Lecture: Microbes and Antimicrobials

  1. What 3 things = life?
    • 1) Metabolism - make most of what you eat
    • 2) Regulated Growth - life cycle
    • 3) Reproduction
  2. How do we study life? (6)
    • 1) Molecular
    • 2) Cellular
    • 3) Organism
    • 4) Evolution
    • 5) Ecology
    • 6) Behavior
    • Remember: MOCBEE
  3. What are microbes?
    • - Organisms that are NOT visible to the naked eye
    • - Organisms that pass through a stage that is NOT visible to the naked eye ex: worms are visible as adults but NOT as larvae.
  4. context: comparing sizes (... it matters)
    put in order from smallest to largest
    bacteriophages T4, E. coli, prion, Ebola virus, Human RBC
    prion (200nm) < bacteriophages T4 (225nm) < Ebola virus (970nm) < E. coli (3000nm) < RBC (10,000nm)
  5. context: Bacteria morphology
    4 major SHAPES
    • 1) Coccus - spheres
    • 2) Coccobacillus - oval, egg
    • 3) Bacillus - rods
    • 4) Spirilla - spiral, corkscrew
  6. context: Bacteria morphology
    3 types of AGGREGATION and prefix
    • 1) pairs (Diplo-) = two's
    • 2) clusters (Staph-) = the staff likes to cluster the students together to eat grapes.
    • 3) chains (Strept-) = i wear my chains around my neck, where I have my throat - Strep throat.
  7. Image Upload 2
    • gram positive
    • LTA (specific): lipoteichoic acid (spans from phospholipid membrane through peptidoglycan)
    • Beta 1-4 linkages (NAG-NAM)
    • Cross-linking (4 amino acid/4 unit peptide. NAM-NAM)
    • Thick peptidoglycan wall
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Lecture: Microbes and Antimicrobials
IBHS exam 2: Munson. Bonus: lecture material