description of events.txt

  1. Anatomy (Respiratory and Muscular)
    Teams will be tested on their knowledge of anatomy and health concepts including respiratory and muscular systems.
  2. Awesome Aquifers
    Students will construct an aquifer and answer questions about groundwater concepts - includes a presentation.
  3. Battery Buggy
    Teams will construct a vehicle that uses electrical energy as its sole means of propulsion, quickly travels a specified distance, and stops as close as possible to the center of the finish line.
  4. Bottle Rocket
    Prior to the tournament, teams construct up to 2 rockets designed to stay aloft for the greatest amount of time.
  5. Can't Judge a Powder
    Students will test and characterize one pure substance in H2O and possibly HCl and other reagents and then, based only on data they collect in their observations, answer a series of questions about that substance. Other relevant questions may be asked. For example, the 2010 National Tournament test contained a question that asked about the number labeled on the bag that the powder was presented in.
  6. Compute This
    Teams will be presented with a problem which requires quantitative data capture from the Internet and the presentation of data in a graphical format.
  7. Crime Busters
    Students use provided material to find unknown materials (e.g. plastics, powders, liquids) and identify them. Science crime busters may also have to use DNA, blood spatters, finger prints, tracks, and shoe prints to provide answers and solve a "crime" based on a story. Water testing will too be expected of competitors.
  8. Disease Detectives (Food Borne Illness)
    This event requires students to apply principles of epidemiology to a published report of a real-life health situation or problem.
  9. Dynamic Planet (Earth's Fresh Waters)
    Teams will work at stations that display a variety of earth science materials and related earth science questions.
  10. Ecology (Tundra/Taiga biomes)
    Students will answer questions involving content knowledge and process skills in the area of ecology and adaptation by examining different ecosystems.
  11. Experimental Design
    Given a set of unknown objects, teams will design, conduct, analyze and write-up an experiment from hypothesis to conclusion.
  12. Fossils
    Students will identify, describe, and classify various specimens. Junkyard Challenge Students will partially pre-construct an device with final construction and adaptation onsite to complete a published challenge. Meteorology (Severe Storms) This event involves the use of process skills as applied to meteorology. Microbe Mission Teams will answer questions, solve problems and analyze data pertaining to microbes. Optics Teams compete in activities and answer questions related to geometric and physical optics. Ornithology This event will test knowledge of North American birds on the official list in various ways. Road Scholar Students read through a story and answer questions throughout the story while having to interpret the multiple maps given. These maps may be either topographic or road maps, but must represent areas within the U.S. A portion of the test may also require students to draw a 1 mile ? 1 mile section map. Shock Value Students will compete in activities involving basic understanding of electricity, magnetism, and simple electrical devices. Solar System Teams will demonstrate knowledge of the Sun, planets and their satellites, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, the asteroid belt, meteoroids, Oort Cloud, and the Kuiper Belt. Storm the Castle Prior to the tournament, teams design, construct and calibrate a device that uses only the energy of a falling counterweight to launch a projectile as far and as accurately as possible. Towers Team members design and build the most efficient tower. Write It, Do It One student is given a model that the other student can not see; he/she is to write instructions on how to create that model, and after the time is up, the other student is given the set of instructions with the materials and tries to build a replica of the model.
  13. Junkyard Challenge
    Students will partially pre-construct an device with final construction and adaptation onsite to complete a published challenge.
  14. Meteorology (Severe Storms)
    This event involves the use of process skills as applied to meteorology.
  15. Microbe Mission
    Teams will answer questions, solve problems and analyze data pertaining to microbes.
  16. Optics
    Teams compete in activities and answer questions related to geometric and physical optics.
  17. Ornithology
    This event will test knowledge of North American birds on the official list in various ways.
  18. Road Scholar
    Students read through a story and answer questions throughout the story while having to interpret the multiple maps given. These maps may be either topographic or road maps, but must represent areas within the U.S. A portion of the test may also require students to draw a 1 mile ? 1 mile section map.
  19. Shock Value
    Students will compete in activities involving basic understanding of electricity, magnetism, and simple electrical devices.
  20. Solar System
    Teams will demonstrate knowledge of the Sun, planets and their satellites, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, the asteroid belt, meteoroids, Oort Cloud, and the Kuiper Belt.
  21. Storm the Castle
    Prior to the tournament, teams design, construct and calibrate a device that uses only the energy of a falling counterweight to launch a projectile as far and as accurately as possible.
  22. Towers
    Team members design and build the most efficient tower.
  23. Write It, Do It
    One student is given a model that the other student can not see; he/she is to write instructions on how to create that model, and after the time is up, the other student is given the set of instructions with the materials and tries to build a replica of the model.
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description of events.txt
description of all events