snesory info to cerebellum and thalamus, controls subconscoiusness somatic and visceral motor centers
  9. Functions: Medulla Oblangata:
    Relays sensory info to thalamus, regulates autonomic visceral functions (cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system)
  10. Functions: Cerebellum:
    Corrdinates complex somatic motor patterns
    • 1. Superior Sagital Sinus
    • 2. Dura Mater
    • 3. Falx Cerebri
    • 4. inferior sagittal sinus
    • 5. Transverse sinus
    • 6. Falx Cerebelli
    • 7. Tentorium cerebelli
  11. Functions: Dura Mater:
    Outer Meningeal layer containing CSF to cushion the brain
  12. Function: Arachnoid:
    Forms a smooth covering over the brain
  13. Function: Pia Matter:
    Contains blood vessels, CSF and nutrients for blood vessels of the brain.
  14. Function and Flow: CSF
    Function- Airbag for the brain
  15. Anatomy of the brain: Lobes and landmarks
    • 1.Posterior median sulcus
    • 2.posterior greay commissure
    • 3.anterior gray commissure
    • 4.anterior median fissure
    • 5.anterior white column
    • 6.anterior white commissure
    • 7.anterior gray horn
    • 8.lateral gray horn
    • 9.lateral white column
    • 10.posterior white column
    • 1.ventral root
    • 2.dorsal root
    • 3.pia mater
    • 4.arachnoid
    • 5.dorsal root ganglion
    • 6.dura mater
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A & P Lab practical 1
Lab Practical 1