1. Not a germ cell of ovary:
a. Endodermal sinus tumor b. Polyembryoma c. Dysgerminoma d. Brenner tumor
2. False regarding complete testicular feminization is:
a. Prelobular bulb b. Female breast enlargement c. Primary amenorrhea d. Blind vagina
3. Treponema pallidum crosses placenta:
a. After 36 weeks b. after 28 weeks c. after 2nd trimester d. at any stage of pregnancy
4. Use of valproate during pregnancy may result in:
a. Mental retardation b. Respiratory depression c. Hydantoin syndrome d. Neural tube defect
5. A young lady presented with bilateral ovarism mass, capsule intact no ascites signet ring cells on biopsy. Most likely diagnosis is:
a. Mucinous cyst adenoma of ovary b. Teratoma ovary c. Krukenberg tumor d. Fibroma
6. Most commonly krukenberg tumor is due to carcinoma of:
a. Stomach b. Breast c. Colon d. Uterus
7. Oral contraceptive acts by:
a. Aseptic inflammation b. Change in endometrial fluid c. Foreign body reaction d. Prevent ovulation
8. Milk ejection reflex is by:
a. Estrogen b. Aldosterone c. Oxytocin d. prolactin
9. Asherman’s syndrome is characterized by:
b. A. Amenorrhea b. Dyemenorrhea c. Metrorrhagia d. Leucorrhea
10.Asherman’s syndrome is due to:
a. Contraceptive pills b. Septicemia c. Postabortion curettage d. Overdose of drugs
11. Asherman’s syndrome is due to:
a. Trauma b. Cu T insertion c. Curettage d. Forceps application
12. Fern test is due to :
a. LH b. FSH c. Progesterone d. Estrogen
13. Ferning of cervical mucous depends upon:
a. LH b. FSH c. Progesterone d. Estrogen
14. Cryptomenorrhea is seen in:
a. Asherman’s syndrome b. Testicular feminizing syndrome c. Imperforated hymen d. Uterine agenesis
15. False regarding PCOD is:
a. Increased androgen b. Decreased estrogen c. Increasedd LH d. Anovulation
16. An 18 year old girl has obesity, oligomenorrhea and hirsutism. The diagnosis is:
a. Adrenogenital syndrome b. Testicular feminization c. Polycystic ovarian disease d. Cushing syndrome
17.Most common site for endometriosis is:
a. Ovary b. Peritoneum c. appendix d. urinary bladder
18. Red degeneration of fibroid occurs most commonly in:
a. 3rd trimester b. 2nd trimester c. 1st trimester d. Postpartum
19. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia skin pigmentation with endocrine manifestations is seen in:
a. McCune-Albright syndrome b. Down syndrome c. Klinefelter syndrome d. Tuberous sclerosis
20. Not a component of Meigs syndrome:
a. Ascites b. Ovarian tumor c. Pericardial effusion d. Pleural effusion
21. Meigs’ syndrome is commonly associated with:
a. Theca cell tumor b. Teratoma c. Fibroma d. Brenner’s syndrome
22. Post- term pregnancy is that which continues beyond… days:
a. 300 b. 294 c. 287 d. 280
23. Chlaydia trachomatis can cause all except:
a. Cervivitis b. Endometritis c. Salpingitis d. Vulvitis
24. Ovulation coincides with:
a. LH surge b. FSH surge c. Estrogen surge d. Progesterone surge
25. Gartner’s duct cyst is seen in:
a. Vagina b. Hymen c. Cervix d. Labia minora
26.In pelvic endometriosis the investigation of choice is:
a. Laparoscopy b. MRI c. Ultrasound d. CT scan
27.Fetal lung maturity is assessed by all the following except:
a. Lecithin saphingomyelin ratio b. Nile blue sulfate test c. Nitrazine paper test d. Creatinine estimation of amniotic fluid
28. Carcinoma cervix is caused by HPV :
a. 16, 21, 33 b. 16, 18 , 33 c. 16, 18, 21 d. 16, 21, 25
29. HPV involved in carcinoma cervix is:
a. Type 16 b. Type 11 c. Type 21 d. Type 06
30. False regarding mayer-Rokitansky –kuster-Hauser syndrome is:
a. absent uterus b. Ovulation c. Absent vagina d. 46 XX karyotype
31. Most likely affected organ in Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome is:
a. Ovary agenesis b. Fallopian tubes absent c. Vaginal atresia d. Bicornuate uterus
32. Clomiphene citrate us used in:
a. Carcinoma endometrium b. Asherman’s syndrome c. Stein leventhal syndrome d. Infertility
33. Long term use of tamoxifen causes:
a. Vaginal carcinoma b. Cervical carcinoma c. endometrial carcinoma d. Ovarian carcinoma
34. Weight of mature placenta is:
a. 1000gm b. 500gm c. 800gm d. 100gm
35. Musculinizing ovarian tumor is:
a. Dermoid cyst b. Arrhenoblastoma c. Cranuloma cell tumor d. Dysgerminoma
36. Virilizing tumor of ovary is:
a. Arrhenoblastoma b. Leutoma cDysgerminoma d. Granuloma cell tumor
37. Not a feminizing type of ovarian tumor:
a. Arrhenoblastoma b. Leutoma c. Early pregnancy d. Late pregnancy
38. “Hegar’s sign” adenomyosis is:
a. Infertility b. Abdominal labor c. Early pregnancy d. Late pregnancy
39. Symptom of “adenomyosis” is:
a. Infertility b. Abdominal lump c. dysmenorrhea d. Metrorrhagia
40. True regarding adenomyosis:
- a. Presents with menorrhagia, dysmenorrheal, and enlarged uterus
- c. progestins are not useful d. More Common in multipara
41. “Cell exner” bodies are seen in:
a. Granuloma cell tumor b. Arrheanoblastoma c. Fibroma d. Theca cell tumor
42. Presenting diameter in brow presentation is:
a. Mentovertical b. submentovertical c. Submentobregmatic d. Occipitofrontal
43. Dameter of engagement in completely extended face presentation is:
a. Submento vertical b. Submento bregmatic c. MEnto vertical d. Mento bregmatics
44. Shortest diameter of fetal skull among the following is:
a. Bitemporal b. Biparietal c. Submento-occipital d. Submentobregmatic
45. Shortest diameter of fetal skull is:
a. Bitemporal b. Bimastoid c. Submentobregmatic d. Submento-occipital
46. Most common anomaly seen in the fetus of mother taking lithium carbonate is:
a. Genitourinary deformity b. Limb reduction c. Neural tube defect d. Cardiac deformities
47.Couvelaire uterus is seen in:
a. Rupture b. placenta praevia c. accidental hemorrhage d. Is congenital
48. All the following drugs are used for postcoital contraception except:
a. Danazol b. ethinyl estradiol c. Levonorgestrel d. Mifepristone
49. Incarcinoma cervix stage III B the treatment of choice is:
a. Surgery+radiotherapy b. Surgery c. Radiotherapy d. Chemotherapy
50.Treatment of choice for carcinoma cervix stage IB is:
a. Radiotherapy b. External hysterectomy c. Abdominal hysterectomy d. Pan-hysterectomy
51. Not a clinical manifestation of carcinoma cervix:
- a. Can be diagnosed by biopsy b. May be present as post-menopausal bleeding
- c. In early stages spread to inguinal lymph node d. For late cases it can cause uteric infiltration
52. Carcinoma cervix extended to lateral pelvic wall in:
a. Stage I b. Stage II c. Stage III d. Stage IV
53. Carcinoma of vulva is:
a. Columnar cell carcinoma b. Transitional cell carcinoma c. Adenocarcinoma d. Squamous cell carcinoma
54.Treatmetn of stage II of carcinoma endometrium is:
a. Radiotherapy +surgery b. Radiotherapy c. Surgery d. Chemotherapy
55. huhner test is done at time of:
a. About ovulation b. After menstruation c. Before menstruation d. Anytime of ovulation
56. In a pregnant woman with red degeneration, management is;
a. Myomectomy b. Hysterectomy c. Conservative treatment d. Termination of pregnancy
57. False regarding krukenberg tumor is:
a. Usually from carcinoma of stomach b. Bilateral c. Maintains the ovarian shape d. NO cystic spaca
58. According to MTP act, opinion of two doctors are required if abortion is done after;
a. 12weeks b. 20 weeks c. 10 weeks d. 4 weeks
59. Most common site of ectopic pregnancy is:
a. Abdominal b. Infundibulum c. Ampulla d. Istmus
60. True regarding RU 486 is:
- a. Used for preventing ectopic implantation b. Acts on cytoplasmic receptor
- c. used along with contraceptive pills d. Used for inducing abortion in early of pregnancy
61.Worst prognosis is seen in pregnant women with which of the following cardiac lesion:
a. Tetralogy of fallot b. Eisenmenger syndrome c. Coarctation of aorta d. Mitral stenosis
62. Most common abnormality for first trimester abortion is:
a. Retroversion b. Chromosomal abnormalities c. placental and membrane abnormalities d. Trauma
63. Which of the following is malignant:
a. Teratoma b. Dysgerminoma c. Brenner tumor d. Fibroma
64. Cause of infection in tuberculous fallopian tube is:
- a. Hematogenous spread from a primary focus elsewhere b. Lymphatic spread
- c. Ascending infection d. Primary infection
65.”Bandl ring” is associated with:
a. placenta praevia b. Obstructed labor c. Fetal death d. Uterine inertia
66.Uterous develops from:
a. Wolffian duct b. Mullerian duct c. Mesonephros d. Metanephros
67. paramesonephric duct develops into:
a. Vas deferens b. Seminal vesicle c. Ureter d. Uterus
68. Most common squeal in retroversion of uterus is:
a. Urinary tract infection b. Retention of urine c. Recurrent abortion d. Spontaneous remission
69.A patient treated for infertility comes with 12 weeks
- amenorrhea with retention of urine and abdominal pain. Most likely diagnosis is:
- a. Uterine hematoma b. pelvic hematoma c. Retroverted gravid uterus d. Impacted fibroid
70.Diagonal conjugate is from:
- a. Maximum diameter of inlet b. Lower end of symphysis to sacral promontory
- c. Mid point posteriorly of symphysis to sacral promontory d. Upper end pubic symphysis to sacral promontory
71. Shortest diameter of pelvic inlet is:
a. True conjugate b. Obstetric conjugate c. Transverse diameter d. Diagonal conjugate
72. Maximum diameter of pelvic inlet in:
a. True conjugate b. Obstetric conjugate c. Diagonal conjugate d. Transverse diameter
73.Retention of urine in a pregnant woman with retroverted uterus Is seen in…. weeks:
a. 28-32 b. 20-24 c. 12-16 d. 8-10
74. Fetal alpha protein is not increased in:
a. Tracheoesophageal fistula b. Congenital nephrosis c. Trisomy 21 d. Fetal death
75.Low maternal serum alpha-Fetoprotein is not seen in:
a. Cardiac anomaly b. skeletal deformity c. Trisomy 21 d. Neural tube defect
76. Fetal condition associated with increased maternal age is:
a. Patau’s syndrome b. Edward’s syndrome c. Marfan’s syndrome d. Down syndrome
77. Human placenta is:
a. Endotheliochorial b. Epitheliochorial c. Syndesmochorial d. Hemochorial
78. True regarding precocious puberty in girls is:
a. Body proportion enlarged b. No reproduction function c. Mental function increased d. Sexual development attained early
79. Greenish vaginal discharge with severe itching points of:
a. Pyogenic vaginitis b. Trichomonas infection c. Candidiasis d. Senile vaginitis
80. Strawberry color of vagina is found in:
a. Granuloma inguinale b. Candidiasis c. Haemophilus vaginalis d. Trichomoniasis
81. “Snow storm” appearance is seen in USG in which of the following conditions:
a. Ovarian cyst b. Hydatidiform mole c. Ectopic pregnancy d. Hydrocephalus
82. Drug useful in gardnerella vaginalis is:
a. Metronidazole b. Erytheomycin c. Ampicillin d. Clindamycin
83. A 25 year old promiscuous lady presented with white papule on labia. Most likely diagnosis is:
a. Planter warts b. Verrucus plana c. Condylomata acuminata d. Condylomata lata
84.Danzol is not used in:
a. Endometrial carcinoma b. Fibrocystic disease c. Menorrhadia d. Endometriosis
85. Not used in the treatment of endometriosis :
a. Tamoxifen b. GnRH analogue c. Danazol d. Medroxyprogesterone
86. Fertilized reaches the uterine cavity in:
a. 11-15 days b. 6-7 days c. 8-10 days d. 2-3 days
87. Bonney’s test is used to demonstrate :
a. Neurogenic incontinence b. True incontinence c. Urge incontinence d. Stress incontinence
88. Bartholin’s cyst is treated by:
a. Medical therapy b. laser therapy c. Marsupialization d. Partial excision and curettage
89.Not an absolute contraindication of oral contraceptive pill:
a. Uterine bleeding b. Breast carcinoma c. Hydatidiform mole d. Genital cancer
90. In menopause, hot flushes are due to :
a. Genetic basis b. FSH surge c. LH surge d. Low estrogen
91.Drug not helpful in induction of ovulation is:
a. Progesterone b. Clomiphene c. Gonadotropin d. Tamoxifen
92.Disseminated intravascular coagulation can be caused by:
a. Amniotic fluid embolism b. Abruptio placenta c. Septic abortion d. All of the above
93. Not a hormone producing ovarian tumor:
a. Dysgerminoma b. Hilus cell tumor c. Gynandroblastoma d. Arrhenoblastoma
94. Candidates occurs with all except:
a. Oral pills b. Pregnancy c. Menstruation d. Corticosteroid therapy
95. Regarding vaginal candidates which of the following is false
- a. Cottage cheese like secretions are seen b. Intense pruritus
- c. most common in non-pregnant women d. Buds and hyphae in KOH preparation
96. Hydatidiform mole is associated with:
a. Ovarian adenoma b. Pseudo-cyst ovary c. Lutein cyst d. Follicular cyst
97. Metastasis of choriocarcinoma most commonly goes to:
a. Lung b. Bone c. Liver d. Brain
98.Not a feature of pseudocyesis:
a. Weight gain b. Morning sickness c. enlargement of uterus d. Amenorrhea
99. Tumor marker CA 125 is for :
a. Carcinoma Cervix b. Carcinoma Ovary c. Carcinoma Liver d. Carcinoma uterus
100. Not a feature of HELLP syndrome:
a. Raised liver enzymes b. Eosinophilia c. Thrombocytopenia d. Hemolytic anemia
101. Norplant is:
a. Nonsteroidal contraceptive b. Subcutaneous implant c. IUCD d. Depot
102. Drug in norplant subdermal implant hormonal contraceptive is:
a. Levonorgestrel b. Ethyl estradiol c. Medroxyprogesterone d. Norethisterone
103. Most effective postcoital contraceptive is:
a. Pills b. Condoms c. Norplant d. Cu T
104. pyometra is:
a. Cervical stenosis b. Chronic endometritis c. Carcinoma endometrium d. Carcinoma cervix
105. Most common type of vaginal carcinoma is:
a. Columnar cell carcinoma b. Adenocarcinoma c. Transitional cell carcinoma d. Squamous cell carcinoma
106. All are indications for cesarean section except:
a. Placenta previa b. Abruptio plaventa c. Carcinoma cervix d. Active herpetic lesion
107. In type B radiation therapy in cervical carcinoma, the point B should correspond to which of the following lymph nodes:
a. Common iliac b. Hypogastric c. External iliac d. Obturator
108. Highest rate of ectopic pregnancy is seen with:
a. Progestasert b. Cu T c. lippes loop d. Cu T 200
109. Most common type of carcinoma cervix is:
a. Columnar cell carcinoma b. Squamous cell carcinoma c. Transitional cell carcinoma d. Adenocarcinoma
110. False regarding cephalhematoma is:
a. Present few hours after birth b. Does not cross suture lines c. Fluctuation seen d. Present at birth
111. Most common site of fibroid likely to undergo malignant changes to:
a. Transmural b. Subserous c. Submucous d. Intramural
112.In leiomyoma of uterus which of the following changes does not occur:
a. Fatty degeneration b. Squamous metaplasia c. Hyaline degeneration d. Atrophy
113.Ruptured ectopic pregnancy is confirmed by:
a.. Dilatation and curettage b. Posterior colpotomy c. Culdocentesis d. Leparoscopy
114. Least vital capacity is seen in:
a. Prone position b. Left lateral position c. Trendelenburg position d. Lithotomy position
115. A case of grade II endometrial carcinoma with myometrial involvement up to 10cm in uterine cavity is staged as:
a. IIB c. IB c. IA d. IIA
116. Carcinoma endometrium with superficial inguinal lymph node involvement is of:
a. Stage IV b. Stage III c. Stage II d. Stage I
117.Not a primary support of uterus:
a. Anti-flexion b. Broad ligament c. Pelvic diaphragm d. Uterosacral ligament
118. Most important support of uterus for preventing prolapsed is :
a. Pelvic floor b. Round ligament of ovary c. Round ligament of uterus d. Transverse cervical ligament
119. Drug contraindicated during pregnancy is:
a. Captopril b. Reserpine c. Hydralazine . Methyldopa
120. Absolute indication for LSCS is:
a. Type IV placenta previa b. Breech presentation c. Previous LSCS d. Fetal distress
121.Most common type of breech presentation is:
a. Compound b. Incomplete c. Complete d. Frank
122. Most common site of fibroid uterus is:
a. Cervical b. Subserous c. Intramural d. Submucous
123. False regarding endometrial carcinoma is:
- a. low incidence in diabetics b. Estrogen producing ovarian tumors predispose to it
- c. Feminizing ovarian tumors predispose to it d. Pre-malignant phase present
124.Endometrial carcinoma is predisposed by all the following except:
a. Estrogen b. Tamoxifen c. Oral contraceptives d. Nulliparity
125. Amniotic fluid is mainly secreted by:
a. Fetal lung b. Amnion c. Palcental d. Fetal kidney
126. Most common cause of breech presentation is:
a. Contracted pelvis b. Prematurity c. oligohydramnios d. Hydramnios
127. Condition associated with lack of a single pelvic ala:
a. Robert’s b. Naegele’s c. Rickets pelvis d. Osteomalacia pelvis
128. All are flase regarding Naegele’s pelvis except;
a. kyphotc spine b. Both alae absent c. Absence of one ala d. Tri-radiate pelvis
129. True regarding Robert’s pelvis is:
a. Rachitic spine b. Both ala absent c. Wide pelvis brim d. Single ala absent
130.Mechanism of action of spermicide is:
- a. Vaginal enzyme alteration b. Disrupting cell membrane and motility
- c. Inhibit glucose transport enzyme d. Activating acrosome enzyme
131. Percentage of myomas which undergo sarcomatous transformation is:
a. 2.5% b. 1.5% c. 2% d. 0.5%
132. Most common site for genital tuberculosis :
a. Fallopian tube b. ovary c. Vagina d. Cervix
133. Most common cause of VVF in india is:
a. Following gynecological operation b. Radiotherapy c. Carcinoma cervix d. Obstetrical trauma
134.s Bleeding of fetal origin is:
a. Placenta accreta b. Abruptio placentae c. Placenta previa d. Vasa previa
135. Variable deceleration is seen in:
a. head compression b. Uteroplacental insufficiency c. Umbilical cord compression d. Artifact
136. In placentia accreta the treatment of choice is:
a. Wait and watch b. Hysterectomy c. Hysterotomy d. Manual removal
137. Ventouse extraction is associated with advantage in:
a. Delivery fastened b. Can be applied in DTA c. no GA required d. Can be applied without full dilatation of cervix
138. Not caused by DMPA :
a. Thromboembolism b. Amenorrhea c. Irregular cycle d. Weight gain
139. Not a side effect of oral contraceptives:
a. Dysmenorrhea b. Mastalgia c. Chloasma d. breakthrough bleeding
140. Hazard of chorionic villous biopsy is:
a. Abortion b. Down syndrome c. Spina bifida d. Limb abnormality
141. Genetic disorders are diagnosed at 11 weeks pregnancy by:
a. Placentography b. endometrial biopsy c. Amniocentesis d. Chorionic villous biopsy
142. Ectopic pregnancy is most common in:
a. endometriosis b. Previous history of twin pregnancy c. Previous history of abortion d. Previous history of PID
143. which of the following is a tocolytic:
a. Oxytocin b. Ergotamine c. Ritodrine d. None of the above
144.Drug used to arrest premature labor is:
a. Diazoide b. Magnesium sulfate c. α methyl dopa d. Aspirin
145. Involution of uterus is completed by….. weeks:
a. 16 b. 12 c. 10 d. 6
146. Normal sodium content of liquor amnil at term is… mg/100ml:
a. 20-40 b. 280-310 c. 100-500 d. 560-660
147. First stage of labor is up to:
a. Crowing of head b. Full dilatation of cervix c. 3/5th dilatation of cervix d. Rupture of membrane
148. Vaccine contraindicated in pregnancy is:
a. Yellow fever b. Influenza c. Hepatitis B d. Rubella
149. Emergency contraception is contraception provided to:
- a. Contraceptive failure b. Couple not wanting to use other contraceptives
- c. Contraception provided to couple living in camps provided by government agencies
- d. Unprotected intercourse
150. Most common type of pelvis involved in occipitoposterior position is:
a. Gynecoid b. Platypelloid c. Anthropoid d. Android
151. Rarest type of pelvis is:
a. Gynecoid b. Platypelloid c. Anthropoid d. Android
152. Most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease is:
a. Chlamydia trachomatis b. Tuberculosis c. Gonococci d. Group B streptococci
153. highest rate of transmission of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy is:
a. Puerperium b. 3rd trimester c. 2nd trimester d. 1st trimester
154. Bishop score is used to evaluate :
a. Cervix status b. Uterine contraction c. Fetal well being d. Fetal lung maturity
155. True regarding minipill is:
a. Prevents ectopic pregnancy b. Cannot be used in lactation c. Used with combination of oral contraceptive pill d. Irregular vaginal bleeding
156. False regarding dermoid cyst of ovary is:
a. Bilateral in 35% of cases b. >10cm c. Lined by epithelial cells d. Has sebaceous material
157. Postpartum desidual secretion present as:
a. Decidua capsularis b. Vasa previa c. Bleeding per vaginum d. Lochia
158. Gonococcal infection in female is commonly found in:
a. Fornix b. Uterus c. Vagina d. Endocervix
159. Premature rupture of membrane occurs at:
a. II stage of labor b. Prior to 1st stage of labor c. 32 weeks of pregnancy d. 28 weeks of pregnancy
160.Longest part of the fallopian tube is:
a. Isthmus b. Interstitium c. Infundibulum d. Ampulla
161. Streak ovary is seen in:
a. Endometriosis b. XXX-Y c. Turner’s syndrome d. Down syndrome
162. Fetal heart movement can be detected by USG by about:
a. 5th week b. 6th week c. 7th week d. 8th week
163. In sheehan’s syndrome the most effective drug is:
a. Corticosteroid b. Prolactin c. Estrogen d. Gonadotropins
164. Not a neonatal complication of a diabetic’s fetus:
a. Omphalitis b. Hypocalcemia c. Polycythemia d. Hypoglycemia
165.Macrosomia is not seen in:
a. postmaturity b. hydrocephalus c. Obesity d. Diabetes mellitus
166. In a 18 weeks pregnancy to exclude down syndrome, the investigation of choice is:
a. AFP and beta HCG estimation b. CArdiocentesis c. Amniocentesis d. Chorionic villous biopsy
167. Not included in “rule of ten” :
a. 10 months of age b. 10 weeks of age c. Hemoglobin 10 gm d. Weight 10 Ib
168.Earliest detection of gestational diabetes is:
a. 28-32 weeks b. 24-28 weeks c. 16-20 weeks d. First trimester
169. Gestational diabetes is best diagnosed by:
a. Pancretic assay b. Fasting and PP blood sugar c. Glucose tolerance test d. Random blood sugar
170.Least effect on neonates in treatment of eclampsia is:
a. Phenobarbitone therapy b. Diazepam therapy c. MgSO4 regime d. Lytic cocktail regime
171.Most common intrauterine infection in pregnancy is:
a. Rubella b. herpes c. CMV d. Toxoplasmosis
172. Maximum incidences of congenital malformation are seen during pregnancy with infection of:
a. CMV b. Syphilis c. Rubella d. Toxoplasmosis
173. Drug of choice in malaria in pregnancy is:
a. quinine b. Halofantrine c. Chloroquine d. Primaquine
174. Earliest presentation in pre-eclampsia is:
a. proteinuria b. Edema c. Hypertension d. Seizure
175. Ovarian tumor with malignant cell in ascetic fluid is of:
a. Stage I b. stage II c. Stage III d. Stage Iv
176. According to the Hellin’s rule, twin pregnancies occur at a frequency of:
a. 1in 60 b. 1 in 70 c. 1 in 80 d. 1 in 90 e. 1 in 100
177. Spinnbarkeit phenomenon is due to:
a. Elasticity of cervical mucus b. Cells of cervical mucosa d. Vaginal secretion d. All of the above
178. Earliest symptom in primary adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube is:
a. Watery discharge per veginum b. Pain abdomen c. Menorrhagia d. Secondary amenorrhea
179. False regarding carcinoma of fallopian tube is:
a. Very rate b. Adenocarcinoma c. Constitutes about 10-20% of malignancies d. Menopausal women
180. Vaginal cytology for detecting hormonal changes is taken from:
a. Fornices b. Lateral wall c. Posterior wall d. Anterior wall
181. All the following are given in postpartum hemorrhage except:
- a. Methylergonovine b. Carboprost c. Oxytocin d.
- Misoprostol
182. Endometrial biopsy is best done at which part of menstrual cycle:
a. 22-24 days b. 10-12 days c. 1-5 days d. 14-16 days
183. IUCD acts by all of the following mechanisms except:
a. Inhibit ovulation b. Prevent sperm entry c. Alters cervical mucus d. Prevent implantation
184. Increased risk of carcinoma endometrium is not associated with:
a. Obesity b. Oral contraceptives c. Nulliparity d. Polycystic ovarian disease
185.Endometrial carcinoma is common in:
a. Nullipara b. Multipara c. Peri-menopausal age d. Thin girls
186. Not a saf drug during pregnancy;
a. Streptomycin b. Ethambutol c. Rifampicin d. isoniazid
187. Gas used for pneumoperitoneum laparoscopy:
a. N2O b. Co2 c. O2 d. N2
188. Amiotic fluid pH is;
a. 6.3 to 6.5 b. 6.4 to 6.8 c. 7.4 to 7.6 d. 7.0 to 7.5
189. Follow up in a patient of hydatidiform mole is done by;
a. Serum amylase level b. Serum β-hCG levels c. Serum AFP level d. Serum CEa estimation
190. Stain used for maturity assessment of amniotic fluid cells is:
a. Congo red b. Lehman’s stain c. Sudan red stain d. Nile blue sulphate
191.Point of distinction between partial mole to complete mole is:
- a. Partial mole show trophoblastic proliferation with absent villi
- b. Typical of partial mole is cellular atypia
- c. Partial mole is more prone to tumor malignancy
- d. Partial mole is triploid
192.Narrowest part o fallopian tube is:
a. Ampulla b. Infundibulun c. Interstitial portion d. Isthmus
193. Most common pregnancy outcome following treatment of genital tuberculosis is:
a. Live birth b. IUGR c. Abortion d. Ectopic pregnancy
194. Stress incontinence is a common symptom of:
a. VVF b. Adenomyosis c. Prolapse of uterus d. Fibroid
195.s Absolute contraindication of IUCD is;
a. pelvic inflammatory disease b. Menorrhagia c.. Uterine malformations d. Uterine fibrosis
196. Gestational sac can be seen in USG earliest at:
a. 10-12 weeks b. 5-6 weeks c. 7-8 weeks d. 12-13 weeks
197. The drug of choice of senile vaginitis is :
a. Estrogen b. Nystatin c. Progesterone d. Ketoconazole
198. Complete failure o fusion of the mullerian duct leads to:
a. Uterus didelphys b. Arcute uterus c. Subseptate uterus . Unlcornuate uterus
199. Tube testing is done under:
a. General anesthesia b. Local anesthesia c. Ketamine d. No anesthesia
200. Absolute contraindication of Norplant is:
a. Hypercholesterolemia b. Diabetes mellitus c. Active thrombophlebitis d. Hypertension
201. Not a feature of idiopathic cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy :
- a. SGPT values< 60 units/dl b. Markedly elevated serum alkaline phosphate
- c. Serum bilirubin more than 5 mg/dl d. Intens pruritus
202. In triple screening test for Down’s syndrome during pregnancy all of the following are included except:
a.. Serum beta hCG b. serum estroil c. Materanal serum alpha fetoprotein d. Acetylcholinesterase
203. All of the following are ultrasonographic fetal growth parameters except:
a. Head circumference b. Transcerebellar diameter c. Femur length d. Biparietal diameter
204. Most common cause of vesicovaginal fistula in development countries is:
a. Obstructed labor b. Werthiem’s hysterectomy c. Caesarian section d. Forceps delivery
205. Which of the following is a cause of oligohydramnios:
a. Congenital heart disease b. Anencephaly c. Gestational diabetes mellitus d. posterior urethral valve in the fetus
206.All of the following are used in the treatment of eclampsia except:
a. Lytic cocktail regime b. Phenytoin c. Atenolol d. Magnesium sulphate
207. Structure scut during medio-lateral episiotomy are all of the following except:
a. Levator ani b. Deep tranverse peroneii c. Superficial transverse peroneii d. Anterior vaginal wall
208. A 50 year old woman, presenting with bilateral solid ovarian tumors, has ascites. Upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy reveals an ulcerative growth in pyloric region of stomach. The most likely diagnosis is:
- a. Malignant ovarian tumor b. Carcinoma stomach with Krunkenberg’s tumor
- c. Carcinoma body uterus d. Carcinoma in the small intestine
209. use of folic acid prevent congenital malformation should be best initiated:
- a. During 1st trimester of pregnancy b. During 2nd trimester of pregnancy
- c. During 3rd trimester of pregnancy d. Before conception
210.Amnion is seen on?
a. Fetal surface b. Maternal surface c. Decidua d. placenta
211. All of the following are known risk factors for development of endometrial carcinoma except;
a. Obesity b. Family history c. use of the hormone replacement therapy d. Early menopause
212. A 20 year old woman gives a history of sharp pain in the lower abdomen for 2-3 days every month approximately 2 weeks before the menses. The most probable etiology for her pain is:
a. Endometriosis b. Dysmenorrhea c. Pelvic tuberculosis d. Mittelschmerz
213. Peri-conceptional use of the following agent leads to reduced incidence of neural tube defects:
a. Folic acid b Iron c. Calcium d. Vitamin A
214. The following statements regarding turner syndrome are true except:
- a. Occurrence of turner syndrome is influenced by maternal age
- b. Most patients have primary amenorrhea
- c. Most patients have short stature
- d. Edema of hands and feet is an important feature during infancy
215. Which of the following is correct for the calculation of pearl index?
- a. (No. of accidental pregnancies*1200)/(No. of patients observed *months of use)
- b. (No. of accidental pregnancies*1200) /(No. of patients observed *2400)
- c. (No. of patients observed *months of use)/ (No. of accidental pregnancies)
- d. (No. of patients observed *2400) / (No. of accidental pregnancies *2400)
216.According to WHO criteria, the minimum sperm count is:
a. 10 Million /ml b. 20million /ml c. 40 million/ml d. 60 million/ml
217.Teratozoospermia denotes :
- a. Decreased sperm count b. Deformed and abnormal shape of sperms
- c. Increased sperm count d. Decreased viability of sperms
218. Doubling of HCG is:
a. 12-24 hours b. 6-12 hours c. 24-48 hours d. 48-72 hours
219.Infertility is a common feature in sertoli cell only syndrome, because:
- a. Too many sertoli cells inhibit spermatogenesis via inhibit
- b. Proper blood testis barrier is not established
- c. There is no germ cells in this condition
- d. Sufficient numbers of spermatozoa are not produced
220.A pregnant woman with fibroid uterus develops acute pain in abdomen with low-grade fever and mild leukocytosis at 28 weeks. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Preterm labor b. Red degeneration of fibroid c. Torsion of fibroid d. Infection in fibroid
221.Maximum permissible radiation dose in pregnancy is:
a. 0.5 rad b. 1.0 rad c. 1.5 rad d. 3.0 rad
222. In a young female of reproductive age with regular menstrual cycles of 28 days ovulation occurs around 14th day of periods. When is first polar body extracted?
- a. 24 hours prior to ovulation b. Accompanied by ovulation
- c. 48 hours after the ovulation d. At the time of fertilization
223.The most common cause of breech presentation is:
a. Prematurity b. Hydrocephalus c. Placenta praevia d. polyhydramnios
224. The most common cause of occipito-posterior position of fetal head during labor is:
a. Maternal obesity b. Delflexion of fetal head c. Multiparity d. android pelvis
225.Gestational diabetes is most likely to cause which of the following :
a. Fetal macrosomia b. pre-eclampsia c. Structural fetal abnormalities d. Oligohydram ios
226. The most common congenital anomaly seen in pregnancy with diabetes mellitus is:
a. Multicystic kidneys b. esophageal atresia c. Neural tube defects d. Duodental atresia
227. A peri-menopausal lady with well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of uterus has more that half myometrial invasion, vaginal metastasis and inguinal lymph node metastasis. She is staged as:
a. Stage IIIB b. Stage IIIC c. Stage Iv a d. Stage Iv b
228. A drop in fetal heart rate that typically lasts than 2 minutes and is usually associated with umbilical cord compression is called:
a. Early deceleration b. Late deceleration c. Variable deceleration d. Prolonged deceleration
229.There is a mid-cycle shift in the basal body temperature (BBT)after ovulation in women. This is caused by:
a. GSH-peak b. LH- peak c. Estradiol d. Progesterone
230. All of the following are known side effects with the use of tocolytic therapy except:
a. Tachycardia b. Hypotension c. Hyperglycemia d. Fever
231. Low dose progenstational contraceptives primarily act on:
a. Oviductal motility b. Uterine endometrium c. Cervix d. Pituitary
232.all of the following are mechanisms of action of emergency contraception except:
- a. Delaying ovulation b. Inhibiting fertilization
- c. Preventing implantation of the fertilized egg d. Interrupting an early pregnancy
233. A case of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia belongs to high-risk group if disease develops after;
a. Dydatidiform mole b. Full term pregnancy c. Sopntaneous abortion d. Ectopic pregnancy
234. Lowest dose of ethinyl estradiol used in combination contraceptive is;
a. 35mcg b. 50 mcg c. 20 mcg d. 30 mcg
235.Apotosis can occur by changes in hormone levels in the ovarian cycle. When there is no fertilization of the ovum. The endometrial cells die because:
- a. The inovulation of corpus luteum causes estradiol and progesterone levels to fall dramatically
- b. LH levels rise after ovulation
- c. Estradiol levels are not involved in the LH surge phenomenon
- d. Estradiol inhibits the induction of the progesterone receptor in the endometrium
236. DES (diethylstilbestrol) administered during pregnancy causes:
- a. Virlization of head and neck b. Virlization of lower limbs
- c. Vaginal adenocarcinoma is teenage d. Cervical stenosis
237. Stilboestrol administered during pregnancy can produce which of the following effects in the offspring:
- a. Virlization of lower limbs b. Vaginal adenocarcinoma in teenage
- c. Virlizationof head and neck d. None of the above
238. Ru 486 can be used in all of the following conditions except:
a. Endometriosis b. Emergency contraception c. To cause abortion d. Endometrial carcinoma
239.Micronized progesterone can be given by which of the following routes:
a. Oral and vaginal routes b. Iv c. Vaginal route only d. Oral only
240.In Vitro fertilization is mainly used when the cause of infertility is due to;
a. Oligospermia b. Tubal disease c. Anovulation d. Cord factor
241. Hyperemesis gravifdarum in 1st trimester is seen with increased frequency in all of the following except:
a. Hydatidiform mole b. Twins c. Pre-eclampsia d. Primgravida
242. all of the following are true about metropathia hemorrhagica except:
a. Swiss cheese endometrium b. Common nearing menpause c. Anovulatory cycles d. Metrorrhagia
243. MTP is required if infected by:
a. Toxoplasma b. Rubella c. CMV d. Herpes
244. All of the following are known risk factors for the development of ovarian carcinoma, except:
a. family history of ovarian carcinoma b. Use of oral pills c. Use of clomiphene d. BRCA-1 positive individual
245. 20-weeks Pregnancy with red degeneration in fibroid should be treated with:
a. Oxytocin start b. Rest, antibiotics and sedation c. Myomectomy d. Hysterectomy
246. Which of the following is false regarding red degeneration of fibroid?
- a. Occurs as a result of outgrowth of blood supply b. Immediate surgery is required
- c. Occurs only during pregnancy d. Presents with pain in abdomen and nausea
247.The common complication of fibroid uterus in pregnancy is:
a. Rupture b. Torsion c. Hemorrhage d. Red degeneration
248. The PAP smear is used largely for:
- a. For diagnosing HPV infections b. For screening carcinoma cervix
- c. For identifying vaginal cells d. Staging of carcinoma cervix
249.All of the following drugs have been used for medical abortion, except:
a. Mifepristone b. Misoprostol c. MEthotrexate d. Atosiban
250. Drug not used in induction of ovulation is:
a. HCG b. Clomiphene citrate c. HMG d. Danazol
251. internal podalic version is indicated in:
a. Face presentation b. Transverse lie c. Breach presentation d. Transverse lie in case of second baby of twins
252. A woman presented on 7th day after 3rd degree perineal tear. Management should be done:
a. After 3 months b. After 4 weeks c. After 3 days d. Immediately
253. In IUCD the organism causing infection is;
a. Cryptococcus b. Herpes c. Chlamydia d. Actinomycosis
254. Primary postpartum hemorrhage is most commonly caused by:
a. Trauma b. /malnutrition c. Residual placenta d. Uterine atony
255. The drug of choice for bacterial vaginosis is:
a. Doxycycline b. Metronidazole c. Penicillin d. Fluconazole
256. with reference to feta heart rate, a non- stress test is
- considered reactive when:
- a. Two fetal heart rate accelerations are noted in 20 mins
- b. One fetal heart rate acceleration is noted in 20 mins
- c. Two fetal heart rate accelarations are noted in 10 mins
- d. Three fetal heart rate accelartions are noted in 30 mins
257. A pregnant woman is found to have excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid . such polyhydramnios is likely to be associated with all of the following conditions, except:
a. Twinning b. Microanencephaly c. Esophageal atresia d. Bilateral renal agenesis
258. Excessive intake (hypervitaminosis) of which of the following vitamin is associated with increased risk of congenital malformations:
a. Vitamin A b. Biotin c. Folic Acid d. Vitamin K
259. The drug of choice for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis during pregnancy is:
a. Carbimazole b. Iodine therapy c. Propylthiouracil d. Methiamozole
260. The most common cause of primary amenorrhea is;
a. Genital tuberculosis b. Ovarian dysgenesis c. Mullerian duct anomalies d. Hypothyroidism
261. The use of combined oral contraceptive pills is associated with an increased incidence of :
a. Bacterial vaginosis b. chlamdial endocervicitis c. Vaginal warts d. Genital herpes
262. Which of the following drug is not used for medical management of ectopic pregnancy?
a. Potassium chloride b. Methotrexate c. Actinomycin D d. Misoprostol
263. The intra-abdominal pressure during laparoscopy should be set between:
- a. 5-8 mm of Hg b. 10-15 mm of Hg c. 2-25 mm of Hg d.
- 30-35 mm of Hg
264.The following statements are true about intrauterine devices(IUD) except:
- a. Levonorgestrel releasing IUD has an effective life of 5 years
- b. IUD can be used for emergency contraception within 5 days
- c. The pregnancy rate of Lippes loop and Cu-T-200 are similar
- d. Multiload Cu—375 is a third generation IUD
265.A 21 year old woman presents with complaints of primary amenorrhea. Her height is 153 cm, weight is 51kg. she has well developed breasts. She has no pubic of axillary hair and no hirsutism. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?
- a. Turner syndrome b. Stein-leventhal syndrome
- c. Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome d. Premature ovarian failure
266. All of the following may be used in pregnancy associated hypertension except:
a. Nifedipine b. Captoprill c. Hydralazine d. Methyldopa
267.A 30 year old woman presented with secondary amenorrhea for 3 years along with galactorrhoea. The most likely cause of her symptoms would be:
a. Craniopharyngioma b. Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage c. Prolactinoma d. Meningioma
268. Which one of the following perinatal infections has the highest risk of fetal infection in the 1st trimester?
a. Toxoplasmosis b. Syphilis c. Rubella d. Hepatitis B virus
269. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in a 27 year old obese woman presenting with oligomenorrhea, infertility and hirsutism?
a. Polycystic ovaries b. Endometriosis c. Pelvic inflammatory disease d. Turner’s syndrome
270.s Anti-progesterone compound RU-486 is effective for inducing abortion if the duration of pregnancy is;
a. 72 days b. 63 days c. 120 days d. 88 days
271. The most sensitive method for detecting cervical Chlamydia trachomatis infection is:
- a. Direct fluorescent antibody test b. Enzyme immunoassay
- c. Culture on irradiated McConkey cells d. Polymerase chain reaction
273. A 6 month old infant presents to the diarrhea clinic unit with some dehydration. The most likely organism causing diarrhea is:
a. Entamoeba histolytica b. Rotavirus c. Giardia lamblia d. Shigella
274. All of the following strategies are effective in preventing mother-to child transmission of HIV, except:
- a. Zidovudine to mother and baby b. Vaginal cleansing before delivery
- c. Stopping breast feeding d. Elective caesarian section
275. A 37 year old multipara construction laborer has a blood picture showing hypochromi anisocytosis. This is most likely indicative of:
- a. Combined iron and folic acid deficiency b. Iron deficiency
- c. folic deficiency d. Malnutrition
276. At 28 weeks gestation, amniocentesis reveals a delta optical density (DOD) 450 of 0.20, which is at the top of 2nd zone of the liley curve. The most appropriate management of such a case is:
a. Immediate delivery b. Intrauterine transfusion c. Repeat amniocentesis after 1 week d. Plasmapheresis
277. All of the following statements about HRT (hormone replacement therapy) are true, except:
- a. It increases the risk of coronary artery disease b. It increases bone mineral density
- c. It increases the risk of breast cancer d . It increase the risk of endometrial cancer
278. Minimum effective dose of ethynyl estradiol in combined oral contraceptive pill is:
a. 20 microgram b. 35 microgram c. 50 microgram d. 75 microgram
279. All the following can cause DIC during pregnancy except:
a.. Diabetes mellitus b. amniotic fluid embolism c. Intrauterine death d. Abruption placentae
280. Use of oral contraceptives decreases the incidences of all of the following except:
- a. Ectopic pregnancy b. Epithelial ovarian malignancy
- c. Hepatic adenoma d. Pelvic inflammatory disease
281.In a young female of reproductive age an absolute contraindication for prescribing oral contraceptive pills is;
a. Diabetes b. Hypotension c. obesity d. Impaired liver function
282.In a young female of reproductive age with regular menstrual cycles of 28 days ovulation occurs around 14th day of periods. When is the first polar body extruded?
- a. 24 hrs prior to ovulation b. Accompanied by ovulation
- c. 48 hours after the ovulation d. At the time of fertilization
283.Which of the following is the most common pure malignant germ cell tumor of the ovary?
a. Choriocarcinoma b. Gonadoblasoma c. Dysgerminoma d. Malignant teratoma
284. The most common pure germ cell tumor of the ovary is:
a. Choriocarcinoma b. Dysgerminoma c. Embryonal cell tumor d. Malignant teratoma
285. During laparoscopy the preferred site for obtaining cultures in a patient with acute pelvic inflammatory disease is:
a. endocervix b. Pouch of douglas c. endometrium d. Fallopian tubes
286. Which of the following has a normal level of alpha-fetoprotein value in serum?
a. Ovarian dysgerminoma b. Hepatoblastoma c. Embryonal carcinoma d. Yolk sac tumor
287. Use of one of the following vaccination is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy:
a. Hepatitis B b. Cholera c. Rabies d. Yellow fever
288.The best period of gestation to carry out chorion villus biopsy for prenatal diagnosis is;
a. 8 to 10 weeks b. 10 to 12 weeks c. 12 to 14 weeks d. 14 to 16 weeks
289. The protective effects of breast milk are known to be associated with:
a. IgM antibodies b. lysozyme c. Mast cells d. IgA antibodies
290. The highest incidence of gestational trophoblastic disease is in:
a. Australia b. Asia c. North America d. Western Europe
291. A case of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia is detected to have lung metastasis. She should be staged as:
a. Stage I b. Stage II c. Stage III d. Stage Iv
292. The karyotype of a patient with androgen insensitivity syndrome is:
a. 46XX b. 46 XY c. 47 XXY d. 45XO
293. All of the following are causes of intrauterine growth retardation, except:
a. Anemia b. Pregnancy induced hypertension c. Maternal heart disease d. Gestational diabetes
294.Whihc one of the following biochemical parameters is most sensitive to detect open spina bifida?
- a. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein b. Amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein
- c. Amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase d. Amniotic fluid glucohexaminase
295. Infants of diabetic mother are likely to have the following cardiac anomaly:
a. Coarctation of aorta b. Fallot’s tetralogy c. Ebstein’s anomaly d. Transposistion of great arteries
296.Which of the following statements is incorrect in relation to pregnant women with epilepsy?
- a. The rate of congenital malformation is increased in the offspring of women with epilepsy
- b. Seizure frequency increases in approximately 70% of woman
- c. Breast feeding is safe with most anticonvulsants
- d. folic acid supplementation may reduce the risk of neural
- tube defect
297. In a case of dysgerminoma of ovary one of the following tumor markers is likely to be raised:
a. Serum hCG b. Serum alpha fetoprotein c. Serum lactic dehydrogenase d. Serum inhibin
298. Misoprostol has been found to be effective in all of the following , except:
a. Missed abortion b. Induction of labor c. Menorrhagia d. Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage(PPH)