Henry Ford
introduced a series of methods and ideas (Model-T, mass production) that revolutionized production, wages, working conditions, and daily life
Mass Production
rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical products, contributes to economic boom
Assembly Line
arrangement of equipment and workers in which work passes from operation to operation in direct line until the product is assembled. Made for quicker production and lowered price of products
Consumer Revolution
flood of new, affordable goods in the decades post WWI; stimulated economic growth and progress
Installment Buying
method of purchase in which the buyer makes a small down payment, and then pays off the rest of the debt in regular monthly payments; gives more people the opportunity to invest
Bull Market
period of rising stock prices, many were too confident in the market and this provided a shaky ground
Buying on Margin
margin system of buying stocks in which the buyer pays a small percentage of the purchase price while the broker advances the rest
Teapot Dome Scandal
Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall took bribes for leasing government oil reserves and Harding signed it off (approved); once exposed, the scandal makes President Harding look bad
Washington Naval Disarmament Conference
meeting held in 1921 and 1922 where world leaders agreed to limit construction of warships to ultimately try to prevent war
Kellogg-Briand Pact
1928 agreement in which many nations agree to outlaw war; importance- to prevent war
Dawes Plan
agreement in which the US loaned money to Germany, allowing Germany to make reparation payments to Britain and France
trend that emphasized sciences and secular values over traditional ideas about religion, linked to more urban areas
a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles (using the Bible), more common in rural areas
Scopes Trial
1925 trial of a Tennessee schoolteacher (John Scopes) for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution in a biology class, ended up fined for $100
Quota System
arrangement that limited the number of immigrants who could enter the US from specific countries (came from Emergency Quota Act and National Origins Act)
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
organization that promotes hatred and discrimination against specific ethnic and religious groups
the forbidding by law of the manufacture, transport, and sale of alcohol
18th Amendment
constitutional amendment banning the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcohol in the US
Volstead Act
law enacted by Congress to enforce the eighteenth amendment
one who sells illegal alcohol; in effect promotes crime
Charlie Chaplin
the most popular silent film star of the 1920s, played the Little Tramp, silent film reached globally
The Jazz Singer
first movie with sound synchronized to the action
young woman from the 1920s who defied traditional rules of conduct and dress, paved way for women to keep progressing
Sigmund Freund
Austrian pyschologist who contributed to literary and artistic modernism in the 1920s, developed idea of subconscious
"Lost Generation"
term for American writers of the 1920s marked by disillusion with WWI and search for new sense of meaning
F. Scott Fitzgerald
- novelist who explored the reality of the American dream of wealth, success, and emotional fulfillment
- works: This Side of Paradise, The Great Gatsby
Ernest Hemingway
novelist who explored similar themes to Fitzgerald but in a new idiom; he worked to develop a writing style that reflected his insights
Marcus Garvey
advocated seperation of races to promote universal black nationalism
American musical form developed by African Americans, based on improvisation and blending blues, ragtime, and European-based popular music
Louis Armstrong
"unofficial ambassador of jazz", legend for improv on the trumpet and he influenced the development of jazz, also pioneered "scat"
Bessie Smith
a jazz vocal soloist known as the "Empress of the Blues", highest paid African American entertainer in the 1920s
Harlem Renaissance
period during the 1920s in which African American novelists, poets, and artists celebrated their culture
Claude McKay
Jamaican immigrant, novelist, and poet, was a very militant writer, showed ordinary African Americans struggling for dignity and advancement in the face of discrimination and economic hardships
Langston Hughes
one of the most powerful black literary voices of the decade, focused on celebrating African American culture and life
Zora Neale Hurston
African American writer who wrote folk tales and novels about how black and white women wanted independence and advancement in society