BSW test refresh

  1. Sensorimotor age and Piaget's Stage of Cognitive Development:
    0-2 Intentional manipulation of objects
  2. Pre-operational age and Piaget's Stage of Cognitive Development:
    2-7 past, present, future-panpsychism.
  3. Concrete operational age and Piaget's Stage of Cognitive Development:
    7-11 Reality.
  4. Formal operational age and Piaget's Stage of Cognitive Development:
    12-15 logical reasoning
  5. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    2>0 or 0-1
    • Trust vs Mistrust.
    • Hope.
  6. Erickson's Stages of Development:
     2-4 or 1-3
    • Autonomy vs Shame/doubt.
    • Will.
  7. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    5-8 or 3-6
    • Initiative vs Inferiority.
    • Purpose.
  8. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    9-12 or 6-12
    • Industry vs Inferiority
    • Competence.
  9. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    13-19 or 12-19.
    Identity vs Role Confusion.
  10. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    20-39 or 20-25
    • Intimacy vs Isolation.
    • Love.
  11. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    40-59 or 26-64
    • Generativity vs Stagnation.
    • Care.
  12. Erickson's Stages of Development:
    • Ego Integrity vs Despair.
    • Wisdome.
  13. Maslow's Hierarchy of 5 needs Top to bottom:
    *Identify which of these is not a need
    • Self-actualization
    • Esteem needs
    • love/belonging
    • Safety needs 
    • Physiological Needs
    • *Self Actualization is not a need because it is the goal.
  14. Which is the before and after treatment where A is the baseline and B is the Intervention.?

    A) AB
  15. Stage of change:
    No intent, unaware, unable, unwilling to change.
    This card lists the stages 1-5 also
    • Answer is: 1) Pre-contemplation.
    • 2) Contemplation
    • 3) preoperational
    • 4) Action
    • 5 Maintenance
  16. Stage of change:
    Aware, ambivalent, uncertain, looks at pros and cons, but not committed.
  17. Stage of change:
    Begin small changes
  18. Stage of change:
    Design behavioral program to reward steps toward change
  19. Stage of change:
    Last stage of change?
  20. SW can use this to identify which goals are easier to achieve first, for the client to express some success first.  The client, priorities, and their concerns.  This is called
  21. What are the SMART objectives?
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Relevant
  22. What theory is this:
    Behavior is influenced by a variety of fabrics that work together as a system (e.g. family, friends, social settings, economic class, and home environment).
    System's theory
  23. Explains intuitions as collective means to meet individual and social needs.
    Functionalist/Institutional functionalism
  24. Incorporates a spectrum of stages from safer drug use to manage use of abstinence to meet drug users where they are. E.g. providing Narcan to users.
    harm reduction.
  25. Social behavior is an exchange process with the purpose: maximize benefits and minimize cost.  People weigh benefits and risks socially.
    Social Exchange Theory.
  26. Define human smuggling vs human trafficking
    • Smuggling: taking people across the boarder.
    • Trafficking: Exploiting men and women for the purpose of forced labor.
  27. Partners properly assume expected roles and perform them appropriately.  This is called Role____
    Role Complementarity
  28. Formative Evaluation
    • Level of knowledge a person has by adding where needed.
    • Formative Evaluations summarizes the participants' development at a particular time.
  29. Summative Evaluation
    • Focuses on outcomes
    • Assesses participants where the focus is on the outcome of a program.

    This contrasts with formative assessment, which summarizes the participants' development at a particular time.
  30. What is Medical power of attorney
    a trusted person who makes medical decisions
  31. Define People first language
    Naming the person before the disability, Dx, or condition.
  32. Which is used to evaluate family connections?

    B) genogram
  33. Psychological defense mechanism where one redirects negative emotions from its original source to one less threatening
  34. Defense mechanism where one goes beyond denial and behaves in the opposite way he or she thinks and feels. Overcompensating for feelings
    Reaction formation
  35. Defense Mechanism where one attributes unwanted thoughts, feelings, and motives on another.
  36. This income subsidy is for aged, blind, disbled people with lettle or no income for basic needs.  65+, blind or disabled.
    Supplemental Security income
  37. This subsidy is for Insurance to provide income suppliment for those under 65 w/a disability.  20 credits from working over 10 years
    Social Security disability
  38. 7 components of a Client Contract
    • 1) Adverse consequence
    • 2) reward
    • 3) goals
    • 4) tasks
    • 5) methods of measure
    • 6) client/SW roles in intervention
    • 7) set time frames
  39. The feelings a person had about their parents are unconsciously redirected to the present situation.  This is called?
  40. ____ is when a therapist's feelings toward a patient, or more generally, as a therapist's emotional entanglement with a patient.
  41. People who fail to combine good and bad in others or self.  They see only good or bad.  This Defense mechanism is called ___
  42. Defense mechanism for unacceptable impulses transformed into socially acceptable actions/behaviors.
  43. Social work values are
    service, social justice, dignity, worth of a person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence.
  44. 5 Stages of group development
    • Pre-affiliation: trust
    • Power/control: balancing autonomy
    • Intimacy: Acceptance
    • Differentiation: distinct contributions 
    • Separation: termination
  45. ____ is where a person has an impaired ability to stay focused. It has a sudden onset of confusion and disorientation and goes away fairly quickly
  46. ____ has a progressive onset of confusion and disorientation.  Early stages may not show impairment.  This symptom remains long-term
  47. POLST
    Physician order for life-sustaining treatments.  This includes medical orders that apply to limited populations.
  48. Advanced directives are
    a guide to make medical decisions, end-of-life/will, and appoints a person to make those decisions
  49. Type of observation where the SW is interacting w/participants
    Participant observer
  50. Type of observation where the SW has limited relationships with other participants.  They are the primary observer
    observer as participant
  51. Type of observation where the SW is removed from activity and only observes
    complete observer
  52. Define: presents an open system in which there is an exchange of energy and resources
    negative entropy
  53. Describes a closed system where energy is being used up and stagnation is occurring
  54. Steady state in which a balance is achieved
  55. System theory
    an output (product) is subsequent input in any system
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BSW test refresh
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