Week 3: Point Therapeutics

  1. What 2 exogenous pathogens produce "cough"?
    • 1. Wind -Heat
    • 2. Wind-Cold
  2. What 4 types of internal injury/dysfunction of internal organs produce "cough"?
    • 1. Spleen can't govern T&T
    • 2. Liver Fire insults the lungs
    • 3. Deficiency of lung Yin
    • 4. Kidney Yin deficiency
  3. What are the clinical manifestations of Wind-Cold type cough?
    • * Cough, itching throat, aversion to cold, fever, H/A, anhydrosis, nasal obstruction and discharge
    • * Thin, white sputum
    • * Thin, white tongue coat
    • * Superficial pulse
  4. What is the treatment principle for Wind-Cold type cough?
    • * Release the exterior and reduce cough
    • * Formula: Xing Su San
  5. What are the common points when treating Wind-Cold type cough?
    • UB 13 (Lu Shu)
    • Lu 7 (dispel cold, diffuse lung course channels/collaterals),
    • Lu 1 (Lu Mu)
    • Lu 5 (He-Sea, sedation; descends Lu Qi-cough; clears upper burner heat)
    • LI 4 (Source LI; courses wind; resolves exterior; clears Lu heat; course channels)
    • Ren 17 (Infl. Pt. of Qi)
    • Function: disperse exterior syndrome & descend Lu Qi
  6. What additional points are used to treat WInd-Cold type cough?
    • Moxa & needle:
    • * GB 20 (course wind; clear heat; clears head & opens portals)
    • * UB 12 (dispel wind; diffuse Lu, resolve exterior, H/A, cough)
    • * UB 13 (Lu Shu; regulates Lu Qi, cough)
  7. What are the clinical manifestations of Wind-Heat type cough?
    • *Cough w/ yellow, thick sputum
    • * Thirst, sore throat, fever, H/A,
    • * Aversion to wind
    • * Thin, yellow tongue coat
    • * Superficial & rapid pulse
  8. What is the treatment principle for cough d/t Wind-Heat?
    Dispel wind & clear heat, reduce cough, (use reducing needle technique with excess syndromes)
  9. What additional points, outside of common points, are used to treat cough d/t Wind-Heat?
    • * Common points (UB 13, Lu 7, 5, 1, LI 4, Ren 17)
    • * LI 11 (He-Sea clears heat)
    • * SJ 5 (disperses Wind-Heat)
    • * Du 14 (removes Wind & clears heat --> Bleed point!)
  10. What 3 pathologies produce "interior-type" cough?
    • 1. Damp-Phlegm obstructing the Lungs
    • 2. Liver Fire insulting the Lungs
    • 3. Deficiency of Lu/Kid Yin
  11. What are the clinical manifestations of interior cough d/t Damp-Phlegm obstructing the lungs?
    • * Cough with profuse, white, sticky sputum
    • * Stuffiness & depression of the chest, loss of appetite
    • * White, sticky tongue coat
    • * Slippery pulse
  12. What's the treatment principle for cough d/t interior Damp-Phlegm obstructing the lungs?
    Strengthen the Sp to reduce Damp-Phlegm
  13. What additional points are used to treat cough d/t interior Damp-Phlegm obstructing the lungs?
    • * Common points (UB 13, Lu 5, 1, Ren 17)
    • * Ren 12 (St Mu; tonify Sp & inhibits Damp; Middle SJ point)
    • * St 40 (transform P-D), St 36 (Tonify Sp/St; course Wind; transform Damp; dispel pathos; prevents dz)
    • * Sp 9 (Regulate Sp; transform Damp; dispel W-C), Sp 3 (Tonify Sp; regulate MJ; regulates Qi, mvmt & transformation)
  14. What common points are used to treat cough d/t an interior condition (a.k.a "interior cough")?
    • * UB 13
    • * Lu 5, 1
    • * Ren 17
    • ** Function: descend Lu Qi & stop cough**
  15. What are the clinical manifestations of cough d/t Liver-Fire insulting the lungs?
    • * Cough with scanty, sticky yellow Phlegm
    • * Pain in the chest, radiating to h.c. while coughing
    • * Bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, red face
    • * Red tongue w/ yellow coat
    • * Wiry & rapid pulse
  16. Beside common points, what additional points are used to treat cough d/t liver fire insulting the lungs?
    • * Common points (UB 13, Lu 5,1, Ren 17 --> descend rebel Qi & stop cough)
    • * Lu 10 (reducing technique: Ying-Spring, clears lung heat, benefits throat))
    • * Liv 2 (reducing technique: Ying-Springclears Liv Fire; treats H-C pain; subdues Liv Yang)
    • * GB 34 (treats D-H, moves Liv Qi, relieve H-C pain)
  17. What are the clinical manifestations of cough d/t deficiency of lung and kidney Yin?
    • * Dry Cough w/out sputum or scanty sputum
    • * Spitting or coughing blood
    • * Dry nose & throat, afternoon fever, malar flush, night sweats, 5-palm heat (Yin Def S/S)
    • * Sore lower back & knees
    • * Red tongue w/scanty coat
    • * Thready & rapid pulse
  18. What's the treatment principle for cough d/t deficiency lung & kidney Yin?
    • Nourish kidney & lung Yin
    • Stop cough
  19. What's the treatment principle for cough d/t liver fire insulting the lungs?
    • Clear liver fire & heat
    • Stop cough
  20. Aside from the common points, what additional points are used to treat cough d/t deficiency kidney & lung Yin?
    • * Lu 7 + Kid 6
    • * Sp 6 (Tonify Yin)
    • * Kid 3 (Tonify Kidney; Source point)
    • * UB 43 (special fx for treating Lung Def cough)
  21. What are the 2 causes of ACUTE diarrhea?
    • 1. External Pathogenic factors (Cold-Damp, Damp-Heat)
    • 2. Improper Diet (Food Retention)
  22. What are the 3 causes of CHRONIC diarrhea?
    • 1. Liver Qi Stagnation
    • 2. Sp/St Deficiency
    • 3. Kidney Yang Deficiency
  23. What are the clinical manifestations of acute diarrhea d/t Cold-Damp?
    • * Watery, clear, thin diarrhea
    • * Abdominal pain & borborygmi, chilliness that responds to warmth
    • * Absence of thirst
    • * Pale tongue w/ a white, greasy coat
    • * Deep, slow pulse
  24. What are the common points used to treat diarrhea?
    • * St 37 (Reg St/LI; clear D-H; treat diarrhea)), St 25 (Mu of LI)
    • * Ren 12 (Mu of St)
    • * LI 4 (Yuan of LI)
    • ** These points function to regulate the LI & St**
  25. Beside the common points, what points treat Cold-Damp diarrhea?
    • * Ren 12 + Ren 8 (Tonify Yuan Qi): moxa both points to warm the MJ & remove Damp
    • * Sp 9 ( resolves Damp; benefits LJ)
  26. What formula treats Cold-Damp diarrhea?
    Hue Xiang Zhen Qi Wan
  27. What are the clinical manifestations of Damp-Heat diarrhea?
    • * Yellow, foul smelling diarrhea w/abdominal pain
    • * Burning sensation in the anus
    • * Scanty, yellow urine, thirst, fever
    • * Yellow, greasy tongue
    • * Slippery & rapid pulse
  28. Beside the common points, what points are recommended for treating Damp-Heat diarrhea?
    • * Sp 9 (resolve Damp, benefit the lower jiao)
    • * St 44 (Ying-Spring; clear heat regulate Qi; relieve pain; treat diarrhea)
  29. What formula is recommended for treating Damp-Heat diarrhea?
    Ge Gen Qing Lian Tang
  30. What's the clinical manifestations of food retention diarrhea?
    • * Abdominal pain relieved by a BM
    • * Fetid stool diarrhea
    • * Abdominal fullness & distention , belching, anorexia
    • * Thick, filthy tongue coat
    • * Slippery pulse (may be rapid d/t food stag producing heat)
  31. Beside the common points, what other points treat food stagnation diarrhea?
    • * Ren 10 & 11(descend Qi, relieve food stag)
    • * Li Nei Ting
    • ** All function to remove food stagnation**
  32. What formula is used to treat food stagnation diarrhea?
    Bao He Wan
  33. What are the clinical manifestations of Spleen & Stomach deficiency diarrhea?
    • * Loose stools w/ undigested food (no smell)
    • * Anorexia, epigastric distention after eating, lassitude
    • * Sallow complexion
    • * Pale, white tongue coat
    • * Weak & deep pulse
  34. What points outside of common points treat Spleen & Stomach deficiency diarrhea?
    • * UB 20 (Sp Shu), UB 21(St Shu)
    • * Liv 13 ( Sp Mu)
    • * PC 6 + Sp 4 ( )
  35. What formula is recommended for treating Sp/St deficiency diarrhea?
    Shen Ling bai Zhu San
  36. What are the clinical manifestations of liver overacting on the spleen?
    • * Diarrhea related to depression
    • * Hesitant BM, sighing, distention of chest & HC, hiccup, poor appetite
    • * Slightly red tongue w/a thin white coat
    • * Wiry pulse
  37. What additional points treat diarrhea from liver overacting on the spleen?
    • * Liv 3 + LI 4 (4 Gates move Qi)
    • * Ren 17 (Tonify Qi)
    • * UB 18 (benefit LV/GB, move stagnant Qi)
    • ** These all function to sooth liver Qi**
  38. What formula treats diarrhea from liver Qi stagnation?
    Xiao Yao Wan
  39. What are the clinical manifestations of diarrhea from Kidney Yang Deficiency?
    • * Pain below the umbilicus, borborygmus
    • * Diarrhea usually occurring at dawn
    • * Cold lower extremities
    • * Pale tongue w/ white coat
    • * Deep, slow, weak pulse
  40. What additional points are used to treat diarrhea from Kidney Yang deficiency?
    • * Moxa Ren 4 + Du 4 (both tonify & warm kidney Yang) & Ren 8 (tonify Kid/St)
    • * UB 23 (Kid Shu)
    • * Kid 7 ( Tonify Kid Yang)
  41. WHat are the common points for treating enuresis?
    • * UB 28 + Ren 3 (Shu/Mu of the UB)
    • * Sp 6 (distant point for the UB/reproductive system)
    • * Ren 6 (tonify Qi)
  42. What are the clinical manifestations for enuresis d/t kidney Qi deficiency?
    • * White, clear, frequent urination
    • * No energy; may affect children with slow growth
    • * Pale tongue w/ white, thin coat
    • * Deep, slow, weak pulse
  43. What additional points are used to treat enuresis d/t kidney Qi deficiency?
    • * Common: UB 28 + Ren 3, Sp 6, Ren 6
    • * Kid 3 (Yuan source)
    • * Ren 4
    • * UB 23 (Tonify kidney
  44. What are the clinical manifestations for enuresis d/t Sp/Lu Qi deficiency?
    • * Poor appetite
    • * Loose stools
    • * Easily catches cold, spontaneous sweat
    • * Pale tongue w/thin white coat
    • * Deep, weak pulse
  45. Aside from common points, what points are recommended for treating enuresis d/t Sp/Lu Qi deficiency?
    • * Common: UB 28 + Ren 4, Sp 6, Ren 6
    • * UB 13 (Lu Shu), UB 20 (Sp Shu)
    • * Lu 9 (Source)
    • * St 36 (T-Qi)
    • * Sp 3 (Source)
Card Set
Week 3: Point Therapeutics
Etiology, pathogenesis, and point therapeutics of cough, diarrhea and enuresis