Dicho y Hecho

  1. En el laboratorio
    In the laboratory
  2. la impresora
    the printer
  3. el trabajo escrto
    the written work
  4. la paperlera
    the wastepaper basket
  5. el papel (una hoja de papel)
    the paper (one sheet of paper)
  6. los audifonos
    the headphones
  7. escuchar
  8. el diso compacto/el CD
    the compact disc/the CD
  9. navagar por la red
    navigate the web
  10. la pagina web, el sitio web
    the web page, the web site
  11. el raton
    the mouse
  12. usar
  13. la computadora
    the computer
  14. mandar un mensaje elctronica
    send an email message
  15. el teclado
    the keyboard
  16. la direccion electronica
    the email address
  17. el aula
    the classroom
  18. el papel (uan hoja de papel)
    paper (a sheet of paper)
  19. el trabajo (escrito)
    an academic paper/essay
  20. En la clase
    In the class
  21. el roloj
    the clock
  22. el telivisor
    the television
  23. el aula
    the classroom
  24. la puerta
    the door
  25. el estudiante/el alumno
    the male student
  26. la studiante/la alumna
    the female student
  27. el libro
    the book
  28. el VCR/el video
    the VCR/the video
  29. la tiza
    the chalk
  30. el borrador
    the eraser
  31. la profesora
    the female professor
  32. la pizarra
    the blackboard
  33. el mapa
    the map
  34. la ventana
    the window
  35. el diccionario
    the dictionary
  36. la calculador
    the calculator
  37. la mesa
    the table
  38. la silla
    the chair
  39. la mochila
    the backpack
  40. el cuaderno
    the notebook
  41. el boligrafo/la pluma
    the pen
  42. el lapiz
    the pencil
  43. La vida universitaria
    At the university
  44. Hay - means ?
    • there is or there are in a statement
    • is there or are there in a question
    • It is used with singular and plural forms
  45. Hay una ventana en el aula.
    There is a window in the classrom.
  46. Hay treinta pupitres.
    There are thirty desks.
  47. ?Hay mucha tarea?
    Is there a lot of homework?
  48. ?Cuantos hay?
    How many?
  49. El aula esta muy bien equipada.
    The classroom has very good equipment.
  50. El aula esta adecuadamente equipada.
    The classroom has adequate equipment.
  51. El aula esta insuficientemente equipada.
    The classroom has insuficient equipment.
  52. singular nouns ending in a vowel form the plural by adding __?
  53. Singular nouns ending in a consonant form the lural by adding ___?
  54. Singular nouns ending in -z form the plural by ___?
    change to -ces -- Example un lapiz, dos lapices
  55. Most nouns that end in - o are male or female?
    male - el escritorio, el diccionario
  56. Most nouns that endin - a are male or female?
    female - la impresora, la puerta
  57. Most nouns that end in -ion are male or female?
    female - la informacion, la oracion
  58. Most nouns thad end in -d are male or female?
    female - la actitud
  59. Most nouns that end in -r are male or female?
    male -el televisor, el borrador
  60. Most nouns that end in -l are male or female?
    male - el papel
  61. male or female?
    el mapa
  62. male or female?
    la mano
  63. male or female?
    la radio
  64. male or female?
    el problema
  65. male or female?
    el programa
  66. male or female?
    el estudiante
    both male and female - el makes it male
  67. male or female?
    el turista
    both male and female - la makes it female
  68. male or female?
    la estudiante
    both male and female - la makes it female
  69. male or female?
    el turista
    both male and female - el makes it male
  70. What are the definite articles (the) - male, female, singular, and plural
    • masculino - singular = el alumno
    • femenino - singular = la alumna
    • masculino - plural = los alumnos
    • femenino - plural = las alumnas
  71. What are the indefinite articles (a/an) in masculine, feminine, singular, and plural?
    • masculino - singular = un alumno
    • femenino - singular = una alumna
    • masculino - plural = unos alumnos
    • femenino - plural = unas alumnas
  72. When talkin about a group that includes both masculine and feminine nouns use the masculine plural?
    true or false?
    true - eg. dos chicos y tres chicas = unos chicos
  73. When talkin about a group that includes both masculine and feminine nouns use the feminine plural?
    true or false?
    false - use the masculine plural - eg.dos chicos y tres chicas = unos chicos
  74. yo ___ a la clase todos los dias (every day)
  75. ustedes ____ al gimnasio.
  76. nosotros ______ a la univerdidad.
  77. ella _____ al restaurante.
  78. ellos ____ al resaurante.
  79. tu ______ al teatro con frecuencia?
  80. usted ____ a la universidad.
  81. el ____ a la clase todos los dias (every day)
  82. ellas ____ al gimnasio
  83. vosotras _____ sl cafe?
  84. nosotras _____ al restaurante
  85. el ______ a la universidad
  86. ?Adondevan? means____?
    Where are you going?/Where do you go?
  87. ?Cuando vamos? means _____
  88. ahora - means?
  89. mas tardes - means
  90. antes de / despues de (clase) - means
    before/after (class)
  91. esta manana/tarde/noche - means
    this morning/this afternoon/ tonight
  92. (casi) siempre - means
    (almost) always
  93. (casi) todos los dias - means
    (almost) every day
  94. con frecuencia - means
  95. a veces - means
  96. casi nunca - means
  97. nunca - means
Card Set
Dicho y Hecho
Capitulo 2